
93 件ヒット (0.018秒):

  •   大気海洋相互作用特論 / Large-scale atmosphere-ocean interaction  
      木津 昭一, 須賀 利雄  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  


    To learn the mechanisms and dynamics of large-scale interactions between the atmosphere and ocean, and their roles in climate change, through reading a designated English textbook.

  •   大気海洋学 / Atmosphere-Ocean Science  
      浅海 竜司  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    In this course, students will understand atmosphere and ocean circulations on a global scale and a situation of their

    distributions and movements. Also, students will learn climate changes at short-term and long-term scales in modern

    times and in the past.

  •   海洋物理学 / Physical Oceanography: Large-scale circulation and stratification of the ocean, and its role on climate variation and change  
      杉本 周作  
      後期 木曜日 1講時  


    The purpose of this lecture is to provide an overview of the static and dynamic picture of the ocean on large scales from a physical perspective. Particular attention will be given to the structure of the large-scale stratification and general circulation, its variability, the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean, and the role of the ocean in global warming.

  •   地球惑星物理学  
      木戸 元之、安中 さやか、寺田 直樹  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA301  


    Lectures on overviews and key issues of earth and planetary physics from the solid earth to the atmosphere, ocean, and interplanetary space.

  •   海洋力学 / Ocean Dynamics  
      木津 昭一  
      前期 火曜日 1講時  


    Dynamics of currents and waves in the ocean, and the basics of large-scale ocean circulation.

  •   現代地球科学 / Formation of planet Earth's environment as solid earth  
      浅海 竜司, 黒栁 あずみ, 菅原 大助, 鈴木 紀毅, 髙栁 栄子, 長濱 裕幸, 堀 和明, 武藤 潤  
      前期 金曜日 1講時  


    It aims to acquire basic knowledge to capture the formation of planet Earth's environment as solid earth, atmosphere, ocean, human beings, and to understand familiar natural phenomena occurring on Earth.

  •   地球環境史 / Formation of planet Earth's environment as solid earth  
      長濱 裕幸, 浅海 竜司, 黒栁 あずみ, 菅原 大助, 鈴木 紀毅, 髙栁 栄子, 堀 和明, 武藤 潤  
      前期 金曜日 1講時  


    It aims to acquire basic knowledge to capture the formation of planet Earth's environment as solid earth, atmosphere, ocean, human beings, and to understand familiar natural phenomena occurring on Earth.

  •   地球惑星物理学  
      加藤 雄人、杉本 周作、趙 大鵬  
      前期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC200  


    This lecture introduces basic physics and related recent topics in solid earth physics, atmospheric and oceanic sciences, and planetary and space physics to understand the background and perspective of geophysics. This lecture is organized by three research areas of geophysics given by faculty members of the Department of Geophysics.

  •   大気放射学特論 / Atmospheric Radiation  
      岩渕 弘信  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    Solar radiation and thermal infrared radiation are main players to transport energy in the atmosphere-ocean-land system on the earth. Changes in the atmosphere and surface cause changes in the energy budget and climate through the atmospheric radiation process. In this class, we learn the principles of atmospheric radiation, including the definitions of physics of gaseous absorption, scattering by air molecules and small particles, interaction between radiation and materials, and radiative transfer. A goal is to understand the roles of cloud and aerosol in the climate system, and another goal is to understand the theory of atmospheric radiative transfer and the principle and methods for remote sensing of the atmosphere from space or surface.

  •   気候物理学 / Climate Physics  
      森本 真司, 青木 周司  
      前期 火曜日 4講時  



    Concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases such as CO2, CH4 and N2O have fluctuated various time scales; a 100,000-year scale caused by the glacial-interglacial climate change, a 100-year scale caused by human activities, and several-years scale caused by short-term climate changes related to the ENSO events, volcanic eruptions and so on. The purpose of this course is to learn mechanisms of such greenhouse gas fluctuations.

    First, the relationship between climate change and greenhouse gases are briefly explained. Then, for each of the important greenhouse gaes, their circulations on the earth's surface and their sources/sinks including chemical reactions are explained.
