
6045 件ヒット (0.038秒):

  •   博士リテラシーの基礎  
      安藤 晃、工藤 成史  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 その他 / 前期 火曜日 2講時 その他  


    In this course, Ph.D. literacy is viewed as a comprehensive ability to survive as a doctor (as a researcher and as a person). At its core is the ability to conduct research (research capability). This includes the ability to come up with ideas and use logic. The research capability is refined mainly through daily life in the laboratory. And most of them can be used across disciplines. This course will start with an awareness of this fact. Further, there are some additional qualities and capabilities that you will need after you obtain your degree, irrespective of whether you go into academia or business. They are those that involve people-to-people relationships. The first ones are the ability to communicate with the people close to you and the management skills to execute projects. In the main part of this course, we aim to raise the level of these qualities and capabilities. It also aims to arouse your awareness of issues ranging from personal to global and to provide an opportunity for students in different fields to build new human networks.

  •   博士リテラシーの基礎  
      安藤 晃、工藤 成史  
      後期 火曜日 1講時 その他 / 後期 火曜日 2講時 その他  


    In this course, Ph.D. literacy is viewed as a comprehensive ability to survive as a doctor (as a researcher and as a person). At its core is the ability to conduct research (research capability). This includes the ability to come up with ideas and use logic. The research capability is refined mainly through daily life in the laboratory. And most of them can be used across disciplines. This course will start with an awareness of this fact. Further, there are some additional qualities and capabilities that you will need after you obtain your degree, irrespective of whether you go into academia or business. They are those that involve people-to-people relationships. The first ones are the ability to communicate with the people close to you and the management skills to execute projects. In the main part of this course, we aim to raise the level of these qualities and capabilities. It also aims to arouse your awareness of issues ranging from personal to global and to provide an opportunity for students in different fields to build new human networks.

  •   理科教育法Ⅱ / Teaching Method (Science) II  
      石上 正敏  
      前期 金曜日 5講時  


    Based on the various current situations surrounding science education, we will try to understand the basic knowledge and skills for advancing classes, such as the content of subjects, educational methods, and evaluation methods, and to acquire practical teaching skills. In addition, we aim to develop teachers who teach and practice by sharing the idea of acquiring the scientific background necessary for each person to live better. In the class, we aim not only for classroom lectures, but also for the lesson structure that emphasizes the independent participation of students and the two-way relationship between the person in charge of the class and the students, and between the students themselves.

  •   情報リテラシー実習B  
      後期 月曜日 5講時  



  •   工学教育院特別講義(グローバルスキル論) / Institute of Engineering Education Special lectures  
      須藤 祐子, 羅 漢  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。



    グローバルな社会で活躍するために、日本と他国の就活プロセスが異なり、専門スキル (英語を含む) が求められることを理解し、また研究・業務を効率良く進めるためのPM (Project management)の基礎を習得し、さらに自ら論理的に考え、新しい事にも立ち向かう姿勢や、英語で論理的に意見を交わせるスキルを身につけることを目的とする。

    まず、日本と他国の就活プロセスが異なることを理解する。西欧での就職では、スキルが無ければほぼ就職は難しいこと・PMは重要なソフトスキルの一つであることを学ぶ。次に、KJ法、Fishbone, Pareto分析, Ganttチャート等のPMのためのツールを学ぶ。ミニプロジェクトを(自ら)が設定し、プロジェクトマネージメントの実行を自らが行う。この過程でMECE (Mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive)、 Critical path、Alternative等の重要キーワードを体験学習し・実践できるようになる。さらに、海外から(/出身)の講師及び産業界出身の技術者を招聘し/または、彼らがVirtualに参加し、彼らとの討論を通じ、国際的なキャリアパス設計・スキルと日本人大学生のそれらとのギャップを認識し、グローバルに活躍するにはスキルの獲得が重要であることを自ら学ぶ。また、PMの遂行を通じ、論理的考え方、発表能力の養成(日英)を図る。後半は共通言語を可能な限り英語化し、英語発表能力の向上も目指す。


    本講座は自らが学習し、論理的に目標を分析し、ゴールを達成するPM (Project management) をベースとしたインタラクテブな授業である。国際的なキャリアパス設計・スキルと日本人大学生のそれらとのギャップを認識し、グローバルに活躍するにはスキルの獲得が重要であることを自ら学ぶ。また、ソフトスキルの一つであるプロジェクト・マネージメントについて座学・演習を通じて学ぶ。さらに、討論、発表を通じ、論理的考え方、発表能力の養成を図ると同時に、海外出身の若手研究者、技術者、産業界の方々を講師として招き/Virtualに参加いただきグローバルな考え方に接する。講義の後半は英語を共通語として多く使用し、英語による議論、発表の能力向上を図る。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)


    The purpose of this course is three-hold. First, to understand job finding process differences in Japan and western European countries, and importance of SKILLS for all graduates in job findings. Second, to acquire basic project management tools including KJ method, Fishbone, Pareto analysis, Critical path analysis, Gantt chart for Project tracking, WBS (Work breakdown structure) in addition to logical thinking. Third, to be able to handle unstructured issues through execution of sample projects.


    After learning the importance of skills in finding one’s job and through one’s life to be globally competitive, bases of project management will be studied which is one of the important transferrable skills for one’s life from your student age to real life in society.

    It requires for students to execute a sample project, to hit the goal by analyzing the ways to hit it and managing the resource and time properly by themselves. Especially, to learn and use Pareto analysis, critical path analysis and alternative approaches to achieve the goal.

    It is not a traditional one-way lecture but interactive one in which students will have enough opportunities to express their own opinions on various topics so that they can learn how to present their opinions and to communicate properly which are important characteristics to work in real society. The lecture will invite foreign researchers, engineers and the specialists from industry and academia to know what are really needed to be outstanding ones. The latter half of the lecture will use English often to aim the final presentations including Qs and As to be done in English.

  •   情報と人間・社会  
      山内 保典  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC203  




    In this class, you will discuss academic integrity using examples of dilemmas that you may face in your learning and research activities. You will propose ideas for creating a good learning and research environment.

  •   多文化理解PBL特別演習  
      高橋 美能  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 その他  


    The aim of this course is to apply the knowledge about human rights to analyze various topics, to argue and to write about human rights issues from personal perspectives, and to develop a plan to take action for human rights in reality.

    We will try to create a classroom environment, where students study with each other and each of our views is heard and taken into consideration. You are highly expected to participate as a facilitator in group discussions, and lead to make the group presentations.

  •   学術情報リテラシー  
      北澤 春樹  
      後期後半 月曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室 / 後期後半 月曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室  


    Even nowadays when the internet spread, it is not easy to get appropriate information for necessary scientific literatures from many academic journals. This class will help students to understand the concept and methods how to prepare the academic literature and how to find quickly your required article information from a lot of article information.

  •   学問論演習  
      中原 恒  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA303  


    Japan has often been damaged by earthquakes. It is important to take valuable lessons from such history and prepare for the next earthquake. Earthquake hazard maps have been created as one of the means for that purpose. Because probability is used in this hazard map, it is not easy to understand it. But we would like to think about it together. In addition, through exercises, measurements, and data analysis, we aim to understand the susceptibility of the place where we live to earthquake ground motions. The purpose is to acquire "earthquake literacy" as a member living in an earthquake-prone country.

  •   学問論演習  
      西塚 孝平  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC306  







    この演習では、教育を研究するとはどのような営みなのかを実際に体験してもらい、教育という捉えどころのない複雑な社会的実践に向き合います。受講生は、単なる学習者ではなく、学校教育(国内の幼稚園~大学を想定)の本質を探求しようとする1人の教育学研究者とみなされます。皆さんの経験を振り返り、先行研究を批判的に解釈し、各自の興味・関心に基づきながら「深い問い」を立て、実験・調査に取り組み、論理的に分析・考察し、「意味のある結論」を導き、成果を報告するという自律的な探究学習(open inquiry)を進めるなかで、「よい教育」とは何なのかを考えていきましょう。


    The objectives of this exercise are listed as follows:

    (1) Experiencing basic research methods on school education and understanding the meaning of education as a research subject.

    (2) Acquiring basic academic skills in social sciences through a series of problem-solving studies using school education as the subject.

    (3) Experiencing “cooperative learning” essential for research and acquiring this technique.

    (4) Nourishing one’s own culture by deeply thinking about what good education is.

    School education faces several challenges. Daily reforms are being made while dealing with rigorous conflicting interests. However, in reality, “good education” is “hard to attain.” Why do numerous improvement measures and studies not yield excellent results?

    In this class, students will experience the nature of studying education and confront its elusive and complex social practice. You will be considered not only a learner but also an educational researcher who explores the nature of school education (i.e., from kindergarten through university in Japan). In the course of an open inquiry, you will reflect on your experiences, critically interpret previous research, construct a “thoughtful question” based on your own interests, conduct experiments and surveys, logically analyze and discuss the results, draw “meaningful conclusions,” and report your findings. In this way, we will realize the meaning of “good education.”

    The objective is not to acquire specialized knowledge about education. It is not necessary to acquire knowledge of a specific field from the beginning of the class. The experience of exploring how educational researchers conduct their research will help you in your learning and future academic activities in various fields.
