
2224 件ヒット (0.015秒):

  •   人文社会序論 / Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences  
      小河原 義朗  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    This class provides students with opportunities to think about what Japanese language education is. The students will have various kinds of experiences such as carrying out micro teaching activity and analyzing conversation with foreign exchange students.

  •   日本語教育学基礎演習 / Teaching of Japanese Language (Introductory Reading)  
      島崎 薫  
      前期 火曜日 5講時  


    This course aims to deepen students' understanding of cross-cultural communication with non-native speakers of Japanese through conversation sessions, while also enabling them to communicate smoothly. Students will consider cross-cultural communication through the experience of participating in conversation sessions with learners of Japanese, reading papers, lectures, and discussions with other students.

  •   日本語教育学研究実習Ⅰ / Applied Japanese Linguistics(Practice)I  
      島崎 薫  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 / 前期 水曜日 4講時  


    Through the teaching practicum in the spring and fall semesters, students will develop the ability to design Japanese language courses that meet the needs and readiness of learners and their learning environment, prepare the necessary teaching materials and equipment for each class, and conduct the class.They can also enhance the ability to look back on their own teaching and make improvements. In the spring semester, students will learn how to design a course, and actually create a course for the international students at Tohoku University based on the analysis of the needs, readiness, and environment of them, and consider how to teach using teaching materials and tools in actual classes of the course. Through mock classes, students will be able to reflect on their own class design, teaching methods, teaching materials and tools, etc., and come up with ideas for improvement.

  •   日本語教育学実習 / Teaching of Japanese Language (Practice)  
      島崎 薫  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 / 前期 水曜日 4講時  


    Through the teaching practicum in the spring and fall semesters, students will develop the ability to design Japanese language courses that meet the needs and readiness of learners and their learning environment, prepare the necessary teaching materials and equipment for each class, and conduct the class.They can also enhance the ability to look back on their own teaching and make improvements. In the spring semester, students will learn how to design a course, and actually create a course for the international students at Tohoku University based on the analysis of the needs, readiness, and environment of them, and consider how to teach using teaching materials and tools in actual classes of the course. Through mock classes, students will be able to reflect on their own class design, teaching methods, teaching materials and tools, etc., and come up with ideas for improvement.

  •   日本語教育学実習 / Teaching of Japanese Language (Practice)  
      小河原 義朗  
      後期集中 その他 その他  


    This class provides students with opportunities to participate in Japanese language education internship abroad for 2 weeks. The students will see what people are learning Japanese language oversea and how Japanese language classes are conducted, and have experience to teach Japanese in classes as a student teacher.

  •   日本語教育学基礎演習 / Teaching of Japanese Language (Introductory Seminar)  
      島崎 薫  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  


    The purpose of this course is to learn about various foreigners living in Japan, such as foreign students attending Japanese language schools, technical intern trainees, and foreign care workers, and to deepen understanding of their linguistic and cultural backgrounds, their environments, and the problems and challenges they face. Students will learn through activities that involve actually interacting with foreigners living in Japan and visiting actual sites such as inviting guests to class for discussions and interview activities, and going out for fieldwork outside of class time.

  •   科学コミュニケーション / Social decision-making and science  
      本堂 毅  
      前期集中 その他 連講  





    Scientific knowledge is indispensable in decision-making in society.

    In this course, I would like to show actual condition in the world and discuss the competency desired both for lawyers, politician and scientists. Finally, we will discuss the institutional reforms.

  •   日本語教育学演習 / Teaching of Japanese Language (Seminar)  
      小河原 義朗  
      前期 月曜日 5講時  


    This course aims to develop students’ understanding of the contents and methods to improve oral language skills in the Japanese language classroom. Through activities and exercises, students will learn how to plan, practice and evaluate oral communication classes.

  •   日本語教育学研究実習Ⅲ / Applied Japanese Linguistics(Practice)III  
      小河原 義朗  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    This class provides students with opportunities to participate in Japanese language education internship abroad for 2 weeks. The students will see what people are learning Japanese language oversea and how Japanese language classes are conducted, and have experience to teach Japanese in classes as a student teacher.

  •   大学教授法開発論  
      戸村 理  
      前期前半 水曜日 3講時 その他 / 前期前半 水曜日 4講時 その他  


    The purpose of this class is twofold.

    The first is to provide graduate students of our university who wish to become teachers in Japanese universities and higher education institutions with the basic knowledge required in modern Japanese university education and higher education.

    The second is for the students to acquire self-reflection skills to analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate their own classes.
