

後期 火曜日 4講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 人間社会情報科学専攻. 学期/Term: 後期. 履修年度: 2024. 使用言語: 講義は日本語で行う.ただし,ほとんどの資料は英語で提供される. In Japanese, while most materials are written in English..







上記の学習内容は実際に数値計算を行うことで理解が深まるものが多い.この講義では,主にPythonを用いたプログラミングを受講者自身に行なってもらうことにより,学習目標が確実に達成できることを狙っている. なお,Pythonの知識を受講生には要求しないが,Pythonに限らず何らかのコンピュータ言語で簡単なプログラミングを行なった経験があることが望ましい.


The aim of this lecture is to study the mathematical methods necessary for the analysis of road traffic networks, in particular the theory of traffic flow and network traffic assignment models.

In traffic flow theory, students learn the formulation of the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards (LWR) model, which is a representative of so-called macroscopic traffic flow theory, and learn how to solve the LWR model mainly for single roads. This will enable us to calculate the details of travel time delay and congestions length caused by bottlenecks and traffic signals.

For the network traffic flow assignment models, we mainly study the user-equilibrium assignment, which assumes that drivers choose routes so as to minimise their generalised travel costs. In addition to the formulation and solution algorithms of deterministic user-equilibrium assignments, stochastic user-equilibrium assignments are also studied. A simple static flow model is mainly used as a traffic flow model, but a dynamical model that accurately reflects the traffic flow theory is also studied. We also study evolutionary game theory in order to understand the concept of stability of equilibrium solution.

Many of the above topics can be understood by performing numerical calculations. In this lecture, we aim to achieve the learning goals via programming mainly in Python. Experience on Python is not necessary to take this class, but students are expected to have experience in programming in any computer language.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


Students are expected to understanding the mathematical methods necessary for the analysis of road traffic networks, in particular the theory of traffic flow and network traffic assignment models so that they can apply them to simple cases.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class



- 交通流理論: Lighthill-Whitham and Richards (LWR) モデル
- 交通流を記述する方程式の解法:ボトルネックモデル
- 交通流を記述する方程式の解法:ショックウェーブ理論
- 交通流を記述する方程式の解法:Cell Transmission model
- 交通流を記述する方程式の解法:Variational Theory
- 交通量配分理論の概要
- 利用者均衡配分 (Wardrop's first principle)
- 最短経路探索問題
- 利用者均衡に等価な最適化問題
- Frank-Wolfe アルゴリズム
- 確率的利用者均衡配分問題とダイアルのアルゴリズム
- MSA(Method of successive averages)による確率的利用者均衡配分問題の解法
- 進化ゲーム理論
- 動的利用者配分問題
- とりまとめ

- This lecture will be conducted face-to-face. Class code: rmb267w
 (For students of the Graduate School of Engineering: You may be automatically registered in another class, but regardless, you must attend the class with this code!)

Students will study the following topics. Exercises using students' laptops will be also made.

- Traffic flow theory: Lighthill-Whitham and Richards (LWR) model
- Methodologies for solving traffic flow: Bottleneck model
- Methodologies for solving traffic flow: Shockwave theory
- Methodologies for solving traffic flow: Cell Transmission model
- Methodologies for solving traffic flow: Variational Theory
- Introduction to traffic assignment
- Definition of user equilibrium (Wardrop's first principle)
- Shortest path search algorithm
- Optimisation problem equivalent to user-equilibrium condition
- Frank-Wolfe algorithm
- Stochastic user equilibrium and Dial's algorithm
- Method of successive averages
- Evolutionary game theory
- Dynamic traffic assignment problem
- Summary

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

Evaluation will be based on reports assigned in each lecture.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references




    Students are expected to do preparations and reviews of the topics of the class, as well as completing tasks assigned during the class.




    Anytime, while immediately after the class is preferable.

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