
1577 件ヒット (0.032秒):

  •   エネルギーや資源と持続可能性  
      牧野 周  
      後期 金曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA301  


    The purpose of this lecture is to learn about food problems and photosynthesis research aimed at solving them, as well as science challenging sustainable increases in crop production. First, students consider the history of plant science, which has contributed to increasing food production, and the challenge of increasing crop production to solve the ongoing food problem. Next, the students learn about the basic biochemistry of photosynthesis and photorespiration. Last, students will understand the issues of increasing crop yield in the field levels, and discuss increasing crop production with improving photosynthesis.

  •   エネルギーや資源と持続可能性  
      牧野 周  
      前期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC205  


    The purpose of this lecture is to learn about food problems and photosynthesis research aimed at solving them, as well as science challenging sustainable increases in crop production. First, students consider the history of plant science, which has contributed to increasing food production, and the challenge of increasing crop production to solve the ongoing food problem. Next, the students learn about the basic biochemistry of photosynthesis and photorespiration. Last, students will understand the issues of increasing crop yield in the field levels, and discuss increasing crop production with improving photosynthesis.

  •   生命と自然  
      牧野 周  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA301  


    The purpose of this lecture is to scientifically understand the transition of photosynthetic organisms from their birth to the present day with regard to the relationship between plants and the global environment, and to learn about the global environment and food production in the near future. Students learn that today's Earth's atmosphere, which has lots of oxygen and low carbon dioxide, has been created by the function of carbon-dioxide fixation enzyme, Rubisco, in all photosynthetic organisms. Furthermore, students learn that photosynthesis using solar energy, is the starting point of all food chains.

  •   植物機能科学特論  
      石田 宏幸, 早川 俊彦, 小島 創一  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  


    Assimilation of inorganic substances by plants supports life of all living things on earth. This lecture focuses on how plants efficiently utilize inorganic carbon and nitrogen: absorption and assimilation of inorganic carbon and nitrogen, allocation and metabolism of assimilated products, regulatory mechanisms of respective processes, and the relationship to the environment and productivity. Through lectures, student presentations, and discussions about state-of-the-art findings, we aim to develop a deep understanding and thinking skills on plant autotrophic metabolism.

  •   植物分子生理学  
      石田 宏幸  
      後期前半 木曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第3講義室 / 後期前半 木曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第3講義室  


    Students learn about basic physiology on photosynthetic system from light harvesting to carbon production. Students also learn characteristics of plant respiration. In addition, students also understand adaptation of photosynthesis and respiration to various environmental stresses and learn about plant science in relation to human foods and biomass production.

  •   生命科学A  
      牧野 知之、佐藤 幹  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC200  

    生命科学は、ヒトや動植物の生命現象の仕組みを遺伝子、細胞、個体、集団といった様々なレベルで究明する学問である。中でも、農学生命科学(Agricultural Life Science)は、作物や家畜の生命現象を種々の方法を用いて研究し、人類の繁栄に寄与させることが目的とされる。本講義では生命の基本単位である細胞の構造と機能及び細胞を構成する物質(核酸、タンパク質、脂質、糖質)の構造と機能について解説する。

    Life science is a discipline which explore the mechanism of a life phenomenon of human, animals and plants by the various levels such as the genes, the cells, the individuals and the groups. In agricultural life science, life phenomenon of a crop and livestock are studied using various technique, and subjected to make them contribute to human prosperity. This course provides explanations about the structure and function of the cell which is the base unit of all organisms, and about the structural feature of the molecules of which a cell is composed, e.g. nucleic acid, protein, fat, and glucide.

  •   栽培植物環境科学  
      西田 瑞彦, 田島 亮介  
      前期後半 月曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室 / 前期後半 月曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室  


    Agriculture is greatly affected by the environment. Agricultural activities, on the other hand, have a huge impact on the environment. We should construct a sustainable food production system that catches up on the rapidly-growing world population as conserving local and global environments. This course introduces the basis of environmentally friendly crop production technology and provides a discussion for the relationship between agriculture and the environment on local and global scales.

  •   生産フィールド実習Ⅱ(植&経)  
      西田 瑞彦, 田島 亮介  
      前期集中 その他 その他 未設定  




    Students practice the research of crop production in the field and learn crop production and the relations with biodiversity and climate change in Kawatabi Field Center, Graduate school of Agriculture, Tohoku University (located in Naruko-onsen, Osaki, Miyagi).

    The schedule will be announced at the guidance.

  •   食用作物学  
      本間 香貴, 亀岡 笑  
      前期前半 月曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室 / 前期前半 月曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室  



    Food crops are the backbone of human food and are expected to further increase in demand as the world populationincreases.

    In this course, we aim to acquire knowledge on its history, morphology / physiology, cultivation technique andusage characteristics of major cereals, legumes, potatoes and millets.

  •   栽培植物環境科学特論  
      西田 瑞彦, 田島 亮介  
      前期 水曜日 3講時 未設定  


    Since the Industrial Revolution, the world population has increased rapidly, and food production has been commensurate with it. However, agriculture, which has been regarded as an environment-friendly industry, puts heavy burdens on the global environment, because of drastic chemicalization and mechanization to improve efficiency. In this course, the latest knowledge on soil and crop managements suitable for the environment, as a measure to overcome food and environmental problems caused by the increase in world population, is lectured. Each topic is discussed by all students to understand the problems and to explore the measures against them.
