

通年集中 その他 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 担当教員/Instructor: 佐藤 修正. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: BAL-BIO501B. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語/ Japanese 英語の実施方法は別途お知らせします。/The method of implementation for English will be announced separately..

授業題目/Class Subject

/ Advanced Lecture on Life Ethics

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


With the rapid development of life sciences, it has become possible to use genome information and genetic recombination technology in the fields of medicine and agriculture. This lecture will discuss how discoveries and breakthroughs in the field of life sciences are leading to the development of innovative technologies, citing specific examples. We will discuss what ethical issues arise and what measures can be taken to resolve each issue.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


The goal of this class is to understand how innovative technologies invented through the development of life sciences are used now and to learn about ethical issues that may arise in their implementation.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

Lectures are held in person or online from April to July.

講師 直江 清隆 先生(文学研究科 教授)
Kiyotaka Naoe, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University, Professor


While the life sciences have made significant contributions to society, the risks associated with the manipulation of life
have been a problem. It is widely recognized today that science communication and ethics regarding risk are
essential for social acceptance of the results of life sciences. This class will examine the significance of science
communication and discuss society's trust in the life sciences, touching on ongoing projects.

講師 中島 春紫 先生(明治大学農学部 教授)
Harushi Nakajima, Graduate School of Agriculture, Meiji University, Professor


Genetically modified organisms are regulated by the law called the Cartagena Law in Japan. In this recture, I will explain the laws and regulations regarding the conservation of biodiversity and the handling of genetically recombinant organisms. I will also introduce the actual stuation of GM crops cultivation in the world and efforts toward social recognition. Furthermore, I will also explain the application of genome editing technology in recent years and the policy of regulation by the government from my perspective as an administrative official involved in food safety administration.

3.「生命倫理」 Biomedical ethics
講師 加藤 和人 先生(大阪大学医学系研究科 教授)
Kazuto Kato, Osaka University, Graduate School of Medicine, Professor

生命科学の研究が社会と調和の取れた形で進んでいくためには、応用研究はもちろん、基礎研究においても社会との関わりを考えることが必要な時代になった。ヒトゲノム研究、幹細胞研究、ゲノム編集などを例に挙げながら、生命科学研究の倫理的・社会的課題に取り組むことの重要性について講義する。社会との関わりを考えるこ とは義務的活動ではなく、自らの研究のあり方や方向性を考える機会となることを期待している。

In order for life science research to proceed in harmony with society, it has become necessary to consider the relationship with society in basic research as well as in applied research. This lecture will discuss the importance of addressing ethical and social issues in life science research, using the human genome, stem cell research, and genome editing as examples. It is hoped that considering the relationship with society is not an obligatory activity, but an opportunity to consider the nature and direction of one's own research.

客員教授 池田和貴 先生(かずさDNA研究所)
Kazutaka Ikeda, Kazusa DNA Research Institute


The rapid development of genome science since the mid-1990s has enabled the decoding of whole genome sequences and accelerated the understanding of biological phenomena, whereas there remain many phenomena that are difficult to explain using genome science alone. Consequently, metabolomics, which captures the final phenotype of genomic information, has been attracting attention as a post-genomic science.
This course deals with an overview of bioinformatics, genomics, metabolomics, and the applied studies, and also discusses information ethics and its problems.

/For details, contact the office of the Educational Affairs section, Graduate School of Life Sciences (022-217-5706、lif-kyom*grp.tohoku.ac.jp)

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

/ Attendance and submitted reports will be evaluated.

/ Submit a report (A4 paper, two pages) for each lecture. Indicate the name of lecturer in the report. The theme for the report will be announced in each lecture.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

/ No textbooks will be used.

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

/ Students should review the lectures and write reports.


オンライン または 生命科学プロジェクト総合研究棟 1階 104・105講義室
On-line or Lecture room 104・105 (1F) Life Sciences Project Research Laboratory

その他・備考/In Addition・Note

Place of report submission: Graduate School of Life Sciences, Academic Affairs Section
提出締め切り:後日お知らせします。/ The deadline for submitting reports submitted is undecided

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