

前期集中 その他 連講. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 西宮 宜昭. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: KIC-SUD625E. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 英語.



授業題目/Class Subject

Sustainable Development II
Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Development Goals: SDGs and Development Assistance

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

This class is introductory to aim at:
1) providing the applied students with basic knowledge of sustainability, sustainable development and SDGs. Those three topics are addressed in the context of development assistance especially focusing on Japan’s Official development assistance (ODA). The outline of development assistance is also covered in this class.
2) making the students aware of and familiarizing with:
factual situation of the above mentioned three topics in the frontline development assistant projects: What is going on and what is reality about the three topics?

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

On the completion of this class, the students are able to:
1) have deeper understanding of development assistance situation such as history, priority area and issues in addition to sustainability, sustainable development and SDGs.
2) identify the issues in development assistance related to sustainability, sustainable development and SGDs
3) formulate own concept on sustainability and sustainable development
4) have a base of application of sustainability to own field/expertise and/ or businesses
5) improve their discussion and presentation skills

授業内容・目的・方法/Contents and progress schedule of class-授業計画

This class is organized by lectures, discussions and mini research/presentation by the registered students. The covered subjects are sustainability, sustainable development, Sustainable Development Goals, in addition to issues and factual situation in development assistance projects.

Session 1 Guidance
The class outline including objectives/goals, schedule, components,
assignments/mini research and presentation and grading.
The below schedule may be changed and fixed on the first day.

Session 2 Mini research and presentation preparation: Overviewing presented
references/reports in the class to select the theme and consultation for theme selection with the instructor

Session 3 Video Watching (JICA’s video programs or recommendable video program for SDGs)

Second day

Session 4 Overview of Development Assistance: history, recent trend, present situations (aid volume, aid agencies, issues etc.)

Session 5 Overviews of sustainability discourse, sustainable development and SDGs including their relation

Session 6 SDGs: background, 17 goals and MDGs (Millennium Development Goals),

Third day

Session 7 Case introduction and discussion using JICA’s development assistance project
related to sustainability

Session 8 Guest speaker’s presentation: From frontline filed of development assistance project related to sustainability

Session 9 Preparation of presentation slides related to Session 2

Fourth day

Session10 Individual power point slide presentation and discussions:

Session11 -ditto-

Session12 Feedback and/or reflections

Session 13 Special topic introduction and discussions: infrastructure and sustainable development
Fifth day

Session 14 Special topic introduction and discussions: Regional development and SDGs,
Disaster and SDGs)

Session 15 In class individual term paper preparation (Turn in due is two weeks later)

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

he grading of this class will be based on the attitude, individual presentation and individual term paper with the following distribution:
1) Positive attitude to course works 10 %
2) Individual presentation 50%
This presentation will be evaluated by the presenter’s voice/attitude such as eye contact (10%), presentation skill (20%) and power point slide contents (20%)
3) Individual term paper 40 %(max 5 pages with figure and chart)
   To pass this course, grade points more than 60% is required.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

There are not specific text books. Related references are handed out in class. It is recommended the students take a look at Brundtland Report “Our common future” referring to the web:
For the theme selection of the mini research and presentation, the students can use the JICA reports or literatures related to the class subjects which will be introduced in class Session 7 Session 9.

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

The students are required:
1) to conduct mini research: reading the reports and/or literatures, analyzing/criticizing them, find and organizing students own opinions
2) to prepare power point slides based on the mini research for the presentation

その他/In addition

1) This class gives more priority to practical case knowledge about development projects rather than theories.
2)The registered students are required to actively take part in class for discussion and presentation.
3) Specific background or experiences are not required
4) In Session 9-10, each student will have 30 minutes for the presentation but time allocation will depend on the number of the students presentation time will be shortened.
5) Flexible class operation can be taken: a little modification of lecture and discussions is possible during the class.
6)First day three sessions will be conducted by online. Necessary URL will be informed.
7) In each class, some additional topics related to practical cases are taken up and explained. Due to time constrain some topics shown in the lecture material (power point slides) may be skipped. So, the registered students are strongly required to read all the lecture material (power point slides) before each class.
8)Some topics will be added depending on the registered students’ request. On the first day, the lecturer will ask the interesting topics to the students.

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