
920 件ヒット (0.021秒):

  •   幾何学概論B / Homology Theory  
      石橋 典  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  

    ホモロジー群とは空間の幾何学的な構造を捉えるための代数的な道具であり,幾何学において最も基本的な不変量のひとつである.この講義では単体複体のホモロジー論を中心にその性質, ホモトピー不変性やマイヤー・ビートリス完全列などを用いた計算方法を学ぶ.

    Homology group is an algebraic tool to understand geometric structures of topological spaces, which is one of the most basic invariants in geometry. In this lecture, homology groups for simplicial complexes will be mainly discussed. Their properties and techniques on computation such as homotopy invariance and Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence will be explained.

  •   代数学特論C / Advanced Topics in Algebra C  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  


    This course will provide introductory lectures on algebraic geometry. We will start with basics on algebras of finite type over a field, and we will give lectures on affine algebraic varieties. Further, we will define the notion of algebraic varieties by patching. As examples of algebraic varieties, we will talk about toric varieties.

  •   幾何学概論B演習 / Exercises of homology theory  
      小川 将輝  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 / 後期 木曜日 4講時  

    演習を通じて ,「幾何学概論 B」講義の内容をより深く理解する。

    Through exercises, deepen your understanding of the content of the "Introduction to Geometry B" lecture.

  •   代数学特殊講義C / Introduction to number theory  
      都築 暢夫  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    Number theory is one of the oldest subjects in mathematics, and it has been studied very much until now. Especially, during the 19th century and the first half of 20th century, the foundation of number theory had been completed. Moreover, in the 20th century the analogies between number theory of algebraic number fields and geometry of algebraic curves over finite fields were attracted, and it brought a lot of important ideas. The modern number theory is studied under the development. The purpose of this course is to learn the foundation of number theory in algebraic number fields and function fields (function fields of algebraic curves over finite fields) . For examples, prime ideal factorization, ideal class groups, unit groups, rational points, zeta functions, and so on.

  •   代数学特殊講義DⅢ / Advanced Topics in Algebra C  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  


    This course will provide introductory lectures on algebraic geometry. We will start with basics on algebras of finite type over a field, and we will give lectures on affine algebraic varieties. Further, we will define the notion of algebraic varieties by patching. As examples of algebraic varieties, we will talk about toric varieties.

  •   代数学総説 / Advanced Topics in Algebra C  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  


    This course will provide introductory lectures on algebraic geometry. We will start with basics on algebras of finite type over a field, and we will give lectures on affine algebraic varieties. Further, we will define the notion of algebraic varieties by patching. As examples of algebraic varieties, we will talk about toric varieties.

  •   代数学特選A / Introduction to number theory  
      都築 暢夫  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    Number theory is one of the oldest subjects in mathematics, and it has been studied very much until now. Especially, during the 19th century and the first half of 20th century, the foundation of number theory had been completed. Moreover, in the 20th century the analogies between number theory of algebraic number fields and geometry of algebraic curves over finite fields were attracted, and it brought a lot of important ideas. The modern number theory is studied under the development. The purpose of this course is to learn the foundation of number theory in algebraic number fields and function fields (function fields of algebraic curves over finite fields) . For examples, prime ideal factorization, ideal class groups, unit groups, rational points, zeta functions, and so on.

  •   代数学通論 / Introduction to number theory  
      都築 暢夫  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    Number theory is one of the oldest subjects in mathematics, and it has been studied very much until now. Especially, during the 19th century and the first half of 20th century, the foundation of number theory had been completed. Moreover, in the 20th century the analogies between number theory of algebraic number fields and geometry of algebraic curves over finite fields were attracted, and it brought a lot of important ideas. The modern number theory is studied under the development. The purpose of this course is to learn the foundation of number theory in algebraic number fields and function fields (function fields of algebraic curves over finite fields) . For examples, prime ideal factorization, ideal class groups, unit groups, rational points, zeta functions, and so on.

  •   位相数学B / Introduction to Topological Spaces  
      見村 万佐人  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  

    この講義では位相空間の定義とその基本的な性質について解説する. コンパクト性をはじめとする位相空間についての重要な性質とその証明を理解することを目的とする.

    In this lecture, the definition and basic properties of topological spaces are explained. The main purpose of this lecture is to understand important propositions, such as compactness, and their proofs.

  •   幾何学序論A / Introduction to Geometry and Topology  
      横田 巧  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    Learn the fundamental notions in geometry and topology.
