
工学教育院特別講義(英語で学ぶ理工学) / Institute of Engineering Education Special lectures

単位数: 1. 担当教員: KAVANAGH BARRY. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TAL-OEN811B. 開講言語: 英語と日本語 English for Science and Engineering Students英語で学ぶ理工学.


Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。

内容の習得: 科学と工学の基本概念を理解し、批判的思考と分析力を養う。
語学力の向上: 科学的な語彙やアカデミックな表現に重点を置きながら、英語運用能力(listening, speaking, reading, writing)を向上させる。優れたアカデミック・ライティングの基礎を学び、理工学分野で興味のあるトピックについてプレゼンテーションを行う。

This Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) course in Science and Engineering is designed to enhance students' language proficiency while exploring key concepts in the fields of science and engineering. The course is conducted in English with Japanese language support and provides students with the opportunity to develop their academic English language and presentation skills in conjunction with acquiring scientific knowledge.
Some of the classes will also include a guest science or engineering professor.

Content Mastery: Gain an understanding of some fundamental concepts in science and engineering, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills. 
Language Proficiency: Develop and improve student’s English language skills, focusing on listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with an emphasis on scientific vocabulary and academic language. In this course, students will also learn the fundamentals of good academic writing and give a presentation on a topic within science and engineering that interests them.


The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of
the School of Engineering:
https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

学修の 到達目標 /Goal of Study
1) 重要な概念を分類し、定義する。
2) 手順や実験を説明する。
3) 科学的現象に関する原因と結果を説明する。
4) 数字、公式、測定法を理解する。
5) 学習した内容に基づいて意見を述べ、アイデアを共有する。
6) アカデミックな内容のリスニングとライティングを上達させる。
7) 科学・工学に関連したテーマでプレゼンテーションを行う。
8) アカデミック・ライティングの基礎を学ぶ。

Students will learn both spoken and written academic English to be able to:
1) Classify and define key concepts.
2) Describe procedures and experiments.
3) Explain cause and effect related to scientific phenomena.
4) Understand numbers, formulae, and measurements.
5) Give opinions and share ideas based on the content learned.
6) Improve their listening and writing of academic content.
7) Give a presentation on a topic related to science and engineering
8) Learn the basics of academic writing


授業内容・ 方法と 進度予定 /Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

1. Introduction and Orientation
2. Artificial Intelligence in Society
3. Mechanical Engineering
4. Recombinant DNA Technology
5. Topics on Biophysics
6. Ethical Issues in Science and Engineering
7. Presentation Skills for Science and Engineering Students
8. Writing on Science and Engineering Themes (Abstract and report writing)
9. Science, Technology, and Innovation for the SDGs
10. Environmental Engineering: Saving the Environment
11. Topics on Architecture and Civil Engineering
12. Topics on Materials Science
13. Introducing Biomedical Research
14. Presentations and Discussion (Individual presentations based on each student's choice of a science and engineering topic)
15. Presentations and Discussion (Individual presentations based on each student's choice of a science and engineering topic)


教科書 および 参考書 /Textbook and References

There is no need to buy a textbook. All materials will be provided by the teacher, and students will be given access to the course website.
Please bring your computer to each class.


教科書 および 参考書 /Textbook and References

There is no need to buy a textbook. All materials will be provided by the teacher, and students will be given access to the course website.
Please bring your computer to each class.



Classwork (Based on quizzes on language and content)
Homework (Quizzes and preparation for the next class)
Written report (Students write a short report on their research or topic of interest related to the course)
Short presentation (Students give a presentation based on their research or topic of interest related to the course)



    TOEFL ITPテスト500点以上または同等の英語力を持つ学生を想定した授業としている。ただし、テストの点数や英語力により受講を制限するわけではない。科学や工学の概念やテーマについて英語で学び、国際感覚や文化認識、アカデミックな英語力を向上させたいと考えている学生にとって魅力的な授業である。

    This course is designed for students with good English proficiency and should have a score of 500 or more on the TOEFL ITP test or equivalent. However, we do not limit enrollment based on test scores or English proficiency.
    The course should appeal to students who want to learn about scientific and engineering concepts and themes in English with the aim of improving their global awareness, cultural awareness, and academic English.

     これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認