
1265 件ヒット (0.013秒):

  •   環境行政論 / Environmental Administration  
      大庭 雅寛  




    The Graduate School of Environmental Studies has had a cooperation agreement with Miyagi Prefecture and Sendai City, respectively.

    In this lecture, students learn about current status and issues related to environmental policies of Miyagi Prefecture and Sendai City (about climate change such as global warming, promotion of waste reduction and recycling including plastic recycling, and environment-related laws) to achieve environmental conservation and sustainable society, and learn about environmental policies and environmental technologies.

    In addition to lectures, this course can help students acquire practical knowledge and develop their ability to think about how to respond to environmental issues through exercise and facility tour.

  •   環境行政論 / Environmental Administration  
      大庭 雅寛  
      後期 水曜日 3講時 / 後期 水曜日 4講時  




  •   医療・看護政策論 医療・看護政策の形成過程及び政策的働きかけ Policy of Medical Service and Nursing Understanding process and development of medical service and nursing policies  
      松永 篤志, 岩本 萌, 大森 純子, 中野 久美子, 原 ゆかり  
      2024年10月1日~2025年1月28日 10/1/2024-1/28/2025  
      毎週火曜日 14:40~16:10 Every Tuesday 14:40~16:10  


    To attain knowledge required for nursing educators, researchers and CNSs on policymaking and legal systems and to gain capability of promoting advocacy, amendment, and recommendations of the policies relevant to nursing.

  •   保健医療福祉行政論  
      大森 純子, 岩本 萌  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 保健学科大講義室  



    To understand a comprehensive overview of the concept of social security in Japan and other countries, healthcare, welfare, pensions, etc., and the basic concept, legal basis and specific measures of healthcare and welfare administration.

    To learn about the planning and evaluation of actual health and medical welfare plans through specific examples on child welfare and disability (child) welfare, medical consultation support in hospitals, and various issues of local medical service.

    In addition, the impact of preventive medicine on the social security system and healthcare economy will be captured along with the future vision.

  •   ツーリズムとインバウンドの経済学Ⅱ  
      後期 木曜日 4講時 経済学部第1講義室  




    ”Inbound” refers to foreign tourists who is visiting Japan. In light of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the government (Japan Tourism Agency) and other local governments across the country are working to develop international tourism businesses based on inbound tourists.

    ・In order to develop human resources who can promote local tourism businesses in response to these social conditions, we have set up a set of lectures (in a classroom) and exercises (practical training) aimed at promoting understanding of the tourism industry for a wide range of students. We will provide the following education.


  •   特講)ツーリズムとインバウンドの経済学Ⅱ  
      後期 木曜日 4講時  




    ”Inbound” refers to foreign tourists who is visiting Japan. In light of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the government (Japan Tourism Agency) and other local governments across the country are working to develop international tourism businesses based on inbound tourists.

    ・In order to develop human resources who can promote local tourism businesses in response to these social conditions, we have set up a set of lectures (in a classroom) and exercises (practical training) aimed at promoting understanding of the tourism industry for a wide range of students. We will provide the following education.


  •   看護管理・政策論  
      朝倉 京子, 大森 純子, 杉山 祥子, 高田 望, 原 ゆかり  
      後期 火曜日 1講時 保健学科第2講義室  



    1. Understand nursing management as a "structure" for providing nursing care, and learn various theories and foundational knowledge necessary to manage nursing services.

    2. Gain an understanding of legal systems related to health, nursing, medical care, and welfare, contemplate the role and responsibilities of nursing professionals with national qualifications in policy-making, and deepen perspectives on nursing care.

  •   生産フィールド実習Ⅱ(植&経)  
      西田 瑞彦, 田島 亮介  
      前期集中 その他 その他 未設定  




    Students practice the research of crop production in the field and learn crop production and the relations with biodiversity and climate change in Kawatabi Field Center, Graduate school of Agriculture, Tohoku University (located in Naruko-onsen, Osaki, Miyagi).

    The schedule will be announced at the guidance.

  •   まちづくり・地域づくり政策演習  
      御手洗 潤  
      後期 水曜日 4講時  

     日本の都市ないし地域は、人口減少時代を迎え、経済の停滞や活力の低下、都市機能の低下、地域コミュニティの衰退、景観や公共サービスの維持の困難さ等様々な課題を抱えている。さらに、東日本大震災の被災地、特に一斉避難を経験した福島原子力災害被災地においては、少しずつ住民の帰還が進んではいるが、人口減少をはじめとする前述のような課題が急激に起こったともいえ、その復興にも様々な課題がある。また、財政状況のひっ迫、社会の複雑化、課題の多様化等の理由から公共主体のみでの問題解決が難しくなっている。このため、住民や事業者、まちづくり会社、NPO 等の民間主体への期待が高まってきており、例えばこれらの主体がエリアマネジメントという新たな手法で従来型の公共サービスを超えた官民中間領域のまちづくりを担う機会が増加している。


    This course is a seminar course teaching on city and town management policy. This course provide student with opportunities understanding the proses of policy making and aiming to promote capability of policy making and coordination. Students are required making some presentations and discussion concerning about the field of previous lecture by teachers.

  •   生産フィールド実習Ⅰ(植&経)  
      西田 瑞彦, 田島 亮介  
      前期集中 その他 その他 未設定  




    Students learn agricultural production, such as crop, pasture and livestock production, forestry, and the relations with the environment through the experiences and practice the research of crop production in Kawatabi Field Center, Graduate school of Agriculture, Tohoku University (located in Naruko-onsen, Osaki, Miyagi)

    The schedule will be announced at the guidance.
