
289 件ヒット (0.016秒):

  •   場の量子論基礎 / Introduction to quantum field theory  
      隅野 行成  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  



    The lecture will deal with the fundamental aspects of quantum field theory, which are essential for a deep understanding of particle, nuclear, and condensed matter physics.

    We will introduce quantum field theory using canonical quantization, by which subjects such as description of superconducting phenomena, quantization of relativistic fields, and derivation of Feynman rules will be discussed.

  •   相対論的量子力学 / Relativistic Quantum Mechanics  
      山田 將樹  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    After reviewing the non-relativistic quantum mechanics, I will construct the quantum mechanics describing a particle with relativistic motion. A particular emphasis is given to the Dirac equation describing the motion of electrons. In the first half of the lectures, I describe the Dirac equation as an equation for wave functions,and see its success and failure. In the second half of the lectures,the notion of quantization of fields is explained as an introduction to quantum field theory.

  •   光物性物理学 / Optical Physics and Photonic Materials  
      小野 円佳, 寺門 信明  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ



    ★Google Classroom クラスコード:5m22kni


    1. Maxwell方程式 -波動方程式の導出-

    2. 放射場 -古典論,量子化,光子-

    3. 光と物質の相互作用 I -古典論:LorentzモデルとDrudeモデル-

    4. 電磁場の放射 -電気双極子放射-

    5. 光と物質の相互作用 II -量子論:遷移,Fermiの黄金律-

    6. 固体中の電子遷移 -断熱近似とFranc-Condonの原理-

    7. 光散乱 -古典論と量子論-

    8. ものの見え方は何で決まるのか? - 屈折率、反射、吸収、散乱、スペクトルから見る-

    9. 金属・半導体・絶縁体 の見た目 - 光に対してpassiveなもの、activeなものをどう作るのか?

    10. 光を使って現象をひも解く I - 線形光学特性 -

    11. 光を使って現象をひも解く II - 非線形光学特性、コヒーレント、インコヒーレント、偏光特性 -

    12. 光を使って現象をひも解く III - 様々な分光法と物質の応答 -

    13. 量子光学 - 波?粒子? 光子と電子の相違 -

    14. 量子光学と物質 - レーザー、非線形光学との関係 -

    15 予備

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    ★Google Classroom, Class-code: 5m22kni

    1. Maxwell's equation -Derivation of wave equation-

    2. Radiation field -Classical theory, quantization, photon-

    3. Interaction between light and matter I -Classical theory: Lorentz and Drude models-

    4. Radiation of electromagnetic fields -Electric dipole radiation-

    5. Interaction between light and matter II -Quantum theory: transitions, Fermi's golden rule-

    6. Electronic transitions in solids -Adiabatic approximation and Franc-Condon's principle-

    7. Light scattering -Classical and quantum theories-

    8. What determines how things look - Refractive index, Reflection, Absorption, Scatterings, Spectrum.

    9. Appearance of metals, semiconductors, indulators - How to make materials that are passive or active to light-

    10. Use light to analyze phenomena I - fundamentals, linear optical propertie-

    11. Use light to analyze phenomena II - fundamentals, nonlinear optical properties, coherent and incoherent response-

    12. Use light to analyze phenomena III - various approaches using light and how materials act against it -

    13. Quantum optics and materials I - wave? or particles? Difference between photons and electrons -

    14. Quantum optics and materials II - Laser, nonlinear optical materials -

    15 If necessary..

  •   場の量子論特論 / Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Field Theory  
      隅野 行成  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    Quantum field theory is described by using the path integral formulation. One can learn some of important concepts of quantum field theory.

  •   解析力学 / Analytical mechanics  
      服部 誠  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    Analytical mechanics, which is a mathematical reformulation of Newtonian classical mechanics from the viewpoint of "covariance", is now used as a basis for many fields of science such as quantum mechanics.

    Through the present lecture, students will understand the relationship between Newtonian mechanics and Lagrangian mechanics. Moreover, by transforming from real space to momentum space and using Poisson bracket, we introduce the Hamiltonian mechanics, with which the students can prepare for the future studies on quantum mechanics and field theory..

  •   素粒子論特論 / The Standard Model of particle physics  
      高橋 史宜  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  


    The most microscopic theory that correctly describes the real world is the so-called Standard Model. The Standard Model is a class of quantum field theory, and gauge interactions (electromagnetic interaction, weak interaction, strong interaction) play important roles. I will review the basics of the Standard Model and its possible extensions.

  •   素粒子物理学特殊講義Ⅰ / D-branes and Quantum Field Theory  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


















    String theory is a candidate for the ultimate unified theory that

    unifies all elementary particles and their interactions.

    However, since the second revolution of string theory started

    in the late 1990s, its profound relationship with quantum field

    theory has been discovered in various ways and has attracted

    much attention.

    For example, string theory provides a very useful framework for

    understanding the properties of quantum field theory, which leads

    to some unorthodox analytical methods to analyze strongly coupled

    quantum field theory such as QCD. Under certain circumstances,

    quantum field theory is conjectured to be equivalent to string theory.

    Based on this conjecture, attempts have been made to formulate quantum

    gravity using quantum field theory.

    The main purpose of this lecture is to provide students with the basic

    knowledge necessary to understand such developments and to deepen

    the understanding of both quantum field theory and string theory.

    We start with an overview of string quantization procedures and

    explain the low energy field contents in type II superstring theory.

    In particular, by considering the open string degrees of freedom,

    we will show that gauge theories can be realized on an object

    called D-branes. We will then explain how to realize various gauge

    theories within the framework of string theory by combining various

    types of D-branes. Some new insights into the quantum field theory

    gained by applying known dualities in string theory will be discussed.

  •   場の量子論基礎 / Basic quantum field theory  
      米倉 和也  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  

    Quantum field theory is the basic framework for the fundamental laws of high energy physics. It is also a convenient tool for describing long-wavelength phenomena in condensed matter physics. This lecture explains basic theory of quantum field theory. It is assumed that the students have learned and deeply understood quantum mechanics.

    Quantum field theory is the basic framework for the fundamental laws of high energy physics. It is also a convenient tool for describing long-wavelength phenomena in condensed matter physics. This lecture explains basic theory of quantum field theory. It is assumed that the students have learned and deeply understood quantum mechanics.

  •   相対論Ⅰ / Special Relativity  
      田村 裕和  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    Special relativity organizes the most basic properties of specetime and motions derived from the principle of relativity and the invariance of the speed of light. Electromagnetism and other modern physics such as quantum field theory are constructed on the framework of special relativity. In addition, particle/nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology which treat extremely fast and/or energetic phenomena cannot be described without special relativity. On the other hand, as the GPS system contains relativistic correction, special relativity is also applied to technologies for our daily life. In this lecture you will learn the origin of special relativity, the properties of Lorentz transformation, and relativistic mechanics. You will also understand that Lorentz covariance is incorporated in electromagnetism, which helps you reach deeper understanding of electromagnetism and electrodynamics as well as allows you to learn relativistic quantum mechanics and general relativity. You will also be able to solve various problems with special relativity. Although this class is not a required subject for all but the astronomy course, it should be taken by all students in all the physics departments.

  •   電磁気学Ⅱ(学籍番号偶数) / Electromagnetism II  
      笠羽 康正  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  




    Static electric and magnetic fields were independent concepts that do not intersected.

    However, in a time-variable world, they are merged into "electromagnetic field".

    The experiments have showed that electric field generates magnetic field, and magnetic field generates electric field.

    Both field should request a unified understanding.

    In this lecture, the essential understanding of "electromagnetic field" are formed as unified concept.

    It became the starting point of modern physics.
