
英文学・英語学論文作成法特論Ⅱ / Academic Writing in English Literature and Linguistics (Advanced Lecture)II

後期 木曜日 2講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: TINK JAMES MICHA. セメスター: 2学期. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LGH-LIT617E. 使用言語: 英語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects



Academic Writing for Graduate Students

Course Title (授業題目)



This class is a continuation of the writing class in the previous semester, and is intended to help students develop the skills for writing research papers/essays in English. This course will therefore concentrate on the skills for writing longer research projects in the humanities such as dissertations by asking students to research two long written assignments during the semester. Each week, the class will review and practice an aspect of research writing from the pre-writing stage to final editing. By the end of the course, students should have developed a more sophisticated "voice" for writing in English for academic purposes.

Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)



By the end of the course students should acquire learning goals: (1) to prepare and write a short essay in English (Introduction-Body-Conclusion format); (2) To understand scholarly citation and reference skills; (3) To improve skills in academic vocabulary and style.

Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

(1) 英語によるエッセイの準備と執筆(序論-本文-結論の形式)
(2) アカデミックな引用と参照のスキルの理解
(3) アカデミックな語彙とスタイルのスキルの向上。


Week 1 Introduction to Research Writing

Week 2 From Topics to Questions

Week 3 From Questions to a Problem.

Week 4 From Problems to Sources.

Week 5 Engaging Sources.

Week 6 Making Good Arguments

Week 7 Making Good Claims.

Week 8 Reasons and Evidence. [First written assignment due]

Week 9 Warrants

Week 10 Incorporating Sources

Week 11 Revising Style.

Week 12 Using Visual Evidence

Week 13 Summarizing and Abstracts

Week 14 Additional Writing

Week 15 Conclusion

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

第1週 リサーチ・ライティング入門

第2週 トピックから質問へ

第3週 質問から問題へ

第4週 問題から情報源へ

第5週 ソースを活用する

第6週 良い主張をする

第7週 良い主張をする

第8週 理由と証拠 [最初の課題提出期限]

第9週 保証

第10週 ソースを取り入れる

第11週 スタイルの見直し

第12週 視覚的証拠の使用

第13週 要約と要約

第14週 追加ライティング

第15週 結論


First essay 40%; Second essay 40% Additional Written exercises 20%

Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

小論文1回目 40%、小論文2回目 40% その他の筆記試験 20


Kirszner & Mandell, The Pocket Cengage Handbook. 7th Edition (Cengage, 2017)


First research essay
Second research essay (may be a development of previous essay topic)
Shorter assignments to Google Classroom


This class will be taught in English

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