
555 件ヒット (0.027秒):

  •   生命科学B  
      市之瀬 敏晴、岡本 泰典、工藤 雄大、千葉 杏子、村越 ふみ、奥村 正樹、ASEEL MARAHLEH、松林 英明、佐藤 伸一  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC203  

    Cells are the structural and functional units of living organisms. Understanding basics of cell biology is essential for studying all areas of life sciences and any related branches of natural sciences. The main objective of this course is to learn the essential principles of cell biology by learning how the living cells are made and operated from a molecular perspective: especially, how proteins including transmembrane proteins and enzymes work and how energy is obtained and used in living cells. Moreover, behavior of cells, such as cell migration, cell division and sexual reproduction will be also introduced. This course particularly emphasizes the structure and functions of cells and utilization of biochemical reactions in different biological processes.

  •   生命科学A  
      田口 友彦、谷本 拓、丹羽 伸介  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA200  


    Cells are the fundamental units of life. This course explains the basic concepts of molecular and cellular biology, including structures and functions of proteins, DNA replication and genetic mechanisms, genome structure and gene expression, organelles and membrane transport, cell signaling, cytoskeletons, cell cycle, cell communications, cancer and animal development.

  •   生命科学入門  
      牧野 周  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA200  


    The purpose of this lecture is primarily to learn biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, energy metabolism, and regulation of the gene expression in order to understand the basics of life science. Next, students will learn advances in biotechnology and bioethics, which are applications of life sciences with the goal of acquiring accurate knowledge and understanding of the latest topics related to the life sciences.

  •   生命科学入門  
      牧野 周  
      後期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスB101  


    The purpose of this lecture is primarily to learn biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, energy metabolism, and regulation of the gene expression in order to understand the basics of life science. Next, students will learn advances in biotechnology and bioethics, which are applications of life sciences with the goal of acquiring accurate knowledge and understanding of the latest topics related to the life sciences.

  •   生化学2  
      井上 飛鳥  
      前期 月曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスB201  


    Biochemistry is a molecular understanding of chemical processes in cells. In this class, students will learn synthesis, folding and function of proteins. By focusing on enzymes, students learn kinetics and regulation of enzymes as well as their underlying molecular mechanisms.

  •   生物化学概論(AMC) / General Biochemistry(生物化学概論)  
      髙橋 聡, 永次 史, 南後 恵理子  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  

    To study the basic knowledge of molecular biology, biochemistry and structural biology and to understand biological phenomena at the molecular level, students will learn the following contents.

    1) Structures and chemical properties of nucleic acids

    2) Structures and chemical properties of amino acids and proteins

    3) Biochemical methods for analyzing DNA sequence, amino acid sequence, protein structures and functions

    4) Mechanisms of enzyme catalysis

    To study the basic knowledge of molecular biology, biochemistry and structural biology and to understand biological phenomena at the molecular level, students will learn the following contents.

    1) Structures and chemical properties of nucleic acids

    2) Structures and chemical properties of amino acids and proteins

    3) Biochemical methods for analyzing DNA sequence, amino acid sequence, protein structures and functions

    4) Mechanisms of enzyme catalysis

  •   生命科学B  
      中澤 光  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB201  






    This course provides students with basic knowledge on biology.


    The goal is to understand proteins, carbohydrates and lipids as cellular components, and their functional mechanisms. 

  •   分子細胞生物学Ⅰ / Mechanisms of intracellular membrane traffic system  
      福田 光則  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    In this course, students will understand the fundamental structure and functions of organelles, and learn about the molecular mechanisms of membrane transport across the plasma membrane and of membrane trafficking between organelles.

  •   生命科学A  
      松沢 厚  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA200  


    The purpose of this course is to learn the functions and structure of the cell and the principle of gene expression.

  •   生命科学B  
      齋木 由利子  
      前期 木曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスB200  


    [〝Cell biology" attempts to understand biological phenomena by studying the functions of cells of living organisms from such substance levels as nucleic acids and proteins. It is a fundamental study of medicine and contains the basic biological knowledge essential for the development of medicine and medical sciences.]
