
相対論Ⅰ / Special Relativity

後期 木曜日 2講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 田村 裕和. 学期/Semester: 後期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SPH-PHY251J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects





Course Title

Special Relativity




Special relativity organizes the most basic properties of specetime and motions derived from the principle of relativity and the invariance of the speed of light. Electromagnetism and other modern physics such as quantum field theory are constructed on the framework of special relativity. In addition, particle/nuclear physics, astrophysics and cosmology which treat extremely fast and/or energetic phenomena cannot be described without special relativity. On the other hand, as the GPS system contains relativistic correction, special relativity is also applied to technologies for our daily life. In this lecture you will learn the origin of special relativity, the properties of Lorentz transformation, and relativistic mechanics. You will also understand that Lorentz covariance is incorporated in electromagnetism, which helps you reach deeper understanding of electromagnetism and electrodynamics as well as allows you to learn relativistic quantum mechanics and general relativity. You will also be able to solve various problems with special relativity. Although this class is not a required subject for all but the astronomy course, it should be taken by all students in all the physics departments.




You should understand the origin and the properties of special relativity, learn the mathematical formalism, and describe and understand the mechanics and electromagnetism in Lorentz covariant forms. In addition, you should understand importance of special relativity though various examples and learn how to perform various calculations based on special relativity.


1. 特殊相対論の成り立ち (2回)
 1.1 はじめに―相対性理論の枠組み
 1.2 Michelson-Morleyの実験と光速不変の原理
 1.3 ガリレイ変換とローレンツ変換
 1.4 電磁気学とローレンツ変換

2. ローレンツ変換 (3~4回)
2.1 ローレンツ変換の性質
 2.2 同時刻の相対性、ローレンツ収縮、時間の遅れ
 2.3 速度の合成則
 2.4 双子のパラドックス

3. ミンコフスキー時空と数学的形式 (3回)
 3.1 世界間隔とベクトル、スカラー積
 3.2 テンソル形式とローレンツ共変性
 3.3 ミンコフスキー時空の性質

4. 相対論的力学 (4回)
 4.1 4元運動量と運動方程式、不変質量
 4.2 さまざまな例 [加速度運動、粒子の反応・崩壊、光のドップラー効果(赤方偏移)、コンプトン散乱、など]
 4.3 ラグランジアンと最小作用の原理

5. 相対論と電磁気学 (2~3回)
 5.1 マックスウェル方程式のローレンツ共変形
 5.2 電磁場のローレンツ変換、ローレンツ力

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

1. Origin of special relativity (2 lectures)
 1.1 Introduction -- framework of special relativity
 1.2 Michelson-Morley's experiment and the invariance of the speed of light
 1.3 Galilei transformation and Lorentz transformation
 1.4 Electromagnetism and Lorentz transformation

2. Lorentz transformation (3~4 lectures)
2.1 Properties of Lorentz transformation
 2.2 Relativity of simultaneity, Lorentz contraction, time dilation
 2.3 Velocity addition
 2.4 Twin paradox

3. Minkowski spacetime and mathematical formalism (3 lectures)
 3.1 Intervals, vectors and scalar products
 3.2 Tensors and Lorentz covariance
 3.3 Properties of Minkowski spacetime

4. Relativistic mechanics (4 lectures)
 4.1 4-momenta, equation of motion, invariant mass
 4.2 Examples [Acceleration, Reaction and decay of particles, Doppler effect of light (red shift), Compton scattering, etc.]
 4.3 Lagrangian and the principle of least action

5. Relativity and electromagnetism (2~3 lectures)
 5.1 Lorentz covariant form of Maxwell equation
 5.2 Lorentz transformation of electromagnetic fields, Lorentz force




Evaluated by class attendance, a report and a final exam.


・内山龍雄著 相対性理論 物理テキストシリーズ8 (岩波) <中級>
・風間洋一著 相対性理論入門講義 現代物理学入門講義シリーズ[1] (培風館) <初級>
・河辺哲次著 相対性理論 物理学レクチャーコース (裳華房) <初級>
・ランダウ・リフシッツ理論物理学教程 場の古典論 (東京図書) <上級>



Preparation and review

Review just after every lecture.


授業実施方法: 対面が基本
クラスコード: 7cklz3u
Phone: 022-795-6454
Email: hirokazu.tamura.a2 @ tohoku.ac.jp
Home page: http:https://lambda.phys.tohoku.ac.jp/

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