
精神看護学セミナーⅣ(援助技法) Psychiatric Nursing Seminar Ⅳ(Techniques to support)

毎週火曜日10:30~12:00、13:00-14:30、水曜日13:00-14:30 Every Tuesday, 1 / 00pm-2 / 30pm, Wednesday 1 / 00pm-2 / 30pm. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 授業代表教員/Director: 吉井 初美. 開講期間/Term of Classes: 2024年11月20日(水)~2025年1月15日(水) From Wed, 20 November 2024 to Wed, 15 January 2025. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: -J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class subject

Psychiatric Nursing Seminar Ⅳ(Techniques to support)


吉井初美、中西三春、坂井舞/Hatsumi Yoshii, Miharu Nakanishi, Mai Sakai


School of Health Sciences Building A, 3nd floor, room 303.However, only 1/14, Lecture Room 6(School of Health Sciences Building A, 3nd floor, room 302)

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


To improve skills of analysis applying mental health nursing theories such as self-care theory and techniques for assessment and evaluation. Furthermore, to learn advanced support techniques through the practice sessions to prevent physical and mental health deterioration, maintain and promote the health. Then, based on ethics and advocacy, to learn skills to provide support for consensus building and decision making to all individuals including patients who are involuntary admitted to hospital. In addition, to learn techniques for assessment of the person or group of persons, and support for recovery by applying recovery and empowerment theory through the practice sessions.

学修の到達目標/Goal of study


1) Analyse the person’s condition by applying theories and techniques that were learnt in previous sessions, including self-care theory, psychodynamic theory, human relations theory, theory regarding psychosomatic interactions, theory of human development, and techniques for symptom assessment, in order to implement support techniques to prevent physical and mental health deterioration, maintain and promote the health in clinical practice.
2) Based on ethics and advocacy, practice support for consensus building and decision making that should be provided to all individuals including patients who are involuntary admitted to hospital.
3) Implement support techniques for recovery that are based on recovery and empowerment theory, and appropriate for the person.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class


1st session: Support techniques to a challenging case in mental health nursing by applying multiple theories (1): A case study
2nd session: Support techniques to a challenging case in mental health nursing by applying multiple theories (2): A case study
3rd session: Support techniques to a challenging case in mental health nursing by applying multiple theories (3): A case study
4th session: Support techniques to a challenging case in mental health nursing by applying multiple theories (4): A case study
5th session: Understanding of expressed emotion in families and family psychoeducation
6th session: Understanding of advocacy, ethical coordination, and support for decision making in mental health nursing
7th session: Practice of family psychoeducation
8th session: Practice of advocacy, ethical coordination, support for consensus building and decision making for patients who are involuntary admitted to hospital and subject to behavioural restrictions; A case study
9th session: Support for recovery based on the strengths model; A case study
10th session: Support techniques for recovery in an individual (A case study)
11th session: Understanding of support techniques for recovery in a group of individuals
12th session: Practice of support techniques for recovery in a group of individuals
13th session: Social skills training for family based on the empowerment theory
14th session: Understanding of support techniques for recovery in the community
15th session: Learning of support techniques for recovery in the community; A case study

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

Grade evaluation will be based on overall achievement level of learning in practice sessions.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

    Review lessons of Theory of Psychiatric Nursing I and II, and Psychiatric Nursing Seminar I-III, prior to the session.

    その他・備考/In Addition・Notes

    Certified Nurse Specialist in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing/Required


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