
3538 件ヒット (0.029秒):

  •   持続可能型開発論Ⅱ  
      西宮 宜昭  
      前期集中 その他 連講  

    This class is introductory to aim at:

    1) providing the applied students with basic knowledge of sustainability, sustainable development and SDGs. Those three topics are addressed in the context of development assistance especially focusing on Japan’s Official development assistance (ODA). The outline of development assistance is also covered in this class.

    2) making the students aware of and familiarizing with:

    factual situation of the above mentioned three topics in the frontline development assistant projects: What is going on and what is reality about the three topics?

  •   ヒューマンセキュリティとグローバルヘルス / Human Security and Global Health  
      江川 新一  
      令和6年4月12日(金)~令和6年7月26日(金) / From Apr. 12 (Fri), 2024 to Jul. 26 (Fri), 2024  
      下記に指定された金曜日 16:20~17:50 / Designated Friday 16:20-17:50  



    To realize Human Security, i.e., freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom to live with dignity, students will learn its general concept, history, the current situation, and related frameworks and understand the current situation of global health, the role of health cluster and discuss on the problem solution.

  •   国際教育開発論演習  
      劉 靖  
      後期 火曜日 4講時 総合研究棟201教室  


  •   エネルギーや資源と持続可能性  
      久保田 健吾、他  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC105  


    The purpose of this subject is to acquire basic knowledge about various issues related with the social sustainability, such as energy and resources. Faculty members of graduate school of environmental studies give lectures including the latest topics in omnibus style.

  •   援助と開発演習  
      前期集中 その他 連講  

    This course aims to deepen the understanding of how international development policies and projects are formulated and developed using case studies.

    The course is to introduce how development aid policies are formulated based on the needs of the society in a country and how projects are implemented on the ground based on the policies. It uses case studies of Japanese projects that the lecturer has experienced in his career to explain the formulation and implementation of development projects. The course provides opportunities for participants to learn actual practices taking place on the ground of international development.

  •   環境教育論Ⅱ  
      二ノ宮リム さち  
      前期集中 その他 連講  

    What do “education,” “environment,” and “sustainability” mean for you and us? This course facilitates you to draw answers to this question and develop your own view of the role of environmental education (EE) and education for sustainable development (ESD) in the present world. While the global society is facing the environmental crisis in this era of Anthropocene, EE and ESD play a critical role to ensure a fair and participatory process to transform our world toward sustainability. In this course, we will study the concepts, approaches and contents of EE/ESD to critically consider how EE/ESD can empower people through lectures, student presentations and participatory workshops.

  •   学校教育論概論  
      劉 靖  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 その他  


  •   グローバル共生教育論合同演習Ⅰ  
      劉 靖, その他教員, 松本 大  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 その他  


  •   Edu-fare/fair Mind(English)  
      劉 靖, その他教員, 松本 大  
      後期前半 水曜日 1講時 総合研究棟801演習室  


  •   プロジェクトリスクマネジメントⅠ  
      泉 貴子  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 別途参照  


    This course aims to learn processes and procedures related to project management. It includes an exercise of project planning, and students will give a presentation n the proposal they developed. This will focus on the project related to global challenges such as disaster risk reduction, environment, gender, and development.
