
756 件ヒット (0.022秒):

  •   キャリア設計演習 / Carrier Design Seminar  
      猪股 歳之  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  


    In this class, students of the Graduate School of Arts and Letters will deepen their understanding of basic matters such as Japan's economic structure and labor legislation, have a concrete image of the actual "working" field, and take the initiative in their future careers. We will provide practical educational guidance in collaboration with the Center for Career Support so that you can plan. Credits earned will be counted as graduation credits as a skill-specialized education subject (check the Student Handbook).

  •   キャリアデザイン講座 / Carrier Design Course  
      猪股 歳之  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  


    In this class, students of the Faculty of Arts and Letters will deepen their understanding of basic matters such as Japan's economic structure and labor legislation, have a concrete image of the actual "working" field, and take the initiative in their future careers. We will provide practical educational guidance in collaboration with the Center for Career Support so that you can plan. Credits earned will be counted as graduation credits as an undergraduate specialized education subject (check the Student Handbook).

  •   Career Development  
      後期 水曜日 6講時 経済学部第1演習室  

    The objective of this course is for students to deepen their understanding of their future careers and broaden their choices. For international students, the focus will be on comparing the career environments in Japan and their home countries, as well as gaining a comprehensive understanding of job hunting in Japan.

  •   ライフ・キャリアデザインD  
      門間 由記子、猪股 歳之  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC102  





    There are many different jobs and ways of working in society, and after graduation you will be able to choose for yourself from a wide variety of options.However, you cannot choose what you do not know. In this class, you will learn about the various options available to you.

    You will use the Program of Center for Career Support to research 150 companies and industries, including manufacturers, finance, IT, and information services, as examples. This course is designed to help students clarify their own interests and to help them make concrete choices about their future career paths.

    Please confirm the detailed schedule at the orientation at the beginning of the class.

  •   生命保険経営概論  
      前期 木曜日 5講時 経済学部第1講義室  

    Google Classroom:classroomコードは「i3afw3o」


    1. 各種基礎知識(金融工学、経営学、財務管理会計)が会社運営の実務にどう活用されているかを学習。

    2. 商品開発、リスク管理など生命保険分野の業務全般に関わる実践的知識と事業環境の動向に関わる知識習得。

    3. 今後、学生が体験する企業インターンシップや就職活動の事前準備としての各種情報提供および意見交換。

    Following 3 points are the objectives of this lecture.

    1. Learn how each basic knowledge (Financial Engineering, Business Economics, Financical Management Economics) is used in business operation.

    2. Acquire working knowledge in all aspects of life insurance business such as product development, risk management and current business environment trend.

    3. Dialogue and various information sharing for preparing company's internship program and job-hunting.

  •   キャリアワークショップ  
      KENJI UNO  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 経済学部第2講義室  

    Google classroom クラスコード:kamitf6








    < As for information about this class, we use "Classroom." We also utilize "ZOOM" as a tool of real-time online class session. If you have any question, please contact the following e-mail address. kenji.uno@dir.co.jp >

    Known as "Uno seminar." This class offers a case method type of lessons by a business professional.

    Covering practical themes such as personal career formation, corporate organization theory, and business strategy, this class will utilize discussion rather than lecture.

    Students are required to lead discussions actively, and the lecturer provides relevant knowledge, broadens perspective, deepens understanding, and motivates positive behavior.

    A maximum of 30 students participate discussions (Case1 to 10) each time, and the lecturer summarizes later in each class.

    In the 1st and 2nd classes, we will have "Orientation and introductory discussion." In the 6th and 10th classes, sessions about how to form your career will be held.

  •   キャリア実習A  
      門間 由記子、猪股 歳之  
      後期前半 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA103  



    The purpose of this course is to deepen students' self-understanding and understanding of jobs through actual "working" experience from the first grades, and to consolidate what you have learned through post-work experience, thereby clarifying your future careers and making your student life more fulfilling.

     The main career practical training and internship programs approved for this course are under "Type 2 Career Education" as defined by the "Industry-University Council on Employment and the Future of University Education," Keizai Doyukai internships, original class programs, and other programs exceeding 40 hours in length. The detailed schedule will be explained at the first orientation, so please be sure to attend.

  •   キャリア教育Ⅱ  
      朝倉 京子, 杉山 祥子, 高田 望  
      前期 月曜日 1講時 保健学科大講義室  

    1. キャリアデザインについての理解を深める

    2. 先輩看護職のキャリアを知り、自分のキャリアについて考える機会とする

    1. To deepen understanding of career design.

    2. To learn about the careers of senior nurses and to think about one's own career.

  •   電子工学特別講義A / Special Lecture on Electronic Engineering A  
      遠藤 哲郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ



    1. 目的












    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    1. Object

    Today, our lives are being dramatically transformed by digital devices, and semiconductor technology is at the center of this transformation. By taking this class, you will gain a deep understanding of the core role of semiconductor technology and how it is positioned in national competition and strategy. Furthermore, the course aims to help students acquire knowledge not only about technology, but also about intellectual property, another perspective from which to consider a career as an engineer.

    2. Summary

     We will invite semiconductor experts who are active on the front lines of industry as guest lecturers. Through their experience and knowledge, you will have an invaluable opportunity to learn firsthand about the latest trends and research topics in semiconductor technology. We will also cover basic intellectual property concepts and practical discussions on how they are handled in business and R&D. We hope that this class will provide students with a multifaceted perspective on future developments in semiconductor technology, the environment and strategies surrounding the technology, and help them hone their skills to become the next generation of technology leaders.

    3. Goal

     In this course, the main objectives are to acquire the following abilities.

    (1) Acquisition of fundamental knowledge of semiconductor technology

    Possess a deep understanding of the basic concepts of semiconductor technology and its development.

    (2) Acquisition of a realistic viewpoint of the field

    To acquire knowledge of experiences and issues at the forefront of industry, and to enhance problem-solving skills from a practical perspective.

    (3) Formation of a basic awareness of intellectual property

    Understand the basic concepts and practical flow of intellectual property related to semiconductor technology and recognize its importance in technological development and business situations.

  •   キャリア関連学習  
      早坂 昌彦  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC101  

    This class aims to provide students with a systematic and practical introduction to the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, which they will need to design their own careers, regardless of which department they are in or whether they start their own business or not.

    The lectures are intended to proceed interactively based on the methodology of experiential learning, and will be conducted in English.

    This class is supported by the Sumitomo Corporation Group, and practitioners and experts in various fields will be invited to speak as guests throughout the course, with the intention of enhancing the learning effect.



