
電子工学特別講義A / Special Lecture on Electronic Engineering A

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 遠藤 哲郎. 開講年度: 2024. 開講言語: 日本語.


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ

1. 目的







The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

1. Object

Today, our lives are being dramatically transformed by digital devices, and semiconductor technology is at the center of this transformation. By taking this class, you will gain a deep understanding of the core role of semiconductor technology and how it is positioned in national competition and strategy. Furthermore, the course aims to help students acquire knowledge not only about technology, but also about intellectual property, another perspective from which to consider a career as an engineer.

2. Summary

 We will invite semiconductor experts who are active on the front lines of industry as guest lecturers. Through their experience and knowledge, you will have an invaluable opportunity to learn firsthand about the latest trends and research topics in semiconductor technology. We will also cover basic intellectual property concepts and practical discussions on how they are handled in business and R&D. We hope that this class will provide students with a multifaceted perspective on future developments in semiconductor technology, the environment and strategies surrounding the technology, and help them hone their skills to become the next generation of technology leaders.

3. Goal

In this course, the main objectives are to acquire the following abilities.
(1) Acquisition of fundamental knowledge of semiconductor technology
Possess a deep understanding of the basic concepts of semiconductor technology and its development.
(2) Acquisition of a realistic viewpoint of the field
To acquire knowledge of experiences and issues at the forefront of industry, and to enhance problem-solving skills from a practical perspective.
(3) Formation of a basic awareness of intellectual property
Understand the basic concepts and practical flow of intellectual property related to semiconductor technology and recognize its importance in technological development and business situations.




Although certain prior knowledge is necessary for semiconductor technology, no prior knowledge of intellectual property is particularly necessary. We expect students who are interested in semiconductors and intellectual property to participate.


(1,10/7) 半導体産業と知財財産の基礎
(2,10/14) 車載半導体等の技術と知財
(3,10/21) 電機業界とその知財戦略
(4,10/28) 半導体が拓く未来
(5,11/11) モビリティカンパニーへの変革に向けて
(6,11/18) クルマ社会の変化と車載用半導体のチャレンジ
(7,11/25) Beauty of NAND
(8,12/2) AIを加速させるコンピューティングプラットフォーム
(9,12/9) Beyond 5G 技術
(10,12/16) フラッシュメモリの最前線
(11,12/23) IVI(in-vehicle infotainment)向けSoCおよびOS(オペレーティングシステム)変遷と展望
(12,1/6) 成長を続ける半導体産業を経済とイノベーションから考える
(13,1/20) カーボンニュートラルに貢献するパワー半導体モジュールのパッケージ技術
(14,1/27) 車載組み込みシステム
(15,1/29) Computing & Memory
(16,2/3) スピントロニクス省電力半導体とWBG高効率パワーエレクトロニクスによるゲームチェンジと、高度情報・低炭素社会への貢献


(1, 10/7) Basics of Semiconductor Industry and Intellectual Property
(2, 10/14) Technology and Intellectual Property of In-Vehicle Semiconductors
(3,10/21) The Electronics Industry and its IP Strategy
(4,10/28) The Future of Semiconductors
(5,11/11) Toward Transformation into a Mobility Company
(6,11/18) Changes in Automotive Society and Challenges of Automotive Semiconductors
(7,11/25) Beauty of NAND
(8,12/2) Computing Platforms Accelerating AI
(9,12/9) Beyond 5G Technology
(10,12/16) Frontiers of Flash Memory
(11,12/23) SoC and OS (Operating System) for IVI (in-vehicle infotainment): Transition and Outlook
(12,1/6) The Growing Semiconductor Industry from the Perspective of Economy and Innovation
(13,1/20) Packaging Technology for Power Semiconductor Modules Contributing to Carbon Neutrality
(14,1/27) Automotive Embedded Systems
(15,1/29) Computing & Memory
(16,2/5) Game Change by Spintronics Power-saving Semiconductors and WBG High-efficiency Power Electronics and Contribution to Advanced Information and Low-carbon Society




I would like you to be interested in intellectual property rights and semiconductor technology on a regular basis in your research and development.




Credits will be awarded for submitting reports.


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