
202 件ヒット (0.018秒):

  •   薬品構造解析学  
      岩渕 好治, 浅井 禎吾, 安立 昌篤, 植田 浩史, 尾﨑 太郎, 金本 和也, 菊池 隼, 坂田 樹理, 笹本 大空, 重野 真德, 田原 淳士, 徳山 英利, 土井 隆行, 長澤 翔太, 森下 陽平, 山越 博幸, 吉戒 直彦  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 薬学部C棟講義室  



    This course aims to improve the students’ ability to interpret spectra (NMR, IR, UV-Vis, and MS spectra) of simple organic molecules and to identify organic structures from their spectra. The course will have problem-solving sessions throughout, thus each student will be responsible for leading one of the sessions.

  •   創薬化学実習1  
      笹野 裕介  
      後期集中 その他 その他 薬学部大講義室  


    This course provides practical training in the basic techniques of the standard organic chemistry laboratory, such as separation and characterization techniques. Experiments involving the synthesis and reaction of simple organic compounds are introduced. Fieldwork in the Experimental Station for Medicinal Plant Studies is also included in this course.

  •   創薬化学実習2  
      重野 真德  
      前期集中 その他 その他 薬学部学生実習室  


    後半部分はPart 1とPart 2の2つの部分から構成される。Part 1では生薬・天然物化学に関する実習を行う。動植物や微生物の代謝によってつくり出される天然物は、古代より様々な形で利用されてきており、なかでも医療分野における重要性が高い。本実習では、生薬・槐花に含まれるフラボノール配糖体ルチンに関する実習を行い、天然物の単離、生合成酵素反応の解析、スペクトルデータ解析による化学構造の決定法などの基本操作を学ぶ。一方、Part 2では、医薬品の原料として重要な薬用植物に関する実習を行う。本実習では、日本薬局方に収載されている生薬の基原植物を中心に、附属薬用植物園で栽培されている重要な薬用植物の形態を観察し、味やにおいを確かめるとともに、利用部位、含有成分、用途について学習する。

    In continuation of General Training in Organic Chemistry 1, the first half of this course continues to provide practical training in the basic techniques of the standard synthetic organic chemistry laboratory. The second part of this course provides practical training in the basic techniques of the isolation, derivative synthesis and characterization of natural products. Fieldwork in the Experimental Station for Medicinal Plant Studies is also included in the second part.

  •   化学・バイオ工学演習B / Exercises B  
      中澤 光  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Purpose

    By solving exercises in applied chemistry, organic chemistry, and biotechnology, students gain a further understanding of the knowledge obtained from related lectures.

    2. Overview

    Based on the knowledge obtained through lectures related to organic chemistry and biotechnology, students practice fundamental concepts and applications of methodologies for structure determination and functional analysis of organic molecules and biomolecules. Based on the knowledge obtained through lectures related to surface chemistry and material physical chemistry, students practice inorganic chemistry-related structural chemistry and physical property evaluation problems.

    3. Learning Goals

    Students will interpret spectra of compounds and biomolecules obtained from various measuring instruments, which are essential in chemical research, and obtain information on molecular structures and functions. Students will understand the basic concepts of inorganic chemistry and apply it.

  •   分析有機化学  
      山下 まり  
      前期前半 火曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第1講義室 / 前期前半 金曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第1講義室  


    Structure determination of small organic molecules is a basic and necessary technique for natural products chemistry and organic synthesis. Students learn how to determine the structures of small organic compounds using spectroscopic methods, and also learn application of quantum chemistry and instrumental analysis to organic chemistry.

  •   有機化学概論A / General Organic Chemistry A  
      林 雄二郎  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    (1) アルコール、フェノール類の特性

    (2) エーテル、エポキシド、チオール、スルフィド類の特性

    (3) 共役π電子系とペリ環状反応

    (4) 芳香族化合物の特性

    (5) 芳香族置換反応


    The purpose of this class is to understand the basic organic chemistry of alcohol, ether, pi-conjugated diene, pericyclic reaction, and aromatic compounds. The “Organic Chemistry” textbook written by Klein will be used, and this class will cover chapters of 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, and 19.

  •   有機化学3  
      吉戒 直彦, 菊池 隼  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスB201  


    In the organic chemistry 3, students will learn about instrumental methods 1) to determine the molecular weight and molecular formula of a compound, 2) to identify a compound’s functional groups, 3) to identify the carbon-hydrogen framework of a compound. Students will also learn about a) aromoticity of benzene, and b) reactions of aromatic compounds.

  •   天然物生命化学特論  
      山下 まり, 榎本 賢, 此木 敬一  
      後期 火曜日 4講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第8講義室  

    現在の天然物化学の対象は広範であり、単離、構造決定、合成、作用機序、生合成など、多角的な方向から学ぶ必要がある。本講義では、2次元NMRや各種MSスペクトルを用いたルーチンの構造解析の方法を習得し、J値やNOEからの立体化学を推定する方法を学ぶ。さらに、天然物の全合成、作用機序、生合成に関する最先端研究にも学ぶ。(The course offer the opporunity to lean the current and cutting edge natural products research for isolation, structure determination, synthesis, mode of action, and biosynthesis. Especially, the students learn the basic skills of determine the strctures of the organic compounds using several 2D NMR tachniques and MS spectrometry.)

  •   反応有機化学 / Organic Reactions  
      服部 徹太郎, 三ツ石 方也  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    ・有機化合物の骨格を形成する炭素 - 炭素結合の種類と基本的性質を理解し、説明することができる。



    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Organic compounds are roughly classified into aliphatics and aromatics. In the first half of this course, students will learn structures and characteristic reactions of principal aliphatic compounds, that is, alkenes, alkynes, and alicyclic compounds. In the latter half, students will learn those of aromatic compounds.

  •   有機合成化学 / Synthetic Organic Chemistry  
      服部 徹太郎, 諸橋 直弥  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。











    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Purpose

    Students will learn how various organic compounds that support modern material civilization are made from organic carbon resources and basic synthetic methods for that purpose.

    2. Overview

    The synthetic process of organic compounds generally consists of the combination of C-C bond formation and functional group transformation. In the first half of this course, students will learn methods to selectively prepare aromatic compounds with desired structures. In the latter half, students will learn fundamentals of main group organometallic chemistry and synthetic reactions involving organometallic compounds.

    3. Goal

    The main objective of this course is to acquire the following skills

    ∙ Understanding and being able to explain synthetic schemes of simple organic compounds from organic carbon sources.

     ∙ Understanding that many organic compounds are synthesized from limited organic carbon sources and being able to explain basic synthetic methods.

     ∙ Understanding and being able to explain the main methods of carbon-carbon bond formation and functional group transformation.
