
148 件ヒット (0.016秒):

  •   倫理学研究演習Ⅳ / Ethics (Advanced Seminar IV)  
      村山 達也  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    We will read Martha Nussbaum's Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities, and discuss the significance of studying the humanities primarily from an ethical (not "ethical") perspective.

  •   倫理思想演習 / Western Ethical Thought (Seminar)  
      村山 達也  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    We will read Martha Nussbaum's Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities, and discuss the significance of studying the humanities primarily from an ethical (not "ethical") perspective.

  •   倫理思想演習 / Western Ethical Thought (Seminar)  
      村山 達也  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  



    In this seminar, we will learn the history of Western ethics since Plato through reconstructing arguments from the texts of the great moral philosophers. In the first sessions, we will learn how to reconstruct arguments, and after that we will work on reconstructing arguments from the texts of the great moral philosophers. Assignments are frequent. Active participation is required.

  •   倫理学研究演習Ⅲ / Ethics (Advanced Seminar III)  
      村山 達也  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  



    In this seminar, we will learn the history of Western ethics since Plato through reconstructing arguments from the texts of the great moral philosophers. In the first sessions, we will learn how to reconstruct arguments, and after that we will work on reconstructing arguments from the texts of the great moral philosophers. Assignments are frequent. Active participation is required.

  •   人文社会科学総合 / Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences  
      阿部 恒之, 辻本 昌弘, 原 塑, 小泉 政利, 坂井 信之, 中西 太郎, 浜田 宏  
      前期 水曜日 5講時  


    In this course, the theoretical basis of research ethics and integrity, as well as ethical problems typical of various research fields of humanities and social sciences are discussed.

  •   研究倫理特論 / Research Ethics (Advanced Lecture)  
      阿部 恒之, 小泉 政利, 辻本 昌弘, 中西 太郎, 浜田 宏, 原 塑, 坂井 信之  
      前期 水曜日 5講時  


    In this course, the theoretical basis of research ethics and integrity, as well as ethical problems typical of various research fields of humanities and social sciences are discussed.

  •   工学倫理 / Engineering Ethics  
      大場 恭子, 高橋 信  

    Google Classroomのクラスコード: 6tyd73x


    Google Classroom Class Code: 6tyd73x

    The aim is to understand and acquire the ethical abilities that people who want to realize a better society should possess through "engineering," which aims at practical application or sophistication based on basic science. Through learning case studies in lectures, students will learn why they have been pointed out for their lack of ethics, or why their actions have been evaluated for their high ethics. After recognizing the "difficulty in making decisions" in , learn the foundation to think about what it is to be an engineer in one's own society in the midst of increasingly diverse and complex values in the future.

  •   倫理学特論Ⅱ / Ethics (Advanced Lecture II)  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  



    In applied ethics, we must examine "how we should act" while learning not only theory but also the reality of the field where ethical conflicts are arising. This course highlights one of the most controversial topics of our time, gender/sexuality, and promotes ethical reflection while studying the historical context and social structure behind social conflicts. The course will not only focus on knowledge of ethics in the narrow sense, but will also refer to findings from sociology, psychology, history and other disciplines.

    This lecture will be based on case studies. I will also deal with sensitive topics, so please be sure to check the content and make a careful decision before attending the course.

  •   倫理学研究演習Ⅷ / Ethics (Advanced Seminar VIII)  
      後期 水曜日 4講時  


     The aim of this course is to train students to read the text carefully, understand the content accurately and explain it to others. Each time, students summarise the text and suggest key points for discussion (the text will be distributed to the participants in advance). The participants then discuss the material together. (In the first few sessions, I give a lecture on the background of the text and how to make a summary).

  •   生命倫理特論  
      佐藤 修正  
      通年集中 その他 その他  



    With the rapid development of life sciences, it has become possible to use genome information and genetic recombination technology in the fields of medicine and agriculture. This lecture will discuss how discoveries and breakthroughs in the field of life sciences are leading to the development of innovative technologies, citing specific examples. We will discuss what ethical issues arise and what measures can be taken to resolve each issue.
