
187 件ヒット (0.021秒):

  •   交通計画B / Transportation Planning B  
      赤松 隆  

    Google Classroom クラスコード: 3mb3h3e



    2.概要:具体的には,(1) 道路交通流ダイナミクスの基本理論および信号制御理論,(2) 交通サービスの供給と需要の構造・特性のモデリング,交通ネットワーク均衡分析法の基礎を学ぶ.最後に,これらの理論を基礎として,交通需要管理(TDM) 政策や実際の交通プロジェクトの評価方法を議論する.


    The class code for Google Classroom: 3mb3h3e

     https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    See the following web page for this course:


  •   交通計画A / Transportation Planning A  
      井料 隆雅  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    (1) 技術者としての基礎学力の修得

    (2) 交通計画および交通工学に関する専門的基礎知識の修得

    (3) 交通現象と交通問題に幅広く関心を持ち,自主的,継続的に学習・説明できる能力の修得

    キーワード:交通調査,交通行動,交通ネットワーク,交通流,交通計画 ,道路交通,公共交通,交通工学

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    In this lecture, students will learn basic contents of methodologies such as

    - Travel behaviour analysis,

    - Transport network analysis,

    - Traffic flow theory,

    which are mandatory for planning and operating of transport systems, and basic knowledge of road and public transport operations. In addition, this lecture develops students' practical application skills related to these topics.

    Goals of this class:

    (1) Acquisition of basic knowledge as an engineer

    (2) Acquisition of basic knowledge on traffic planning and traffic engineering

    (3) Acquire a wide range of interests in transport phenomena and problems, and acquire the ability to learn and explain them independently and continuously.

    Keywords: travel survey, travel behaviour, transport network, traffic flow, transport planning, road transport, public transport, traffic engineering

  •   交通システム分析 / Transportation Systems Analysis  
      井料 隆雅  




    上記の学習内容は実際に数値計算を行うことで理解が深まるものが多い.この講義では,主にPythonを用いたプログラミングを受講者自身に行なってもらうことにより,学習目標が確実に達成できることを狙っている. なお,Pythonの知識を受講生には要求しないが,Pythonに限らず何らかのコンピュータ言語で簡単なプログラミングを行なった経験があることが望ましい.

    The aim of this lecture is to study the mathematical methods necessary for the analysis of road traffic networks, in particular the theory of traffic flow and network traffic assignment models.

    In traffic flow theory, students learn the formulation of the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards (LWR) model, which is a representative of so-called macroscopic traffic flow theory, and learn how to solve the LWR model mainly for single roads. This will enable us to calculate the details of travel time delay and congestions length caused by bottlenecks and traffic signals.

    For the network traffic flow assignment models, we mainly study the user-equilibrium assignment, which assumes that drivers choose routes so as to minimise their generalised travel costs. In addition to the formulation and solution algorithms of deterministic user-equilibrium assignments, stochastic user-equilibrium assignments are also studied. A simple static flow model is mainly used as a traffic flow model, but a dynamical model that accurately reflects the traffic flow theory is also studied. We also study evolutionary game theory in order to understand the concept of stability of equilibrium solution.

    Many of the above topics can be understood by performing numerical calculations. In this lecture, we aim to achieve the learning goals via programming mainly in Python. Experience on Python is not necessary to take this class, but students are expected to have experience in programming in any computer language.

  •   プロジェクト評価論 / Project Evaluation  
      河野 達仁  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    This course pays attention to the public projects such as constructions and improvements of roads, railways, ports, airports, dams, breakwaters, urban redevelopments, parks, and anti-disaster preventions. The objective of this course is to study the theory and practical methodology to analysis the influences of those projects and to evaluate those from viewpoint of socio-economics. The main topic is cost benefit analysis.

  •   交通システム分析  
      後期 火曜日 4講時  




    上記の学習内容は実際に数値計算を行うことで理解が深まるものが多い.この講義では,主にPythonを用いたプログラミングを受講者自身に行なってもらうことにより,学習目標が確実に達成できることを狙っている. なお,Pythonの知識を受講生には要求しないが,Pythonに限らず何らかのコンピュータ言語で簡単なプログラミングを行なった経験があることが望ましい.

  •   ミクロ経済学 / Microeconomics  
      河野 達仁  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。





    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Purpose:To make urban planning, transportation planning and other public policies, it is useful to capture the social-economic system as a mathematical system by learning microeconomics.

    Outline:Basics of microeconomics are explained in lectures. In addition, they are applied to urban planning and transport planning.

    Targets:The targets are to master basics of microeconomics and the capability of applying microeconomics to real urban and transportation issues.

  •   数理都市解析 / Mathematical Modeling & Analysis of Urban Systems  
      赤松 隆  

    Google Classroom クラスコード: s7iedvb

    大学院シラバス・時間割・履修登録: https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-g.html

    社会基盤計画や交通・都市・地域計画の立案・分析・評価の際には,空間経済システムのモデリングとそれに基づく計量的分析が欠かせない.本講義は,そのための基本的な枠組みとシステマテックな分析の方法論を提供する.より具体的には,まず,交通・通信ネットワーク・フロー(授業計画の第Ⅱ部),および立地・土地利用現象(授業計画の第Ⅲ部)に対する標準的な均衡モデルを紹介し,それらが,ポテンシャル・ゲームや変分不等式問題として統一的に表現できることを示す.そして,その枠組みを用いたモデル特性の解析や計算アルゴリズム開発の系統的な方法が示される.さらに,これらのモデルを一般化した集団ゲーム(Population Game)の枠組みと変分不等式問題の関係や,進化ゲーム・ダイナミクスに基づく均衡解の安定性について(授業計画の第Ⅳ部)議論する.

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    Modeling and quantitative analysis of spatial economic systems are indispensable for planning, analysis, and evaluation of infrastructure systems. This lecture provides the basic framework and systematic methodology for this purpose. We will first introduce standard equilibrium models for transportation/communication networks and urban land use, which can be expressed in a unified manner as potential games and variational inequality problems (VIPs). Systematic methods for analyzing model properties and developing computational algorithms will then be presented. Furthermore, the relationship between the VIPs and the theory of population game and evolutionary game dynamics will be discussed.

    See also the following web page for this course:


  •   数理都市解析   
      前期 木曜日 3講時 人間環境系教育研究棟203  

    社会基盤計画や交通・都市・地域計画の立案・分析・評価の際には,空間経済システムのモデリングとそれに基づく計量的分析が欠かせない.本講義は,そのための基本的な枠組みとシステマテックな分析の方法論を提供する.より具体的には,まず,交通・通信ネットワーク・フロー(授業計画の第Ⅱ部),および立地・土地利用現象(授業計画の第Ⅲ部)に対する標準的な均衡モデルを紹介し,それらが,ポテンシャル・ゲームや変分不等式問題として統一的に表現できることを示す.そして,その枠組みを用いたモデル特性の解析や計算アルゴリズム開発の系統的な方法が示される.さらに,これらのモデルを一般化した集団ゲーム(population game)の枠組みと変分不等式問題の関係や,進化ゲーム・ダイナミクスに基づく均衡解の安定性について(授業計画の第Ⅳ部)議論する.

  •   都市と交通のシステム / Urban and Transportation System Planning  
      平野 勝也, 奥村 誠, 河野 達仁  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。



    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    A city consists of various infrastructures such as transportation systems life lines that support our life styles, culture, economic activities. Urban System Planning is the wisdom by which a city is constructed, operated and maintained. This lecture discusses problems and the countermeasures related to the wisdom from three aspects: urban planning, urban transportation and urban policy.

  •   土木計画学 / Infrastructure Planning and Management  
      福本 潤也  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。














    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    The aims of Infrastructure Planning are as follows; i. to learn the definition and the characteristics of infrastructure; ii. to learn the planning process of infrastructure projects, and infrastructure management; and iii. to learn the basic knowledge of public economics necessary in understanding i. and ii.

    The outline of the course is as follows. First, I lecture about the definition and the characteristics of infrastructure (3 classes). Second, I lecture the planning process and the management system of infrastructure projects (3 classes). Third, I pick up some planning systems (e.g. transportation planning, river planning and urban/regional planning) and lecture the analysis tools for the better planning(9 classes).

    The goals of this course are as follows. First, you acquire the ability to explain the characteristics of infrastructure using the basic knowledge of public economics. Second, you understand the planning process of infrastructure projects and the infrastructure management. Third, you come to be able to explain the pros and cons of the current planning system.
