
6209 件ヒット (0.02秒):

  •   代数学概論B / Rings and modules  
      山内 卓也  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  


    Elementary theory of commutative rings and modules will be introduced.

  •   代数学特殊講義C / Introduction to number theory  
      都築 暢夫  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    Number theory is one of the oldest subjects in mathematics, and it has been studied very much until now. Especially, during the 19th century and the first half of 20th century, the foundation of number theory had been completed. Moreover, in the 20th century the analogies between number theory of algebraic number fields and geometry of algebraic curves over finite fields were attracted, and it brought a lot of important ideas. The modern number theory is studied under the development. The purpose of this course is to learn the foundation of number theory in algebraic number fields and function fields (function fields of algebraic curves over finite fields) . For examples, prime ideal factorization, ideal class groups, unit groups, rational points, zeta functions, and so on.

  •   代数学通論 / Introduction to number theory  
      都築 暢夫  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    Number theory is one of the oldest subjects in mathematics, and it has been studied very much until now. Especially, during the 19th century and the first half of 20th century, the foundation of number theory had been completed. Moreover, in the 20th century the analogies between number theory of algebraic number fields and geometry of algebraic curves over finite fields were attracted, and it brought a lot of important ideas. The modern number theory is studied under the development. The purpose of this course is to learn the foundation of number theory in algebraic number fields and function fields (function fields of algebraic curves over finite fields) . For examples, prime ideal factorization, ideal class groups, unit groups, rational points, zeta functions, and so on.

  •   代数学特選A / Introduction to number theory  
      都築 暢夫  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    Number theory is one of the oldest subjects in mathematics, and it has been studied very much until now. Especially, during the 19th century and the first half of 20th century, the foundation of number theory had been completed. Moreover, in the 20th century the analogies between number theory of algebraic number fields and geometry of algebraic curves over finite fields were attracted, and it brought a lot of important ideas. The modern number theory is studied under the development. The purpose of this course is to learn the foundation of number theory in algebraic number fields and function fields (function fields of algebraic curves over finite fields) . For examples, prime ideal factorization, ideal class groups, unit groups, rational points, zeta functions, and so on.

  •   代数学序論B / Advanced course in linear algebra  
      長谷川 浩司  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  



    In linear algebra A and B, we treat basics in matrix algebras such as determinants or diagonalization, together with basic notion for vector spaces such as basis or dimension. Following these knowledge we will treat general vector spaces as well as linear maps.

    In particular we will learn so called Jordan canonical form for a linear transform in case of diagonalization is not possible, which will be one of the goal of the course. To describe things systematically we will need operations for vector spaces, namely direct sums, quotients and tensor products, together with basic notion in algebra such as groups, rings and fields. To become familiar with these will be another goal of the course.

  •   代数学概論C / Algebra C  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  


    Galois theory was originally developed to understand the algebraic solvability of algebraic equations. These days, the concept of the theory is widely accepted in many areas of mathematics, and it is one of the most important theories to understand modern mathematics. This course starts with basics on field extensions and covers the fundamentals on the Galois theory of finite field extensions.

  •   代数学概論A / group theory  
      岩成 勇  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    The origin of group theory is the study of polynomial equations. We discuss the basic theory of finite groups.

  •   ゲノム医学( Genomic Medicine )  
      青木 洋子  
      令和6年4月17日(水)~7月10 日(水)[Apr.17 – July.10]  
      水曜日 10:30~12:00 [ Irregular Wednesday 10:30~12:00]  

    ヒトゲノムの特徴など総論を含め、ヒトゲノム解析研究の経過とその成果、新しい解析技術、さらに、precision medicineやオーダーメイド医療(個別化医療)にむけて最新のゲノム研究やゲノム医療について学ぶ。[ Learn about the progress and results of human genome analysis research, including general features such as the characteristics of the human genome, new analysis techniques, and the latest genome research and genome medicine for precision medicine]

  •   代数学概論B演習 / Exercise in ring theory  
      甲斐 亘  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 / 前期 火曜日 4講時  


    This is the exercise session for the corresponding lecture. Via writing down proofs and handling concrete examples by themselves, students are supposed to develop a deeper understanding of the material.

  •   ゲノム医学( Genomic Medicine )  
      青木 洋子  
      令和6年4月17日(水)~7月10日(水)[Apr.17 – July10]  
      水曜日 10:30~12:00 [ Irregular Wednesday 10:30~12:00]  

    ヒトゲノムの特徴など総論を含め、ヒトゲノム解析研究の経過とその成果、新しい解析技術、さらに、precision medicineやオーダーメイド医療(個別化医療)にむけて最新のゲノム研究やゲノム医療について学ぶ。[ Learn about the progress and results of human genome analysis research, including general features such as the characteristics of the human genome, new analysis techniques, and the latest genome research and genome medicine for precision medicine]
