
3047 件ヒット (0.031秒):

  •   言語学総合演習Ⅰ / Linguistics (Integration Seminar) I  
      小泉 政利, 加藤 万紀子, 木山 幸子, 内藤 真帆  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


    1. 発表者は、論文発表のためのハンドアウトを事前に作成したうえで、研究目的、資料、方法、結果と考察、結論を所定の時間で口頭発表する。

    2. 質疑応答を参考にして論を練り直し、また、プレゼンテーション方法を再考し、学会発表や雑誌投稿ができるよりよい論文にするよう努める。

    3. 参加者は、他者の発表を聴き、ディスカッションに参加することによって、自己の研究領域以外の分野への理解をも深めつつ、他者の論文をよりよいものにすることに貢献する。

    In this course students will deliver an oral presentation of their research, followed by a discussion among the participants.

    1. An oral presentation should cover the aim, data, method, results, discussion and conclusion.

    2. The presenter is encouraged to further improve the presentation on the bases of the discussion.

    3. Participants should seek to gain acquaintance in various fields of linguistic studies and to participate in the discussion in order to help the presenter to improve their presentation.

  •   言語学総合演習Ⅱ / Linguistics (Integration Seminar) II  
      小泉 政利, 加藤 万紀子, 木山 幸子, 内藤 真帆, 熊 可欣  
      後期 金曜日 4講時  


    1. 発表者は、発表のためのハンドアウトを事前に作成したうえで、研究目的、資料、分析と考察、結論を所定の時間で口頭発表する。

    2. 質疑応答を参考にして論を練り直し、また、プレゼンテーション方法を再考し、学会発表や雑誌投稿ができるよりよい論文にするよう努める。

    3. 参加者は、他者の発表を聴き、ディスカッションに参加することによって、自己の研究領域以外の分野への理解をも深めつつ、他者の論文をよりよいものにすることに貢献する。

    In this course students will deliver an oral presentation of their research, followed by a discussion among the participants.

    1. An oral presentation should cover the aim, data, method, results, discussion and conclusion.

    2. The presenter is encouraged to further improve the presentation on the bases of the discussion.

    3. Participants should seek to gain acquaintance in various fields of linguistic studies and to participate in the discussion in order to help the presenter to improve their presentation.

  •   言語学論文演習Ⅱ / Linguistics Research (Seminar) II  
      小泉 政利, 木山 幸子, 内藤 真帆  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  




    In this course third year students will deliver an oral presentation of a journal article of their own choice, while fourth year students an interim report of their thesis. Oral presentations will be followed by a discussion among the participants.

    1. An oral presentation should adequately cover the aim, data, method, results, discussion and conclusion of the article/thesis.

    2. Participants should seek to gain acquaintance with various fields of linguistic studies and to participate in the discussion in order to help the presenter to improve their presentation.

  •   言語学論文演習Ⅰ / Linguistics Research (Seminar) I  
      木山 幸子, 内藤 真帆, 小泉 政利  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  





    In this course, students will deliver an oral presentation, followed by a discussion among the participants.

    1. An oral presentation should adequately cover the aim, data, method, results, discussion, and conclusion of the article.

    2. The presenter is supposed to deepen their understanding of methods of linguistic studies and presentation on the bases of the reactions from the audience.

    3. Participants should seek to gain acquaintance with various fields of linguistic studies and to participate in the discussion in order to help the presenter to improve their presentation.

  •   応用物理学特別研修 / Special Seminar on Applied Physics  
      中村 修一, 髙橋 正彦, 秩父 重英  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ



    応用物理学特別研修にはGoogle Classroomを利用する.Meetのリンク、講義資料、各種レポート書式、参考文献は、Classroomにアップロードする.

    質問や依頼などあれば中村までメールで連絡すること(Google Clasroom経由で連絡可能).


    ・ 研究発表や質疑応答の技術、心構え等の指導がなされる.

    ・ 学生は、各自の研究テーマに関連する基本的知識の理解を深め、研究の意義や位置づけを明確にする.

    ・ 他の研究室の研究内容を理解し、幅広い研究の知識を身につける.

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    Lectures are given online via Google Classroom. Meet link, lecture notes, report templates, and references are uploaded to Google Classroom.

    If you have any questions/problems about this class, please send an email to Nakamura via Google Classroom.

    In this seminar, each student makes a presentation, where he or she introduces a carefully selected scientific full-paper article, to obtain a comprehensive understanding of his or her own research subject, to master a critical-reading skills of papers, and to acquire the art of oral presentation.

  •   化学・バイオ国際特別研修 / Presentation and discussion in English on Applied Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and Bi  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/doctoral.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    The aim of this course is to develop language, debate, and communication skills that are sufficient to present and discuss research results related to doctoral dissertation research at international conferences. This training includes actual research presentations and question-and-answer sessions. In addition, group discussions will be held with the aim to prepare the presentation materials necessary for attending international conferences.

  •   現代日本学総合演習Ⅱ / Japanese Studies (Comprehensive Seminar) II  
      茂木 謙之介, CRAIG CHRISTOPHE  
      後期 月曜日 5講時  


    Students will take up the fundamental texts of the various academic disciplines concerned with Japanese Studies and choose and present on a research topic.

  •   法理学演習Ⅱ  
      後期 木曜日 5講時  

    The Seminar of Jurisprudence II should develop further investigation conducted in the Seminar

    ofJurisprudence A. It therefore keeps dealing with selected topics from the cases that are categorized as"public law litigation" in Japan. The purpose of discussion in it is to identify the problems intrinsic inthe dispute resolution through the judicial instance.

  •   現代日本学演習Ⅱ / Innovative Japanese Studies Seminar II  
      茂木 謙之介, CRAIG CHRISTOPHE  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  


    Students will take up the fundamental texts of the various academic disciplines concerned with Japanese Studies and choose and present on a research topic.

  •   日本語学総合演習Ⅳ / Japanese Linguistics(Integration Seminar)  
      大木 一夫, 甲田 直美, 中西 太郎  
      後期 火曜日 5講時  


    About modern Japanese Studies participants survey and criticize prior research on the themes of each participant, and determine their own themes and research methods, while grasping the current trends in the academic world where various research themes exist. After that, we will conduct surveys based on the theme and method, conduct analysis and consideration based on the collected data, and announce the results orally. In addition, the contents will be discussed by all participants. Through oral presentations and discussions, students will learn how to research and criticize prior research on their own themes, how to consider them based on sufficient scrutiny of materials, and how to effectively describe new methodologies and research results.
