
966 件ヒット (0.023秒):

  •   学問論演習  
      服部 裕司  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA204 / 後期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA306  


    Students will consider a problem related to “Earth’s capacity” such as how many people can live on Earth, what is the proper population of Earth etc. from various aspects of energy problem, food problem, global environment problem, population ethics etc. through which they acquire the abilities to confront a complex problem. The first half consists of introductory lectures. The second half is a teamwork conducted in teams of about 3-5 members.

  •   学問論演習  
      秋山 正幸、板 由房、木村 成生、久保 真理子  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 その他  

    宇宙の成り立ちやそこにある天体を観測的また理論的に研究する天文学を題材として、研究者がどのように「研究」をしているのかを体験する。具体的には、自ら研究テーマを策定し、研究を遂行し、結果をまとめて発表をする、一連の活動を行う。研究は4-5人程度のチームを組んで行い、チーム内での議論や役割の分担なども含めたグループワークについても身につけてもらう。これらの活動を通じて、題材である天文学のみでなく、より汎用的な「課題を設定する力」「研究を進める力」「チームワーク」「結果を説明する能力」などを身につけてもらい、今後の学部生活でもそれらの能力を生かして有意義に過ごしてもらうことをゴールとする。/ Students will experience how researchers conduct "research" in astronomy, which covers the observational and theoretical study of the formation of the universe and the astronomical objects. Specifically, the students will be involved in a series of activities such as setting their own research themes, carrying out the research, and summarizing and presenting the results. The research will be conducted in teams of about 4-5 members, and participants will learn about group work, including discussions and carry out each role within the team. Through these activities, the goal is to acquire general research skills such as "the ability to set a problem," "the ability to carry out research," "teamwork," and "the ability to explain the results," and to make use of these skills in their future university research beyond astronomy.

  •   環境科学演習 / Seminar on Environmental Studies  
      小端 拓郎  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 / 前期 月曜日 5講時  

    このコースでは、太陽光発電などの再生可能エネルギーを使用して都市エネルギーシステムを脱炭素化する方法について学ぶ。授業では、数人の学生でグループを作り、データ収集、分析、グループディスカッション、プレゼンテーションを行い、ディスカッションやプレゼンテーションの方法も学ぶ。 後半では、履修メンバーの研究内容に合わせてグループわけし、グループごとに地球環境問題、エネルギー・資源枯渇などの環境課題とその解決策について課題を設定し、調査、討論、発表を通して各課題についての理解を深めるとともに、討論や発表の技法を学ぶ。講義は、隔週で行う。

  •   地理学概論  
      磯田 弦、目代 邦康  
      文系 保歯  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスB104  


    This course provides an overview of various aspects of the natural environment and human activities on the earth, to help students learn about geographical perspective. Physical geography and human geography are disciplines that focus on nature and human beings, respectively, and use common methodologies such as spatial perspectives, maps, and the use of geographic information technology to clarify the various natural and human phenomena and their interactions. The first half of this course is about human geography and the second half is about physical geography. In the human geography part, we will discuss the rise and fall of cities and regional disparities, regional differences in health and crime, and various types of map use. In the physical geography part, we will discuss assessment and management of the value of the natural environment, and measures against natural disasters.

  •   地球物質移動学特論Ⅰ / Seminar on igneous and metamorphic petrology and geochemical kinetics  
      中村 美千彦, 奥村 聡  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  

    広い意味での岩石学・マグマ学について、物質科学としての体系な理解と、地球惑星科学における応用方法について身につけます。前半は、Geochemical Kinetics (Zhang)を読み、系統的な知識を身につける。後半は、各受講者の研究課題に応じて、速度論に関係した一般性のある論文を選定するので、その論文紹介を行ってもらいます。研究の位置づけや他の研究との関連などについて解説を加えます。

    Students will acquire a systematic understanding of petrology and magmalogy in its broadest sense as material science and how it is applied in earth and planetary science. In the first half of the course, students will read Geochemical Kinetics (Zhang) to acquire systematic knowledge. In the second half of the course, each student will be asked to introduce a paper related to kinetics, which will be selected according to his/her research topic. Explanations will be given on the position of the research and its relation to other studies.

  •   スポーツA  
      荒川 元孝  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 その他  


    Soccer is the most popular sports in the world. Soccer has attracted many people because of its demand on fitness and skills, tactical thinking, and communication and trust among the team members. Depending on one’s experience in playing soccer, technical skill may largely differ, and one might feel inferior or alienated when they have less experience. Once you find out your role in the team, however, you will find a totally different world of soccer, in which you find confidence and effectiveness in the team. The sense of effectiveness and efficacy in the team will not be accomplished alone, but sharing ideas and roles, and most importantly trusting each other among the team members is essential. The role plays in this soccer class will definitely give you a value! Why don’t you enjoy playing soccer with us.

  •   実践データ科学英語(前期)  





  •   実践データ科学英語(後期)  


  •   多文化PBL  
      渡部 留美  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA406  



    Students from diverse cultural backgrounds will participate in discussions and cooperative projects to generate proposals for solving problems facing the Sendai shopping districts.

    Through this class,student will deepen their understanding of Sendai's industry and shopping district, and learn how to communicate, how to proceed with project work, and how to analyze data. Students will study solutions to problems in cooperation with other members, and acquire the ability to create presentation materials, make presentations in groups, and listen to other presentations.

  •   日本語学演習 / Japanese Linguistics (Seminar)  
      中西 太郎  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  



     Investigation method to grasp structure of a dialect and a geographical expanse is considered specifically. Dialectology by a dialect geography in addition to a descriptive study and social dialectology or a vernacular document is taken up. The record of dialect conversation is made one theme. A dialect investigation is performed actually in the second half in a semester or the summer holidays, so a participant has to participate in that from the stage of preparations. If it is difficult to conduct a field survey due to the effects of coronavirus infection, we plan to switch to an online survey.
