
238 件ヒット (0.016秒):

  •   基礎生物学実験 / Basic experiment of cell and molecular biology  
      福田 光則  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 / 後期 水曜日 3講時 / 後期 木曜日 3講時  


    In this training course, students will understand and perform the fundamental techniques that are used to study cell and molecular biology, such as PCR, transformation, plasmid preparation, SDS-PAGE, and fluorescence microscopy.

  •   細胞遺伝子工学実習  
      神崎 展  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 未設定  

    医工学研究に必須な分子生物学的解析手法を系統的に学習する. 実習内容は, 遺伝子配列, ベクター設計, 遺伝子クローニング, 遺伝子導入法, 蛍光観察法, タンパク解析法からなる.

  •   生物学特別実習Ⅰ / Experimental Cell and Molecular Biology  
      田口 友彦  
      通年集中 その他 連講  


    The aim of the course is to introduce basic methods in cell and molecular biology. The course includes practical exercises in modern experimental techniques and instruments that include live cell fluorescent microscopy.

  •   生命薬学実習  
      斎藤 芳郎, 井上 飛鳥, 金子 尚志, 倉田 祥一朗, 矢野 環, 生田 達也, 外山 喬士, 布施 直之, 柳川 正隆  
      前期集中 その他 その他 薬学部医療薬学実習室  



    This course aims to improve students’ ability to handle biological materials including tissues, cells, and bacteria, in biochemical and molecular biological methods, to learn methodologies for analyzing physiology and pharmacology of organisms: i.e. students learn how to analyze structure of organs and tissues, how to measure enzymatic activities, and gene expression, and methods for protein purification, bacterial isolation, DNA amplification, and restriction enzyme mapping.

  •   分子生物学  
      菅原 明, 村山 和隆, 横山 敦  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 保健学科第3講義室  


    Understand the molecular mechanisms of how genetic information on the genome is conserved, copied, transcribed, and functions are expressed, and how these mechanisms are regulated. And gain knowledge the principles and methods of molecular biology-based technologies applied in medicine, such as genetic diagnosis, testing, and gene therapy.

  •   分子生物学実習 / Laboratory in Molecular Biology  
      杉本 亜砂子  
      後期 火曜日 5講時後半 / 後期 水曜日 5講時後半 / 後期 木曜日 5講時後半  

    生命機能の分子レベルでの解明には遺伝学および分子生物学的手法が不可欠である。本実習では、モデル生物である線虫C. elegansを用いて、遺伝学・分子生物学的手法の基礎を学ぶことを目的とする。

    Genetic and molecular biological techniques are essential for analyzing biological phenomena at the molecular level. In this course, basics of genetic and molecular biological experiments will be performed using the nematode C. elegans as a model system.

  •   分子生物学 / Molecular Biology  
      杉本 亜砂子, 植田 美那子, 倉永 英里奈  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


    The genetic information of organisms is retained in genomic DNA, and is transferred to daughter cells by cell division and is inherited via germ cells. In this lecture, students will learn the mechanism of translation and expression of genetic information.

  •   脳生命統御科学概論  
      安部 健太郎  
      前期集中 その他 その他  


    In this course, students will understand the basic cellular and molecular mechanisms by which cell populations control life phenomena, including brain functions, intra- and inter-cellular networks, gene regulation during cellular diversification, and protein interaction networks.

  •   分子細胞生物学特論  
      原田 昌彦, 小川 智久, 二井 勇人, 堀籠 智洋, 高山 裕貴  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第5講義室  


    Facing with the immensity of knowledge about cell biology, students may imagine that there is little left to discover. In fact, the more we find out about cells, the more new questions emerge. The chemistry of cell is extremely complex. In this course, students will learn molecular mechanisms of membrane trafficking, proteolysis, chromatin, gene expression, DNA repair and replicative aging, and learn techniques to determine protein structure and visualization of cells.

  •   生命科学A  
      田口 友彦、谷本 拓、丹羽 伸介  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA200  


    Cells are the fundamental units of life. This course explains the basic concepts of molecular and cellular biology, including structures and functions of proteins, DNA replication and genetic mechanisms, genome structure and gene expression, organelles and membrane transport, cell signaling, cytoskeletons, cell cycle, cell communications, cancer and animal development.
