

後期 木曜日 2講時 経済学部第2講義室. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: YOH KAWANA. 対象学年/Eligible Participants: 3・4. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: EAL-ECM311J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語及び英語.


Topics of Economic and Business History: Expansion II


川名 洋

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects

授業の目的と概要/Object and summary of class


本講義では、偏った経済学的思考に陥らない"pluralist economics"の精神を尊重しつつ、欧米と同じ自由市場経済体制下にある日本経済の行く末を見据える上で欠かせない基礎的知識の習得を目指す。


Approximately 100 years behind the developed country of Britain, the late-industrializing country of Japan also experienced its first industrial revolution in Asia, thereby joining the ranks of developed countries by the early 20th century. In addition to the ‘first industrialized country’ in the region, there are striking similarities in the economic histories of Britain and Japan. For instance, just as the Japanese economy prospered from cultural exchanges with Western countries, the British economy was also supported by its interactions with Asian countries. The point at which the economy improved during the run-up to the industrial revolution can also be said to be a common feature between the two countries.

The purpose of finding similarities in the different economies is ultimately to highlight their ‘differences’. According to the latest research, it has become clear that a typical example separating the history of the two countries lies in the process of urbanisation leading to a modern economy. Towns and cities serve as vibrant economic hubs that laid the groundwork for contemporary society. The disparities in their development hint at a potentially insurmountable divide between the fundamental political and social values bolstering seemingly identical advanced economies. This lecture series will delve into an examination of the significant historical differences between the two leading economies, respectively representing the West and the East.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study

• 比較経済史の方法について理解する。 To understand the methods of comparative economic history.
• 経済的経営的事象を政治的,社会的,文化的側面と関連付けて思考し,経済変化の意味と本質を見通す能力を身につける。 To consider economic events in the context of political, social and cultural aspects from a historical perspective, and to understand the significance and core principles of economic transformation.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

1. 序論 Introduction
2. 中世・近世ヨーロッパの人口変動/Medieval and early modern Europe: historical demography
3. 中世・近世ヨーロッパの農業経済/The agricultural economy
4. 中世・近世ヨーロッパの商業経済/Commercialisation
5. 比較経済史-日本の事例I/Comparison and contrast I
6. 都市化の諸相―中世都市の起源―/Urban history: medieval towns
7. 都市化の諸相-人口増加と移住-/Urban history: demographic growth
8. 都市化の諸相-社会的分業と流動性-/Urban history: social structure and mobility
9. 首都経済の成長/The expansion of the metropolitan economy
10. 行政と司法-都市の公式な政治経済領域/Formality in the urban economy
11. ビジネスと貧困-都市の非公式な経済社会領域/Informality in the urban economy
12. 国家、個人及び都市法人/Individuals, corporations, and the state
13. 比較経済史-日本の事例 II/Comparison and contrast II
14. 結論/Conclusion
15. 理解度確認セッション/Examination


成績評価方法/Evaluation method


教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

  • 公私混在の経済社会―近世イギリスにおける個人と都市法人―, 川名 洋, 日本経済評論社 (2024年)
  • British Economic Growth 1270-1870, S. Broadberry, et al., Cambridge UP (2015)
  • ‘Japan’, in J. Baten, ed., A History of the Global Economy: 1500 to the Present, Osamu Saito, Cambridge UP (2016)
  • The Cambridge Urban History of Britain, vol. II 1540-1840,  P. Clark, ed., Cambridge UP (2000)
  • メトロポリス・ロンドンの成立, A.L ベーア,R. フィンレイ, 三嶺書房 (1992年)
  • Emergence of Economic Society in Japan, 1600-1990, A.Hayami, Osamau Saito, R.P.Toby, Oxford UP (2004)


西洋経済史Q&A: http://www2.econ.tohoku.ac.jp/~kawana/prologue.html

イギリス経済史: http://www2.econ.tohoku.ac.jp/~kawana/englisheco.html

文庫本で読む「西洋経済史」: http://www2.econ.tohoku.ac.jp/~kawana/ecoref2022.html

受講者用リンク集: http://www2.econ.tohoku.ac.jp/~kawana/link.html

授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review


その他/In addition

1. 本科目は選択科目です。初回の講義において成績評価の方法等に関する重要な説明を行うので、履修希望者は必ず出席し、説明内容を十分理解した上で履修すること。

2. 大学の国際化推進に向けて英語で講義内容について解説する場合があります。但し、英語力は履修条件としない。

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