
場の量子論基礎 / Basic quantum field theory

後期 金曜日 3講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 米倉 和也. 学期/Semester: 後期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SPH-PHY501B. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 2カ国語以上.


Particle and Nuclear Theory (Particle Theory and Cosmology Group)


Basic quantum field theory

Course Title

Basic quantum field theory


Quantum field theory is the basic framework for the fundamental laws of high energy physics. It is also a convenient tool for describing long-wavelength phenomena in condensed matter physics. This lecture explains basic theory of quantum field theory. It is assumed that the students have learned and deeply understood quantum mechanics.


Quantum field theory is the basic framework for the fundamental laws of high energy physics. It is also a convenient tool for describing long-wavelength phenomena in condensed matter physics. This lecture explains basic theory of quantum field theory. It is assumed that the students have learned and deeply understood quantum mechanics.


To understand the basic concept of quantum fields


To understand the basic concept of quantum fields


(1) Brief review of quantum mechanics
(2) Scalar fields (spin 0) and their quantization
(3) The Lorentz symmetry and spin one-half representations
(4) Dirac fields (spin 1/2) and their quantization
(5) Quantization of electromagnetic fields (spin 1)
(6) Introduction to Interactions of quantum fields

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

(1) Brief review of quantum mechanics
(2) Scalar fields (spin 0) and their quantization
(3) The Lorentz symmetry and spin one-half representations
(4) Dirac fields (spin 1/2) and their quantization
(5) Quantization of electromagnetic fields (spin 1)
(6) Introduction to Interactions of quantum fields


report and/or exam (to be announced in classes)


report and/or exam (to be announced in classes)


Not specified

Books required/referenced

Not specified


(1) Review quantum mechanics well enough before taking these classes
(2) Review after each class

Preparation and review

(1) Review quantum mechanics well enough before taking these classes
(2) Review after each class

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