
631 件ヒット (0.014秒):

  •   西洋史概論 / European and American History(General Lecture)  
      浅岡 善治  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  


    The theme of this course is to reexamine/reconstruct the processes of modern/contemporary European history from a viewpoint of "state" and "society".

  •   西洋史概論 / European and American History(General Lecture)  
      浅岡 善治  
      前期 水曜日 3講時  


    The theme of this course is to reexamine/reconstruct the processes of ancient/medieval European history from a viewpoint of "state" and "society".

  •   中国政治論  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  





     This lecture focuses on the process of nation-state building in modern China. It will examine the transformation of the character of modern Chinese nationalism and analyze the political structure of the Chinese communist regime.

  •   西洋史演習 / European and American History (Seminar)  
      浅岡 善治  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    The themes of this seminar are to read monographs about the modern/contemporary European history in English, and to guide basic skills for further historical research.

  •   中東・アフリカ社会文化論Ⅱ  
      矢久保 典良  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    This course will discuss analytical methods for studying modern and contemporary Chinese history through the analysis of periodicals and newspapers. Therefore, this course will focus on Islam and Muslims in modern and contemporary China. First, we will provide an overview of modern and contemporary China and Chinese Islam. We will then present examples of Chinese Muslim studies using periodicals and journals. Throughout, we will attempt to examine specific issues through readings, exercises, and discussion of materials on specific topics.

  •   西洋史演習 / European and American History (Seminar)  
      浅岡 善治  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  


    The themes of this seminar are to read monographs about the modern/contemporary European history in English, and to guide basic skills for further historical research.

  •   土木史 / History of Civil Engineering  
      平野 勝也  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective:

    As a basic education to consider the future of civil engineering structures, what are the goals of civil engineering technology and civil engineering structures, how have they developed, and how did the engineers who created them live? Through the history and historical background of civil engineering, the present state of civil engineering structures and the image of engineers that we should aim for based on engineering ethics will be suggested.

    2. Outline:

    This book traces the development process of civil engineering technology and civil engineering structures based on various case studies, the social and technological backgrounds, and the image of engineers who were able to achieve them. The first half of the lecture focuses on the history of world civil engineering, and the second half on the history of Japanese civil engineering. The second half of the lecture will focus on technology, thought, and engineers, including ethics.

    3.Goal of study:

    In this course, students will acquire the following skills.

    To develop insight into modern civil engineering technologies and design concepts through the history of civil engineering.

    To understand the historical development process of civil engineering, and to develop the ability to understand the value of historical civil engineering structures.

    To understand the historical development process of civil engineering and develop an understanding of the value of historical civil engineering structures.

  •   スポーツ文化論講義Ⅱ  
      佐久間 政広  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 総合研究棟306教室  


  •   【トピックス経済史・経営史】展開Ⅱ  
      YOH KAWANA  
      後期 木曜日 2講時 経済学部第2講義室  


    本講義では、偏った経済学的思考に陥らない"pluralist economics"の精神を尊重しつつ、欧米と同じ自由市場経済体制下にある日本経済の行く末を見据える上で欠かせない基礎的知識の習得を目指す。


    Approximately 100 years behind the developed country of Britain, the late-industrializing country of Japan also experienced its first industrial revolution in Asia, thereby joining the ranks of developed countries by the early 20th century. In addition to the ‘first industrialized country’ in the region, there are striking similarities in the economic histories of Britain and Japan. For instance, just as the Japanese economy prospered from cultural exchanges with Western countries, the British economy was also supported by its interactions with Asian countries. The point at which the economy improved during the run-up to the industrial revolution can also be said to be a common feature between the two countries.

    The purpose of finding similarities in the different economies is ultimately to highlight their ‘differences’. According to the latest research, it has become clear that a typical example separating the history of the two countries lies in the process of urbanisation leading to a modern economy. Towns and cities serve as vibrant economic hubs that laid the groundwork for contemporary society. The disparities in their development hint at a potentially insurmountable divide between the fundamental political and social values bolstering seemingly identical advanced economies. This lecture series will delve into an examination of the significant historical differences between the two leading economies, respectively representing the West and the East.

  •   西洋史特論Ⅱ / European and American History (Advanced Lecture) II  
      前期集中 その他 その他  


    While man often tends to think of Nazi Germany as a zone of lawlessness, the Nazi regime and its policies of persecution were maintained by judges, lawyers and jurists. This course focuses on why German judiciary were attracted to the Nazi Regime, how these legal professionals lent their skills and knowledge to a system of injustice, and whether they were held accountable for their Nazi-era action after World War II.
