
236 件ヒット (0.032秒):

  •   プロジェクトリスクマネジメントⅠ  
      泉 貴子  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 別途参照  


    This course aims to learn processes and procedures related to project management. It includes an exercise of project planning, and students will give a presentation n the proposal they developed. This will focus on the project related to global challenges such as disaster risk reduction, environment, gender, and development.

  •   プロジェクトリスクマネジメントⅠ / Project Risk Management I  
      泉 貴子  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    This course aims to learn processes and procedures related to project management. It includes an exercise of project planning, and students will give a presentation on the proposal that they developed. This will focus on the projects related to global challenges such as disaster risk reduction, environment, gender, and development.

  •   プロジェクト・リーダーシップ / Project Leadership  
      石田 修一  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ










    イノベーションは、洋の東西を問わず、国の競争力を維持する為に国家レベルで取り組むべき重要課題であり、特に技術立国を標榜する日本は、“超スマート社会=Society 5.0”の実現を目指し、「統合イノベーション戦略2019」の下で、基礎研究から社会実装までのイノベーション施策を強化しています。実際にそれらの個々のイノベーションを担う企業は、企業における経営戦略の下でイノベーション創出を図るプロジェクトを意図的に、持続的にマネージして行く必要があります。本授業の目的は、将来的に企業経営に参画して行く技術系マネジメント人材の候補者が、上記背景とミッションを十分に理解した上で、戦略的、体系的にイノベーションに基づく経営戦略を理解し、知識をマネージすることで所属企業や団体においてイノベーションを実現するプロジェクト・マネジメントの実践能力を養うことです。



    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")


    Class code

    ・【TD80006100】Project Leadership:cipx4mo

    ・【TM80009100】Project Leadership:irdcmkt



    Innovation stands as a paramount imperative at the national level, irrespective of nationality, to uphold a nation's competitive prowess. Particularly in Japan, renowned for its technology-centric ethos, there has been a concerted effort to fortify innovation policies spanning from fundamental research to societal implementation under the "Innovation Strategy 2019," with the overarching aim of realizing a "Super Smart Society = Society 5.0." Each company endeavoring to manifest innovation must adeptly manage projects aimed at intentionally and consistently fostering innovation within the framework of corporate management strategy. The aim of this course is to equip engineers poised for managerial roles with the practical acumen of project management, facilitating the realization of innovation within their respective companies and organizations through a strategic and systematic understanding of innovation-based management strategies.

    Basic Concept

    Management strategy, rooted in philosophical elucidation, presents varied challenges at different levels of business, encompassing industry, value chain, product and service, and day-to-day management. The crux of corporate management lies in the practical execution and achievement of innovation, aimed at bolstering or sustaining a company's Return on Sales (ROS) over the long term. Thus, the effective leadership and management of innovative projects hold pivotal significance in the implementation of management strategy. Students are tasked with comprehending the multifaceted aspects of project management, recognized as pivotal for business success, to bolster organizational capacity and prevent stagnation of innovation momentum by continually balancing business profitability.

  •   プロジェクト・リーダーシップ / Project Leadership  
      石田 修一  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ










    イノベーションは、洋の東西を問わず、国の競争力を維持する為に国家レベルで取り組むべき重要課題であり、特に技術立国を標榜する日本は、“超スマート社会=Society 5.0”の実現を目指し、「統合イノベーション戦略2019」の下で、基礎研究から社会実装までのイノベーション施策を強化しています。実際にそれらの個々のイノベーションを担う企業は、企業における経営戦略の下でイノベーション創出を図るプロジェクトを意図的に、持続的にマネージして行く必要があります。本授業の目的は、将来的に企業経営に参画して行く技術系マネジメント人材の候補者が、上記背景とミッションを十分に理解した上で、戦略的、体系的にイノベーションに基づく経営戦略を理解し、知識をマネージすることで所属企業や団体においてイノベーションを実現するプロジェクト・マネジメントの実践能力を養うことです。



    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")


    Class code

    ・【TD80006100】Project Leadership:cipx4mo

    ・【TM80009100】Project Leadership:irdcmkt



    Innovation stands as a paramount imperative at the national level, irrespective of nationality, to uphold a nation's competitive prowess. Particularly in Japan, renowned for its technology-centric ethos, there has been a concerted effort to fortify innovation policies spanning from fundamental research to societal implementation under the "Innovation Strategy 2019," with the overarching aim of realizing a "Super Smart Society = Society 5.0." Each company endeavoring to manifest innovation must adeptly manage projects aimed at intentionally and consistently fostering innovation within the framework of corporate management strategy. The aim of this course is to equip engineers poised for managerial roles with the practical acumen of project management, facilitating the realization of innovation within their respective companies and organizations through a strategic and systematic understanding of innovation-based management strategies.

    Basic Concept

    Management strategy, rooted in philosophical elucidation, presents varied challenges at different levels of business, encompassing industry, value chain, product and service, and day-to-day management. The crux of corporate management lies in the practical execution and achievement of innovation, aimed at bolstering or sustaining a company's Return on Sales (ROS) over the long term. Thus, the effective leadership and management of innovative projects hold pivotal significance in the implementation of management strategy. Students are tasked with comprehending the multifaceted aspects of project management, recognized as pivotal for business success, to bolster organizational capacity and prevent stagnation of innovation momentum by continually balancing business profitability.

  •   プロジェクトリスクマネジメント Ⅱ  
      劉 庭秀  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    There are various risks in the rapidly changing modern society such as global environmental issues, natural disasters, finance, insurance, information security, politics and diplomacy and so on. In this lecture, we invite special experts from multiple areas as a guest speaker and give lectures on the features and importance of risk management broadly based on the diversified range of projects and case studies.

  •   巨大災害に対する健康と社会のレジリエンス/Health and social resilience for large-scale disaster  
      江川 新一  
      2024年10月11日(金)~2025年1月31日(金) / Oct. 11, 2024 (Fri.)- Jan. 31, 2025 (Fri.)  
      毎週金曜日 16:20-17:50 / Friday, 16:20-17:50  



    In disaster, many lives are in danger and a huge amount of health crises will threaten human security, i.e. freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom of life with dignity. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is the ongoing international framework. Sendai Framework focuses on “health” more than previous frameworks. Multi-hazard approach and physical and mental health damage in disaster are keywords. This course is aiming to clarify the current situation and gaps in medical and public health preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction in disaster.

  •   巨大災害に対する健康と社会のレジリエンス/Health and social resilience for large-scale disaster  
      江川 新一  
      2024年10月11日(金)~2025年1月31日(金) / Oct. 11, 2024 (Fri.)- Jan. 31, 2025 (Fri.)  
      毎週金曜日 16:20-17:50 / Friday, 16:20-17:50  



    In disaster, many lives are in danger and a huge amount of health crises will threaten human security, i.e. freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom of life with dignity. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is the ongoing international framework. Sendai Framework focuses on “health” more than previous frameworks. Multi-hazard approach and physical and mental health damage in disaster are keywords. This course is aiming to clarify the current situation and gaps in medical and public health preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction in disaster.

  •   巨大災害に対する健康と社会のレジリエンス/Health and social resilience for large-scale disaster  
      江川 新一  
      2024年10月11日(金)~2025年1月31日(金) / Oct. 11, 2024 (Fri.)- Jan. 31, 2025 (Fri.)  
      毎週金曜日 16:20-17:50 / Friday, 16:20-17:50  



    In disaster, many lives are in danger and a huge amount of health crises will threaten human security, i.e. freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom of life with dignity. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is the ongoing international framework. Sendai Framework focuses on “health” more than previous frameworks. Multi-hazard approach and physical and mental health damage in disaster are keywords. This course is aiming to clarify the current situation and gaps in medical and public health preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction in disaster.

  •   グローバルPBL  
      末松 和子  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA401  

    Collaborative projects on "comedy" by students with diverse cultural backgrounds are built into the learner-centered lessons where different ways of thinking, values, communication as well as working-styles are respected. The intensive interactions across cultures enable students to develop global competency, which is an essential element of employability in the international society. The class will be conducted in English,


  •   災害危機管理論 / Crisis & Risk Management for Disaster Mitigation  
      佐藤 健, 柴山 明寛  


    Understanding of risk management and crisis management against natural disaster will be a goal of this class. Lessons from the great east Japan earthquake 2011 are introduced with highlighting on disaster education and disaster information. A group discussion is taken in aggressively during a class. Several key words are as follows.

    ・Hazard map

    ・Earthquake early warning

    ・Business continuity plan

    ・Community based activities for DRR

    ・School safty including safty promotion
