
3528 件ヒット (0.03秒):

  •   科学史Ⅱ / History of Science II  
      初山 高仁  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    After Industrial Revolution, it is said the relationship of science and technique greatly changed. Economical, social, cultural significance of scientific research also changed. Science has been regarded as the cause of gap between the rich and the poor, environmental destruction, misery of war by some people. In this lecture, it is argued how science and technique will be for human peace and welfare. For this purpose, the history of science from the period of Industrial Revolution to the 20th century is studied.

  •   科学史Ⅰ / History of Science I  
      初山 高仁  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    There are many subjects which relate science and technique such as environmental pollution. Students of University must study such kind of subjects. For this purpose, history of science and technique has important suggestion. In this lecture, history of science and technique is not treated episodes of discoveries and inventions. History is discussed with the relationship to modern subjects. Mentioning historical case, the significance and meaning of science research and scientists’social responsibility can be studied in this lecture. History from the origin of mankind to Renaissance period is treated as concrete cases.

  •   歴史学  
      寺山 恭輔  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC202  


    Even though almost two years have passed since Russia invaded Ukraine, the war shows no signs of coming to an end. Russia (the Russian Federation), a permanent member of the UN Security Council, is a country with important military and political roles in the international community. To better understand Russia today, however, one has to understand the nation's past. This course aims to provide an overview of the history of Russia over the past 100 years, including the history of its three States -- Russia, the Soviet Union, and the Russian Federation. This lecture includes topics as follows. The Russo-Japanese War, World War Ⅰ, Russian Revolution of 1917 and the collapse of Russian Empire, the birth of the Soviet Union and reorganization of statehood in the socialist principles by Lenin, Stalin, the emergence of Great Power after the Great Patriotic War, the Cold War, Perestroika by Gorbachev and the demise of Soviet Union, Putin’s long-term reign in the twenty-first century etc.

  •   経済と社会  
      菅原 歩  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB101  


    Through the study of history, find out what economy is and what society is, as well as the changes (historical changes) of both.

  •   日本経済史  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 経済学部第1講義室 / 前期 水曜日 1講時 経済学部第1講義室  


    Once a developing country, Japan began to catch up with the developed countries after the 19th century and achieved significant economic growth in the latter half of the 20th century. This class will lecture on the history of the Japanese economy during this period, taking into account international comparisons and several characteristic topics. Through the lecture, we aim to understand the history of the Japanese economy in terms of both generalities (international commonalities) and particularities (country- and region-specific characteristics) in economic growth.

  •   経済史・経営史  
      後期 月曜日 3講時 経済学部第2講義室 / 後期 木曜日 1講時 経済学部第2講義室  


    In this year the focus of the class is on economic history. The purpose of the class is to study the development of global economy and its mechanisms through historical cases. When it is possible, we try to apply economics ideas to the historical cases as exercises for interpreting them. In addition to these, the class also covers introductory content on global business history.

    概要:外国経済史、世界経済史の、基本的な諸事実と、基本的な諸解釈の提示を行います。 また、グローバル経営史の入門的内容についても提示します。

    To explain basic facts and basic interpretations on foreign economic histories and world economic history. It also presents an introductory content of global business history.

  •   比較文化史学特論Ⅰ / Comparative Studies of Cultural History (Advanced Lecture) I  
      寺山 恭輔  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    More than 100 years have passed since the Russian October Revolution formed the USSR in 1922.The Study of Soviet history, though it progressed over the first seven decades, advanced especially after its collapse 30 years ago. This course begins with tracing the history of Soviet Studies in and out of Russia for about a century, and focuses on the Soviet far eastern region of the Stalin era.

  •   情報社会の政治・経済  
      河村 和徳  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC302  

    第4次産業革命の到来・Digital Transformation(DX)・Artificial Intellence(AI)・Robot技術等が日常化している。技術の進展は働き方、仕事の代替=失業、政府や自治体行政の自動化、戦争、芸術創作、選挙・政党・政策決定、民主主義、人間と機械の関係、人間の役割にも大きな変化をもたらしている。


    The advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, Digital Transformation (DX), Artificial Intellence (AI), and robot technology have become commonplace. Technological progress has brought about major changes in work styles, job substitution = unemployment, automation of government and municipal administration, wars, artistic creation, election, political party and policy making, democracy, the relationship between humans and machines, and the role of humans.

  •   経済史特殊講義  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 経済学部第2演習室  


    This course intends to analyze the methodology of socio-economic hisrtory, usually called "economic history," relation with economic theories and how to see the history in particular.

  •   土木史 / History of Civil Engineering  
      平野 勝也  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective:

    As a basic education to consider the future of civil engineering structures, what are the goals of civil engineering technology and civil engineering structures, how have they developed, and how did the engineers who created them live? Through the history and historical background of civil engineering, the present state of civil engineering structures and the image of engineers that we should aim for based on engineering ethics will be suggested.

    2. Outline:

    This book traces the development process of civil engineering technology and civil engineering structures based on various case studies, the social and technological backgrounds, and the image of engineers who were able to achieve them. The first half of the lecture focuses on the history of world civil engineering, and the second half on the history of Japanese civil engineering. The second half of the lecture will focus on technology, thought, and engineers, including ethics.

    3.Goal of study:

    In this course, students will acquire the following skills.

    To develop insight into modern civil engineering technologies and design concepts through the history of civil engineering.

    To understand the historical development process of civil engineering, and to develop the ability to understand the value of historical civil engineering structures.

    To understand the historical development process of civil engineering and develop an understanding of the value of historical civil engineering structures.
