
4845 件ヒット (0.049秒):

  •   工学教育院特別講義(英語で学ぶ理工学) / Special lectures (English for Science and Engineering Students)  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部HPにて確認すること。




    内容の習得: 科学と工学の基本概念を理解し、批判的思考と分析力を養う。

    語学力の向上: 科学的な語彙やアカデミックな表現に重点を置きながら、英語運用能力(listening, speaking, reading, writing)を向上させる。優れたアカデミック・ライティングの基礎を学び、理工学分野で興味のあるトピックについてプレゼンテーションを行う。

    This Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) course in Science and Engineering is designed to enhance students' language proficiency while exploring key concepts in the fields of science and engineering. The course is conducted in English with Japanese language support and provides students with the opportunity to develop their academic English language and presentation skills in conjunction with acquiring scientific knowledge.

    Some of the classes will also include a guest science or engineering professor.

    Content Mastery: Gain an understanding of some fundamental concepts in science and engineering, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills. 

    Language Proficiency: Develop and improve student’s English language skills, focusing on listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with an emphasis on scientific vocabulary and academic language. In this course, students will also learn the fundamentals of good academic writing and give a presentation on a topic within science and engineering that interests them.

    学修の 到達目標 /Goal of Study


    1) 重要な概念を分類し、定義する。

    2) 手順や実験を説明する。

    3) 科学的現象に関する原因と結果を説明する。

    4) 数字、公式、測定法を理解する。

    5) 学習した内容に基づいて意見を述べ、アイデアを共有する。

    6) アカデミックな内容のリスニングとライティングを上達させる。

    7) 科学・工学に関連したテーマでプレゼンテーションを行う。

    8) アカデミック・ライティングの基礎を学ぶ。

    Students will learn both spoken and written academic English to be able to:

    1) Classify and define key concepts.

    2) Describe procedures and experiments.

    3) Explain cause and effect related to scientific phenomena.

    4) Understand numbers, formulae, and measurements.

    5) Give opinions and share ideas based on the content learned.

    6) Improve their listening and writing of academic content.

    7) Give a presentation on a topic related to science and engineering

    8) Learn the basics of academic writing

  •   工学教育院特別講義(英語で学ぶ理工学) / Institute of Engineering Education Special lectures  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。




    内容の習得: 科学と工学の基本概念を理解し、批判的思考と分析力を養う。

    語学力の向上: 科学的な語彙やアカデミックな表現に重点を置きながら、英語運用能力(listening, speaking, reading, writing)を向上させる。優れたアカデミック・ライティングの基礎を学び、理工学分野で興味のあるトピックについてプレゼンテーションを行う。

    This Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) course in Science and Engineering is designed to enhance students' language proficiency while exploring key concepts in the fields of science and engineering. The course is conducted in English with Japanese language support and provides students with the opportunity to develop their academic English language and presentation skills in conjunction with acquiring scientific knowledge.

    Some of the classes will also include a guest science or engineering professor.

    Content Mastery: Gain an understanding of some fundamental concepts in science and engineering, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills. 

    Language Proficiency: Develop and improve student’s English language skills, focusing on listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with an emphasis on scientific vocabulary and academic language. In this course, students will also learn the fundamentals of good academic writing and give a presentation on a topic within science and engineering that interests them.

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    学修の 到達目標 /Goal of Study


    1) 重要な概念を分類し、定義する。

    2) 手順や実験を説明する。

    3) 科学的現象に関する原因と結果を説明する。

    4) 数字、公式、測定法を理解する。

    5) 学習した内容に基づいて意見を述べ、アイデアを共有する。

    6) アカデミックな内容のリスニングとライティングを上達させる。

    7) 科学・工学に関連したテーマでプレゼンテーションを行う。

    8) アカデミック・ライティングの基礎を学ぶ。

    Students will learn both spoken and written academic English to be able to:

    1) Classify and define key concepts.

    2) Describe procedures and experiments.

    3) Explain cause and effect related to scientific phenomena.

    4) Understand numbers, formulae, and measurements.

    5) Give opinions and share ideas based on the content learned.

    6) Improve their listening and writing of academic content.

    7) Give a presentation on a topic related to science and engineering

    8) Learn the basics of academic writing

  •   学術英語  
      塩飽 仁, 入江 亘, 菅原 明子  
      後期集中 その他 連講  

    急速なグローバル化により、これからの看護学では看護の知識・実技のみならず、日本語で意図した通りにコミュニケーションが取れない患者(patients with limited Japanese proficiency)への対応力、国際的な発信ができる研究能力を身につけた人材が求められます。本講義では、臨床英会話、英語による情報獲得(論文詳読)と情報発信(論文執筆およびプレゼンテーション)について学びます。

    In the future, nursing science will require personnel who have acquired not only nursing knowledge and practical skills, but also research skills. In research, it is necessary to acquire information (reading papers in detail) and disseminate information (writing papers and presentations) in English. In this course, students will learn about information dissemination in particular.

  •   アカデミック・ライティング / Academic Writing  
      羅 漢  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    ・250~400 wordsの英語の文章を無理なく書ける。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)


    Engineers and researchers need the ability to disseminate the value of their technology and research internationally, and to follow the trends of technology and research around the world. To develop communication skills, it is necessary to write logically structured articles. This is an important skill that is common to Japanese and English, and is a basic skill required for training in each department from the third year onwards and for graduation research in the fourth year.

    In this lecture, we will learn what constitutes a logically structured article by analyzing good examples of writing, and we will practice summarizing and writing opinions by deciphering Japanese/English materials from various fields.


    ・Students should be able to understand and practice sentence structure and the role and order of each paragraph and sentence.

    ・Sstudents should be able to summarize the contents of long articles into logically structured sentences of 400-800 words.

    ・Students should be able to write sentences of 250-400 words in English without difficulty.

  •   アカデミック英語  
      松井 広  
      後期集中 その他 その他  

    英語によるコミュニケーション・プレゼンテーションスキルの修得を目指した授業。主に、国際共同大学院プログラム「生命科学(脳科学)」(略称:Neuro Global Program)履修生を対象とする。NGP必修単位であるため、NGP履修生は必ず履修できるが、NGPを履修していない学生も参加できる。ただし、総参加者12名程度を限度とする。

    This course is aimed to train NGP students with skills for English communication and academic presentation. As this course is mandatory, NGP students will definitely be allowed to participate, but other students can also attend. However, the maximum number of participants will be limited to approximately 12.

  •   先進アカデミック英語  
      松井 広  
      後期集中 その他 その他  

    英語によるコミュニケーション・プレゼンテーションスキルの修得を目指した授業。主に、国際共同大学院プログラム「生命科学(脳科学)」(略称:Neuro Global Program)履修生を対象とする。博士前期課程でのNGP必修単位であるため、NGP履修生は必ず履修できるが、NGPを履修していない学生も参加できる。ただし、総参加者12名程度を限度とする。特に、博士後期課程からNGP履修生となったもので、博士前期課程で、「アカデミック英語集中講義」を受講していなかった学生には、受講することを推奨する。

    This course is aimed to train NGP students with skills for English communication and academic presentation. As this course is mandatory for NGP students during their Master course, NGP students will definitely be allowed to participate, but other students can also attend. However, the maximum number of participants will be limited to approximately 12. Those who have started NGP from the Ph.D. course and those that did not take the academic English training course during their Master course are suggested to take these Advanced courses.

  •   英文学・英語学論文作成法特論Ⅱ / Academic Writing in English Literature and Linguistics (Advanced Lecture)II  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  

    This class is a continuation of the writing class in the previous semester, and is intended to help students develop the skills for writing research papers/essays in English. This course will therefore concentrate on the skills for writing longer research projects in the humanities such as dissertations by asking students to research two long written assignments during the semester. Each week, the class will review and practice an aspect of research writing from the pre-writing stage to final editing. By the end of the course, students should have developed a more sophisticated "voice" for writing in English for academic purposes.


  •   工学英語Ⅱ / English in Technology II  
      陳 迎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    陳迎教授: ying@rift.mech.tohoku.ac.jp


    Google Classroom: as the course platform [Class code: dbvcua3]




    小人数のクラスを編成し、プレゼンテーションの基礎を講義しながら、受講生が、Nature, Science等の記事と各自の研究分野の論文、各自の研究テーマに関して10分程度のプレゼンテーションを2回仕上げて、発表、質疑応答を行う。その発表について教員がアドバオスを与える。なお、講義が全て英語で行う。



    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Prof. Ying Chen: ying@rift.mech.tohoku.ac.jp

    [2Q of 2023: On-site lecture]

    Google Classroom: as the course platform [Class code: qoazeug]

    1. Objective

    This lecture aims at training students' ability of English communication as a scientist and engineer. The focus is the presentation skill, while various relevant aspects such as scientific papers searching, reading, abstracting, contents organizing and discussion will be also practiced.

    2. Abstract

    Lectures are processed in small classes. After being given lectures on basic knowledge of English presentation, each student will have chance to give two 10-minute presentations on selected topics by themselves based on papers in the world leading scientific journals or in their own research fields. Practice of the whole process of preparation, presentation, questioning and answering will be carried out, teacher's advice is followed. All lectures are given in English.

    3. Goal of this class

    The goal of this lecture is to guide students used to the scientific English, and to train students to do presentation, as well as carry the questions and answers in English from beginners level.

  •   学術英語演習 I / Academic English I  
      前期 水曜日 3講時  

    In this class, students will learn how to write an academic essay in continuous English prose of at least five paragraphs. Each week, we will review a stage of the writing process from preparing a topic and thesis statement to organizing and editing paragraphs. In the first half of the semester, students will write a five-paragraph essay, and in the second half we will look at the correct use of sources, in academic work, avoiding plagiarism and using types of citation. By the end of the course, students should produce a second essay on an academic topic of their own choice with citation and documentation.

    Please note that this class will be limited to 35 students. It will also be offered in the second semester.



  •   工学英語Ⅱ(クラスA) / English in Technology II  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    English is a key skill in engineering, academia, and business in today's interconnected world. This course aims to give you the skills needed to participate in today's world. We will combine natural native-speaker learning methods with methods based on scientific research. The objective of this course is for students to gain skills in effective English communication in a global environment with the focus on engineering. There will be lots of speaking (in pairs and in groups). You will learn some technical vocabulary useful for engineering, and how to structure your ideas and present your projects (group presentations), You will learn some grammar, but it is not the focus. By the end of this course students should have a better understanding of global English as used for academic/engineering purpose; students will be able to communicate across cultures more effectively and naturally; will be better able to participate with confidence in discussions; will be able to use and understand measurements and specifications particular to engineering; will be able to explain and understand graphs and diagrams; will be able to summarize and discuss key ideas; will be able to express opinions and ideas, and; will be able to plan and give presentations.
