
2760 件ヒット (0.04秒):

  •   中級アカデミック・ライティング  
      串本 剛、酒井 聡樹、渡辺 正夫、有光 秀行  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA302  



    In this course, you will write a literature-based report on the self-selected theme, based on the knowledge and experience of academic writing that you learned in the "Introduction to Academic Learning" in the first semester.

    After reading the literature to select and deepen the theme of writing, you will write a report on the theme that you have selected in the Introduction- Body-Conclusion format. We look forward to the challenge of students who want to improve their academic writing skills, regardless of their faculty or grade.

  •   英文学・英語学論文作成法特論Ⅰ / Academic Writing in English Literature and Linguistics (Advanced Lecture)I  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  

    This course is intended to help graduate students develop the skills necessary for successfully writing academic assignments in English. Over the course of the semester, students will review and practice the necessary stages for preparing, drafting and editing academic work by writing two essays. Classes each week will review specific skills and strategies for the writing assignment, such as brainstorming, outlining, revising, and practicing sentence styles. The course will also include citation skills using MLA Style and, if required, APA Style.


  •   英文学・英語学論文作成法特論Ⅱ / Academic Writing in English Literature and Linguistics (Advanced Lecture)II  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  

    This class is a continuation of the writing class in the previous semester, and is intended to help students develop the skills for writing research papers/essays in English. This course will therefore concentrate on the skills for writing longer research projects in the humanities such as dissertations by asking students to research two long written assignments during the semester. Each week, the class will review and practice an aspect of research writing from the pre-writing stage to final editing. By the end of the course, students should have developed a more sophisticated "voice" for writing in English for academic purposes.


  •   学術英語演習 I / Academic English I  
      前期 水曜日 3講時  

    In this class, students will learn how to write an academic essay in continuous English prose of at least five paragraphs. Each week, we will review a stage of the writing process from preparing a topic and thesis statement to organizing and editing paragraphs. In the first half of the semester, students will write a five-paragraph essay, and in the second half we will look at the correct use of sources, in academic work, avoiding plagiarism and using types of citation. By the end of the course, students should produce a second essay on an academic topic of their own choice with citation and documentation.

    Please note that this class will be limited to 35 students. It will also be offered in the second semester.



  •   学術英語演習Ⅱ / Academic English II  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  

    In this class, students will learn how to write an academic essay in continuous English prose of at least five paragraphs. Each week, we will review a stage of the writing process from preparing a topic and thesis statement to organizing and editing paragraphs. In the first half of the semester, students will write a five-paragraph essay, and in the second half we will look at the correct use of sources, in academic work, avoiding plagiarism and using types of citation. By the end of the course, students should produce a second essay on an academic topic of their own choice with citation and documentation.

    Please note that this class will be limited to 35 students. It will also be offered in the first semester.



  •   日本語研究論文作成法Ⅱ / Advanced Japanese for Academic writing II  
      高橋 亜紀子  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  


    The aim of this course is to help students learn and experience the process of writing a report in Japanese. This course also furthers the development of a student’s research skills. Specifically, in developing a research topic and thesis, reviewing relevant literature, and learning writing structure and citation methods. In addition, students have opportunities to practice peer review and improve their reports.

  •   セミナー基礎 / Basics of Scientific Reading and Presentation  
      髙栁 栄子, 澤 燦道, 髙橋 直也  
      前期 月曜日 4講時  


    Scientific papers consist of specific structures (type). Knowing the structure of papers and improving their reading and summarizing skills are essential for future seminar presentations and graduation research. In this course, students will comprehensively learn the basics of scientific reading and presentation through lectures and practical exercises. First, students will learn about the structure of scientific papers and how to prepare presentation materials in the classroom. After, in practice, students will read, summarize, and present scientific papers obtained by each during the course. In addition, evaluation and feedback on each presentation will be given by all participants. Through this course, the students will master reading, summarizing, and presenting skills in scientific papers.

  •   日本語論文作成法Ⅱ / Advanced Japanese for Academic writing II  
      高橋 亜紀子  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  


    The aim of this course is to help students learn and experience the process of writing a report in Japanese. This course also furthers the development of a student’s research skills. Specifically, in developing a research topic and thesis, reviewing relevant literature, and learning writing structure and citation methods. In addition, students have opportunities to practice peer review and improve their reports.

  •   学問論演習  
      西塚 孝平  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC306  







    この演習では、教育を研究するとはどのような営みなのかを実際に体験してもらい、教育という捉えどころのない複雑な社会的実践に向き合います。受講生は、単なる学習者ではなく、学校教育(国内の幼稚園~大学を想定)の本質を探求しようとする1人の教育学研究者とみなされます。皆さんの経験を振り返り、先行研究を批判的に解釈し、各自の興味・関心に基づきながら「深い問い」を立て、実験・調査に取り組み、論理的に分析・考察し、「意味のある結論」を導き、成果を報告するという自律的な探究学習(open inquiry)を進めるなかで、「よい教育」とは何なのかを考えていきましょう。


    The objectives of this exercise are listed as follows:

    (1) Experiencing basic research methods on school education and understanding the meaning of education as a research subject.

    (2) Acquiring basic academic skills in social sciences through a series of problem-solving studies using school education as the subject.

    (3) Experiencing “cooperative learning” essential for research and acquiring this technique.

    (4) Nourishing one’s own culture by deeply thinking about what good education is.

    School education faces several challenges. Daily reforms are being made while dealing with rigorous conflicting interests. However, in reality, “good education” is “hard to attain.” Why do numerous improvement measures and studies not yield excellent results?

    In this class, students will experience the nature of studying education and confront its elusive and complex social practice. You will be considered not only a learner but also an educational researcher who explores the nature of school education (i.e., from kindergarten through university in Japan). In the course of an open inquiry, you will reflect on your experiences, critically interpret previous research, construct a “thoughtful question” based on your own interests, conduct experiments and surveys, logically analyze and discuss the results, draw “meaningful conclusions,” and report your findings. In this way, we will realize the meaning of “good education.”

    The objective is not to acquire specialized knowledge about education. It is not necessary to acquire knowledge of a specific field from the beginning of the class. The experience of exploring how educational researchers conduct their research will help you in your learning and future academic activities in various fields.

  •   日本語G  
      齋藤 麻恵子  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC401  



    Eligibility: B2 level in the CEFR/JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education (N1 in the JLPT). Through practical assignments, students will comprehensively develop various writing skills necessary to university studies, research, and student life.
