
海洋物理学 / Physical Oceanography: Large-scale circulation and stratification of the ocean, and its role on climate variation and change

後期 木曜日 1講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 杉本 周作. 学期/Semester: 後期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SAG-EPP253J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


理学部 宇宙地球物理学科(地球物理学コース) 海洋物理学分野



Course Title

Physical Oceanography: Large-scale circulation and stratification of the ocean, and its role on climate variation and change




The purpose of this lecture is to provide an overview of the static and dynamic picture of the ocean on large scales from a physical perspective. Particular attention will be given to the structure of the large-scale stratification and general circulation, its variability, the interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean, and the role of the ocean in global warming.




To understand large-scale stratification structure and general circulation of the ocean, and to understand the important role of the ocean in formation and variability of the Earth’s climate.



1. 海洋の形状
2. 地球上の水と海水の性質
3. 海洋の熱収支
4. 海洋への強制力
5. 海洋の成層
6. 海洋の大循環
7. 海水の運動を支配する方程式と地衡流
8. 海洋循環論
9. 潮汐と潮流
10. 海洋の観測と監視
11. 気候システムと海洋
12. エルニーニョと日本の気候
13. 異常気象と海洋
14. 地球温暖化と海洋 (1)
15. 地球温暖化と海洋 (2)

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

The following contents are planned. The lecture will be given using an LCD projector. Printouts of figures, tables, etc. to be used will be distributed. Explanations will be supplemented by writing on the black board as necessary. In addition to the lecture time, several assignments will be given in each class to deepen their understanding. Students are required to prepare and submit a report by the next lecture.

1. Ocean basins
2. Water in the Earth surface layer and sea water properties
3. Heat budget of the ocean
4. Forcing fields to the ocean
5. Ocean stratification
6. Ocean general circulation
7. Governing equation of motion of sea water and geostrophic current
8. General circulation theory
9. Tides and tidal currents
10. Ocean observations and monitoring
11. Climate system and the ocean
12. El Nino and Japanese climate
13. Extreme weather and ocean
14. Global warming and ocean (1)
15. Global warming and ocean (2)




The evaluation will be based on attendance and the reports that are required almost every class. Attendance is important, so if you have to be absent due to official events, please let me know in writing in advance.



Books required/referenced

The special textbook is not used, but the following reference book is recommended. Other reference books will be suggested in lectures.
Kimio Hanawa, 2017, Physical Oceanography, Kyoritushuppan, 210pp.



Preparation and review

A short report is required for almost every lecture for deeper understanding of the lecture. Students are expected to make efforts to understand the lecture content throughout reports.



連絡先: 杉本周作 shusaku.sugimoto.d7 # tohoku.ac.jp (#を@に置き換えること)

Google Classroom code:32nkjgg


Questions will be accepted not only during the lecture but also after the lecture. Questions may be submitted by e-mail, but will be answered in person.

Contact information: shusaku.sugimoto.d7 # tohoku.ac.jp (Replace # with @)

Lecture style: in person
Google Classroom code: 32nkjgg

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