
366 件ヒット (0.027秒):

  •   日本史各論 / Japanese History (Special Lecture)  
      安達 宏昭  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    The relationship between modern Japan and Asia shows Japan's position in the world and the issues it faced. This lecture aims to understand the characteristics of Japan's domestic political and economic structure and its position in international politics that can be seen through this relationship. Specifically, lectures will be given on the realities of the wartime economic bloc concept called the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, based on the historical background.

  •   日本近世・近代史特論Ⅱ / Early Modern and Modern History in Japan(Advanced Lecture)II  
      安達 宏昭  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    The relationship between modern Japan and Asia shows Japan's position in the world and the issues it faced. This lecture aims to understand the characteristics of Japan's domestic political and economic structure and its position in international politics that can be seen through this relationship. Specifically, lectures will be given on the realities of the wartime economic bloc concept called the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, based on the historical background.

  •   日本史基礎講読 / Japanese History (Introductory Reading)  
      安達 宏昭  
      前期 水曜日 4講時  


    In this course, students will train reading historical documents of Japanese modern history. This course will be taught in Japanese.

  •   現代日本学各論Ⅱ /  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  


    This course explores the history of the period from the end of the Second World War to the present in Japan through an examination of 13 important moments. Including disasters, new engagements with the world, political and economic shifts, and other notable events, this class will provide an overview of the postwar from a new perspective, highlighting the lines of both continuity and discontinuity that underlie postwar society and politics, as well as the regional and global connections that have defined Japan's place in the postwar world order.

  •   現代日本学歴史分析特論Ⅰ / Japanese Studies History (Advanced Lecture) I  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  


    This course explores the history of the period from the end of the Second World War to the present in Japan through an examination of 13 important moments. Including disasters, new engagements with the world, political and economic shifts, and other notable events, this class will provide an overview of the postwar from a new perspective, highlighting the lines of both continuity and discontinuity that underlie postwar society and politics, as well as the regional and global connections that have defined Japan's place in the postwar world order.

  •   学問論演習  
      勝間田 弘  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA403  


    The aim of this course is to gain comprehensive knowledge of world affairs, by focusing on what is reported by the media, including newspapers and TV stations. The world is changing today. Some of the advanced-industrial countries are beginning to distance themselves from liberal international institutions, although they used to be the champions of such institutions for a long time in the postwar era. To illustrate, the United Kingdom has withdrawn itself from the European Union, and the United States have shown little intention of returning to the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership). For their part, rising powers such as China and Russia are seeking to establish their own international institutions. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) implemented by China seems to embody the country's intention to increase its influence on developing nations in Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa, and to establish its own regional order whose nature is distinct from the existing one maintained by the European and North American powers. Meanwhile, a number of new challenges are emerging on a global scale. The deterioration of the environment is in progress, and technical challenges such as the management of nuclear energy and the development of outer space are becoming complex. On the basis of the presentations made by students, this course aims to promote mutual learning among them on these latest developments.

  •   中東・アフリカ社会文化論Ⅱ  
      矢久保 典良  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    This course will discuss analytical methods for studying modern and contemporary Chinese history through the analysis of periodicals and newspapers. Therefore, this course will focus on Islam and Muslims in modern and contemporary China. First, we will provide an overview of modern and contemporary China and Chinese Islam. We will then present examples of Chinese Muslim studies using periodicals and journals. Throughout, we will attempt to examine specific issues through readings, exercises, and discussion of materials on specific topics.

  •   教育課程総論  
      谷口 和也  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 総合研究棟202教室  


  •   社会科教育論Ⅱ  
      新福 悦郎  
      通年 水曜日 4講時 総合研究棟306教室  


  •   グローバル・ガバナンス論Ⅱ  
      松本 明日香  
      後期 火曜日 5講時  


    (1) 経済枠組み:環太平洋経済連携(CPTPP)、インド太平洋経済枠組み(IPEF)、日米FTA、地域的な経済連携(RCEP)など

    (2) 安全保障枠組みと経済の融合:インド太平洋戦略、上海協力機構、経済制裁など

    (3) 国際援助・開発枠組み:アジア開発銀行と日本の政府開発援助、アジア国際投資銀行と一帯一路など


    How should Japan and the world deal with new reality in the Eurasian continent and the Indo-Pacific? This class will examine the recent developments of global governance and regional frameworks in the following three spheres: (1) economic initiatives such as the TPP-11, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), etc.; (2) security initiatives and its fusion with the economic sphere such as the Indo-Pacific, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), etc.; and (3) international aid initiatives such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Asian International Investment Bank (AIIB) and OBOR, and NGO. We will examine these three spheres from three different approaches: (1) historical perspectives, (2) theoretical analyses, and (3) qualitative and quantitative analyses.
