
139 件ヒット (0.026秒):

  •   精神専門看護学実習Ⅲ Mental Health Nursing Practice Ⅲ 医療施設等における直接ケア実習 Practice training of direct care at healthcare organizations  
      吉井 初美  
      2025年5月12日(月)~6月6日(金) From Monday, 12 May 2025 to Friday, 6 Jun 2025  
      20日間(学内演習4日間)8:00-5:00 Twenty days (including four days of practice in the university), 8 / 00am-5 / 00pm  









    Students will accomplish comprehensive learning of knowledge and skills that contribute to advanced nursing practice integrating care and cure, through planning, implementation, evaluation, and revision of direct nursing care plan based on scientific evidence and review, to provide necessary care for patients and families who are subject to mental health nursing at mental healthcare organizations. Specifically, students will discuss observation which is required for care for patients admitted to different treatment environments (i.e. psychiatric closed units and forensic care units); medication which is required for recovery and social reintegration; other treatment and recurrence prevention such as psychotherapy, occupational therapy, social rehabilitation, based on multiple theories. Students will proceed necessary care while supporting the person’s appropriate decision making.

  •   精神専門看護学実習Ⅱ Mental Health Nursing PracticeⅡ 医療施設等における精神科診断・治療実習 Practice training of psychiatric diagnoses and treatment at healthcare organizations  
      吉井 初美  
      2025年2月24日(月)~3月7日(金) From Monday, 24 Feb. 2025 to Fri, 7 march 2025  
      10日間(うち2日は学内)9:00-4:00 Ten days (including two days of practice in the university), 9 / 00am-4 / 00pm  


    Students will learn how psychiatrists provide diagnoses, tests, and treatment to patients with mentally ill condition, through observation and shadowing of clinical practice at mental healthcare organizations. Students will receive supervision by psychiatrists to discuss the diagnoses, required tests, and treatment approaches for the person. Then, students will foster the expert skills that are required to provide advanced nursing care to patients.

  •   精神専門看護学実習Ⅳ Mental Health Nursing PracticeⅣ 専攻分野専門科目領域における直接ケア実習 Practice training of direct care at areas of expertise designated by the department  
      吉井 初美  
      2025年6月9日(月)~6月20日(金) From Monday, 9 June 2025 to Friday, 20 June 2025  
      10日間(うち2日は学内演習)8:00-5:00 Ten days (including two days of practice at the university), 8 / 00am-5 / 00pm  








    Students will accomplish comprehensive learning of knowledge and skills that contribute to advanced nursing practice integrating care and cure, through planning, implementation, evaluation, and revision of direct nursing care plan based on scientific evidence and review, to provide necessary care for patients and families who are subject to psychiatric emergency and/or acute nursing care. Students will also reflect full learned skills of symptom evaluation and assessment approaches by applying multiple theories, and full learned support techniques which are specialized for emergency and/or acute care, to nursing care plan for deterioration prevention, maintenance, and improvement of the person’s physical and mental health condition. Then students will implement advanced nursing practice while protecting the person’s human rights and support for decision making.

  •   精神看護学セミナーⅠ Psychiatric Nursing SeminarⅠ  
      吉井 初美  
      2024年6月4日(火)~2024年7月23日(火)/From Friday, 4 June 2024 to Tuesday, 23 July 2024  
      毎週火曜日13:00-14:30、金曜日13:00-14:30/Every Tuesday, 1 / 00pm-2 / 30pm and Friday 1 / 00pm-2 / 30pm  


    To learn mental health treatment approaches including psychiatric treatment such as psychotropic medication, physical therapy, and psychotherapy; therapies including cognitive behavioural therapy, occupational therapy, and daycare in mental health services; and how these treatment approaches affect the person’s physical and psychological health. Mental health treatment approaches also include treatment for patients in psychiatric emergency and/or acute care units.

  •   救急・急性期精神看護 Psychiatric Emergency Nursing  
      吉井 初美  
      2024年12月25日(水)~2025年2月4日(火) From Wed, 25 Dec 2024 to Tuesday, 4 February 2025  
      毎週火曜日10:30-14:30/Every Tuesday, 10 / 30am-2 / 30pm 毎週水曜日13:00-14:30/Every Wed, 1 / 00pm-2 / 30pm  


    To foster the competence to practice advanced mental health nursing interventions to patients with mental illness in psychiatric emergency and/or acute care and their families by applying various theories such as the crisis theory that were learnt in previous sessions. In addition, to learn assessment and risk management of agitation and aggression that are often observed in patients with behavioural restrictions, or those in psychiatric emergency and/or acute care units; violence prevention, and support techniques through the practice sessions. Furthermore, to extend approaches and skills in psychiatric emergency and/or acute care for practice, education, consultation, research, coordination, and ethical coordination that are roles of psychiatric-mental health clinical nurse specialists.

  •   精神看護学実習(4年)  
      吉井 初美, 坂井 舞, 中西 三春  
      前期集中 その他 連講  

    精神疾患を有する対象者とその家族を理解し, 看護師として必要な態度を養う。更にケアを検討し実践できる基礎的能力を養う。

    Aim and outline; To understand people with mental disorders and their families, and to build a professional attitude as nurses. To develop a basic ability to consider and practice the care.

  •   精神看護学実習(3年)  
      吉井 初美, 坂井 舞, 中西 三春  
      通年集中 その他 連講  

    精神疾患を有する対象者とその家族を理解し, 看護師として必要な態度を養う。更にケアを検討し実践できる基礎的能力を養う。

    Aim and outline; To understand people with mental disorders and their families, and to build a professional attitude as nurses. To develop a basic ability to consider and practice the care.

  •   成人看護学実習Ⅱ(急性期)(3年)  
      宮下 光令, 佐々木 康之輔, 吉田 詩織  
      通年集中 その他 連講  



    Overview: To practice nursing care based on the nursing theory and methods learned in Adult Nursing, and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for acute nursing integratedly.

    Objectives: To apply a systematic approach to human-relationships-based problem-solving for health problems of patients in need of surgery and intensive care, as well as for adult patients and their families who are experiencing stress and crisis during the course of treatment. To cultivate basic knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for nursing practice for growth, development and adaptation.

  •   精神看護学  
      吉井 初美, 坂井 舞, 中西 三春  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 保健学科第2講義室 / 後期 木曜日 1講時 保健学科第2講義室  




    4. 精神疾患の診断、症状、病理、治療の知識を習得する。

    5. 対象を生物・心理・社会的側面から全人的に理解し、健康回復に向けたコミュニケーション技術および援助技術を修得する。

    To understand the subjects and characteristics of Psychiatric Nursing

    To learn the structure and functions of mind, the relationship between mental health level and disability.

    To acknowledge the histories of mental health welfare, psychiatric nursing, and Mental Health Act.

    To acquire knowledge about symptoms, diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of mental disorders.

    To understand subjects through a whole-patient approach in biological/psychological/social aspects.

    To learn communication and support skills to empower subjects to recovery.

  •   精神看護学セミナーⅣ(援助技法) Psychiatric Nursing Seminar Ⅳ(Techniques to support)  
      吉井 初美  
      2024年11月20日(水)~2025年1月15日(水) From Wed, 20 November 2024 to Wed, 15 January 2025  
      毎週火曜日10:30~12:00、13:00-14:30、水曜日13:00-14:30 Every Tuesday, 1 / 00pm-2 / 30pm, Wednesday 1 / 00pm-2 / 30pm  


    To improve skills of analysis applying mental health nursing theories such as self-care theory and techniques for assessment and evaluation. Furthermore, to learn advanced support techniques through the practice sessions to prevent physical and mental health deterioration, maintain and promote the health. Then, based on ethics and advocacy, to learn skills to provide support for consensus building and decision making to all individuals including patients who are involuntary admitted to hospital. In addition, to learn techniques for assessment of the person or group of persons, and support for recovery by applying recovery and empowerment theory through the practice sessions.
