
273 件ヒット (0.021秒):

  •   生命科学B  
      中澤 光  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB201  






    This course provides students with basic knowledge on biology.


    The goal is to understand proteins, carbohydrates and lipids as cellular components, and their functional mechanisms. 

  •   生物化学ⅠA(AMC) /  The Molecular Design of Life and Biological Energy Transduction  
      髙橋 聡  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  

     分子レベルにおける生命現象を学ぶことで、生化学、分子生物学、生物物理学などの学問分野を理解すること を目指します。

     生化学のテキストとして世界的な定評のあるストライヤー生化学(原書)を基に講義を進めます。 教科書の通読を必要とする宿題を毎回課し、採点して返却します。過度な暗記は要求せず、教科書のどこになにが書いてあるかを覚え、必要な時にいつでも確かめる態度を持つことを目指します。






     To learn the biological phenomena at the molecular level and to gain a deeper understanding of biochemistry, molecular biology and biophysics.

        Students will learn:

        1. Structures and properties of sugars and lipids,

        2. Structures and properties of biological membranes,

        3. Biological energy transduction.

     It is desirable to consistently attend the discussions in Biochemistry IIA concerning the DNA and RNA synthesis and metabolism of biomolecules.

  •   生物化学概論 / Basic biology and biochemistry  
      大橋 一正  
      前期 木曜日 4講時  


    It has been proved that all biological phenomena can be described by physical and chemical laws. Although the substances constituting living organisms are diverse and complex, they form an order with physical and chemical laws and support life activities. Students will learn about the basic biological molecules including amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, nucleotides and fats. This lecture will also talk about basic molecular mechanisms of intracellular signal transduction, and will discuss the application possibilities of biochemistry and the problems in modern times.

  •   基礎生化学  
      村山 和隆  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 未設定 / 前期 水曜日 4講時 未設定  


  •   生命科学B  
      菅原 明、村山 和隆、横山 敦  
      後期 火曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA200  




    In this lecture, we will focus on the chemical aspects of life phenomena and promote understanding them from a micro perspective. Then, we will consider the formation of biological molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, sugars, and lipids, and what their changes are. There are a wide variety of substances that make up living organisms, and their changes are very complex. However, the lecture is not just a matter of explaining and memorizing phenomena, but to be able to respond to the "why" of things. The lecture will be planned to understand "metabolism/biochemistry" with actual examples.

  •   基礎生物科学 / Biophysical Chemistry  
      神崎 展  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    生物に関する基礎概念(増殖、遺伝、代謝、恒常性など)を理解することを目的として、生命現象の基本的な仕組みについて(1)分子・物質レベルを中心とした生化学的内容、(2)細胞レベルを中心とした細胞生物学的内容 、(3)個体レベルを中心とした遺伝・生理学的内容から系統的に学んでいく。本講義は、5セメスターで学ぶ基礎生命工学(遺伝子工学、細胞工学や再生医療工学)の基盤となる。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    This course provides students with basic knowledge of life science (proliferation/differentiation, genetics, metabolism, homeostasis, etc.), which includes the fundamental principles of (1) biochemistry, (2) molecular and cellular biology, and (3) whole-body physiology. This course also serves as an introductory course for the Basic Biotechnology (scheduled for the 5th semester).

  •   生命科学入門  
      田嶋 玄一  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC101  


    There are basic mechanisms that are shared by diverse organisms on the earth. We aim to understand the fundamental functions of the molecules and cells that constitute life. We want to free you from the assumption of "mystery of life" and guide you to another "mystery" that is realized by "complexity based on simple principles".

  •   生体有機物質化学  
      浅井 禎吾, 尾﨑 太郎, 田原 淳士, 土井 隆行  
      後期 木曜日 2講時 薬学部C棟講義室  


    This course aims to learn about sugars, lipids, proteins (amino acids), nucleic acids (nucleoside, nucleotide) to understand chemical principle of life. In addition, this course will provide the method of structural analysis of these compounds.

  •   反応生物化学 / Biological Reactions  
      魚住 信之, 珠玖 仁  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。












    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. The purpose

    As a basic knowledge of biotechnology, it aims to acquire biomolecules such as carbohydrates and nucleic acids, biological membranes and fundamental matters related to metabolic reactions.

    2. Overview

    Learn about carbohydrates, lipids and biological membranes, metabolism and energy, glycolysis, citric acid cycle, other carbohydrate metabolic pathways, their structure, function, and reaction biochemical basis.

    3. Goal

    · To understand and write the types and structures of biomolecules such as carbohydrates and lipids.

    · To be able to understand and explain the constituent elements, structures and functions of biological membranes.

    · To understand and explain the type of metabolic reaction, correlation, control method.

    · Be able to quantitatively understand and explain metabolic reactions using free energy, redox potential and so on.

    · To be able to understand and explain specifically the role of glycolysis, citric acid cycle, other carbohydrate metabolic pathways in energy and substance metabolism, its strategy and mechanism.

  •   生物物理学 / Physical Approach toward the Cellular Life  
      今井 正幸, 佐久間 由香  
      後期 木曜日 4講時  






    In this course students will learn how to understand the cellular life from physics point of view.

    Professor Imai will be in charge of the first 10 classes and Associate Professor Sakuma will be in charge of the latter 5 classes.

    Prof. Imai will explain a overview of the cellular life, focusing on Information polymers (DNA and RNA), Proteins, Membranes and energy metabolism. Then essence of the cellular life, robust chemical reaction network, is demonstrated based on statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics. From these classes students will realize the pleasure of understanding the cellular life from physics point of view.

    The theme of the lecture in the 4 lectures towards the last is the cell membrane. Here, how the cell membrane is constructed and the function will be described. More specifically, the lecture will start from the structure and function of cell membranes. It will then describe how to describe the deformation of membrane based on membrane elasticity model. This is followed by reproductions of cell deformations using model cell membranes, i.e., phospholipid vesicles. Next target is dynamics of the cell membrane, i.e., fluidity. Assoc. Prof. Sakuma will describe how the fluidity of cell membrane is estimated experimentally, which is a key issue to understand functions of cell membranes.
