
1020 件ヒット (0.035秒):

  •   科学と社会 / What is scientific proof? Scientific incertitude and Society  
      本堂 毅  
      前期集中 その他 連講  



    1. 科学的正しさ,科学的証明

     ① 再現性と統計的有意性,手続き的正統性と研究不正

      ② 科学者(専門家)の相場感覚,多義性

    2. 科学の不定性を踏まえた科学者(専門家)の誠実性(integrity)

      ① 価値判断(規範判断)の相対化

      ② 応答責任(responsibility),共生成(co-production)

      ③ 制度設計,科学教育の課題

    3. 科学的営為の源泉としての不定性(incertitude)



    Understanding of incertitude about those questions is basis for constructive discussion between scientists and society. We will discuss how these issues are related to the issues between science and society.

  •   科学コミュニケーション / Social decision-making and science  
      本堂 毅  
      前期集中 その他 連講  





    Scientific knowledge is indispensable in decision-making in society.

    In this course, I would like to show actual condition in the world and discuss the competency desired both for lawyers, politician and scientists. Finally, we will discuss the institutional reforms.

  •   情報論理学 / Logic for Computer Science  
      中野 圭介  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    # 目的

    数理論理学は, 情報科学分野全般における数学的・理論的な思考技術の基本として, 更にまた,ソフトウェア科学における形式的技法の基礎として重要である. このような観点から, 情報科学の基礎知識としての数理論理学を修得することを目的とする.

    # 概要


    # 達成目標等






    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    # Objective

    Mathematical logic is important as the basis of mathematical and theoretical thinking in the field of information science in general, and also as the basis of formal methods and techniques in software science. From this point of view, the objective of this course is to acquire mathematical logic as a basic knowledge of information science.

    # Overview

    Students will learn basic concepts in propositional logic and predicate logic, including formalization of propositions and

    predicates, their models, proof theory, and soundness and completeness.

    # Goals

    - Ability to formalize propositions in natural language as logic formulae.

    - Understanding of formal inference.

    - Knowledge of formal proofs and the ability to make formal proofs.

    - Ability to determine the validly of a proposition in a variety of theories.

    - Understanding of the provability, validity and their equivalence.

  •   情報数学 / Information Mathematics  
      伊藤 健洋, 磯邉 秀司  

    Google Classroomのクラスコード: bebccwt


    1. 目的


    2. 概要


    3. 達成目標等


    Google Classroom's Class Code: bebccwt

    1. Subject

    Students develop fundamental skills and basic knowledge on discrete mathematics necessary for various fields of computer science.

    2. Abstract

    We will deal with the naive set theory and logic, and combinatorics such as graph theory, which include topics on proof techniques and algorithms.

    3. Goals and Objectives

    Students will find and improve their interest in various topics on the discrete mathematics. Deepen fundamental skills on mathematical thinking and logic, including proof and calculus skills.

  •   情報倫理学  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  


  •   物語メディア論  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  



  •   工学倫理 / Engineering Ethics  
      大場 恭子, 高橋 信  

    Google Classroomのクラスコード: 6tyd73x


    Google Classroom Class Code: 6tyd73x

    The aim is to understand and acquire the ethical abilities that people who want to realize a better society should possess through "engineering," which aims at practical application or sophistication based on basic science. Through learning case studies in lectures, students will learn why they have been pointed out for their lack of ethics, or why their actions have been evaluated for their high ethics. After recognizing the "difficulty in making decisions" in , learn the foundation to think about what it is to be an engineer in one's own society in the midst of increasingly diverse and complex values in the future.

  •   運動学特論Ⅱ Advanced lecture for exercise science 2  
      門間 陽樹  
      2024年10月1日~2025年1月21日 October 1, 2024 - January 21, 2025  
      火曜日 午前 10:00~12:00 Tuesdays 10:00 am - 12:00 am  


    Exercise science requires diverse approach to understand the questions arising from human activity. There are, however, common logics behind the scientific approach. I expect the participants of this class to deepen the understanding of scientific approach in exercise science. Identifying research questions through thorough search of scientific literature. The core item of science is the fact based on data obtained under the consensus of scientists; what data will be obtained from what (whom), when, where and how, and why the data is necessary to answer the question. The structure of the hypothesis needs to be as clear as possible. The aim of the class is to grow and develop understanding of the scientific approaches in exercise science.

  •   運動学概論Ⅱ Introduction to exercise science 2  
      門間 陽樹  
      2024年10月1日~2025年1月21日 Oct 1, 2024 - Jan 21, 2025  
      火曜日 午前 8:30~10:00 Tuesdays 8:30 am - 10:00 am  


    This class focuses on understanding of fundamental structure of scientific approach to exercise and sports science. How to find a research question, how to make a hypothesis, appropriate study design to examine hypothesis, why statistical evaluation is necessary, and interpretation of analyzed results, are topics to be covered. Since exercise science involves multimodal approaches from molecules to population, outlines of methodological approach will only briefly be introduced.

  •   情報論理学 / Logic for Computer Science  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    # 目的

    数理論理学は, 情報科学分野全般における数学的・理論的な思考技術の基本として, 更にまた,ソフトウェア科学における形式的技法の基礎として重要である. このような観点から, 情報科学の基礎知識としての数理論理学を修得することを目的とする.

    # 概要


    # 達成目標等






    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    # Objective

    Mathematical logic is important as the basis of mathematical and theoretical thinking in the field of information science in general, and also as the basis of formal methods and techniques in software science. From this point of view, the objective of this course is to acquire mathematical logic as a basic knowledge of information science.

    # Overview

    Students will learn basic concepts in propositional logic and predicate logic, including formalization of propositions and

    predicates, their models, proof theory, and soundness and completeness.

    # Goals

    - Ability to formalize propositions in natural language as logic formulae.

    - Understanding of formal inference.

    - Knowledge of formal proofs and the ability to make formal proofs.

    - Ability to determine the validly of a proposition in a variety of theories.

    - Understanding of the provability, validity and their equivalence.
