
135 件ヒット (0.02秒):

  •   イノベーションセミナー  
      佐藤 修正  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    In this course, students will learn about what is required for human resources in biotechnology firm and the way of thinking required in companies and society by discussing with the guest lecturers from various companies and institutions.

    The transferable skills, which can be utilised in various career, is also instructed.

  •   バイオ産業基礎論  
      佐藤 修正  
      前期集中 その他 その他  

    ◎講師 増沢 隆太 先生


    Ryuya Masuzawa:

    This course provides students with basic understanding and knowledge related to bio-industry, such as areas covered by bio-industry, international trends in bio-industry, research and development in bio-industry, social needs, bio-related policies, global environmental problems and so on.

    ◎講師 松岡 徹 先生






    MATSUOKA Toru:

    The intellectual property rights system is a system for protecting an invention or the like generated by an intellectual creation activity as a property of a person who created the invention or the like. It is necessary to protect products such as inventions and devises obtained through research and development activities as intellectual property rights (such as patent rights, practical news rights, design rights, and trade rights), thereby ensuring the rights and degrees of freedom of their research and development and business activities, preventing unsuitable mimetics and rides of third parties, and forecasting the intellectual property rights of others. In recent years, acquisition of intellectual property rights is also essential in order to perform industrial cooperation in research institutions, acquisition of external funds, and the like.

    The purpose of this lecture is to learn the following three points.

    1) Understanding the basis of an intellectual property rights system

    2) Obtaining a method of investigating patent information, which is important in understanding the trend of technical development, the trend of application in the field of research, and the like.

    3) Considering how the results of research technology development can be patented and explored.

  •   バイオ産業実践科目  
      佐藤 修正  
      通年集中 その他 連講  

    企業における研究開発、立案、産業化などについて学ぶと同時に、BioJapan など国際会議での企画、バイオ関連企業でのインターンシップを実施する。

    /In this course, students learn about research and development, planning and industrialization in the bio-industry company, and have practical experiences in attending special exhibitions in international conferences such as BIO-Japan and/or internship at Bio-related company.

  •   環境マネジメント講座  
      佐藤 修正  
      前期集中 その他 その他  




    /The lecture will cover how human activities are causing global environmental problems such as climate change and biodiversity, how they are affecting human society and how they are likely to affect us in the future.

    In addition, the impact of such global environmental issues on corporate management and government policy implementation and management will be grasped and predicted.

    Based on the above, the lecture will focus on environmental management and how humans can deal with resource and environmental constraints caused by environmental issues.

  •   生命倫理特論  
      佐藤 修正  
      通年集中 その他 その他  



    With the rapid development of life sciences, it has become possible to use genome information and genetic recombination technology in the fields of medicine and agriculture. This lecture will discuss how discoveries and breakthroughs in the field of life sciences are leading to the development of innovative technologies, citing specific examples. We will discuss what ethical issues arise and what measures can be taken to resolve each issue.

  •   起業支援論  
      佐藤 修正  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    /This course provides students with basic knowledge and know-how in entrepreneurship so that students can image the option of starting a business.

  •   分子化学生物学概論  
      石川 稔  
      前期集中 その他 その他  

    分子化学生物学の研究の中で、成功や失敗に対してどのように対処したのか、物事をうまく発見する能力をどのように開発したのか、具体的な研究例を挙げて説明する。ケミカルバイオロジー、分子ネットワーク解析やゲノム科学、タンパク質の運動や構造など、生命科学の幅広い分野を概観する。/ Students will learn how researchers made important discoveries: actual examples will be presented. Students will learn an overview of such diverse research areas as chemical biology, molecular network analysis, genome science and protein dynamics and structures.

  •   研究倫理・社会的責任論  
      倉永 英里奈  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    This course will educate students on what is fair research activity. In addition, this course will explain the responsibilities that researchers should fulfill to society in the midst of various social problems such as environmental issues and the global situation, citing specific examples. In addition, this course will provide students with an understanding of the social responsibilities that research institutions, companies, and governments should take on, as well as the responsibilities that human resources with knowledge of life sciences should fulfill as members of society.

  •   先端脳生命統御科学特論Ⅰ  
      安部 健太郎  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    This course provides students with basic knowledge about brain functions underlying innate and acquired behaviour, including communication, learning and memory.

  •   化学・バイオ工学特別講義Ⅱ / Special Lectures II  

    ※本講義は集中講義です。Google Classroom用のクラスコードは、開講時期にお知らせします。


    ※This is an intensive course. The class code for Google Classroom will be provided at the start of the course.

    Through examples of research and development in companies, students will learn the real image of the chemical and bio-industry, roles that the chemical and bio-industry should play in society, the qualifications and preparation necessary for researchers and engineers in the changing era, and so on.
