
大気放射学特論 / Atmospheric Radiation

前期 水曜日 2講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 岩渕 弘信. 学期/Semester: 前期. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SGP-EPP633.


大学院理学研究科 大気海洋変動観測研究センター



Course Title

Atmospheric Radiation




Solar radiation and thermal infrared radiation are main players to transport energy in the atmosphere-ocean-land system on the earth. Changes in the atmosphere and surface cause changes in the energy budget and climate through the atmospheric radiation process. In this class, we learn the principles of atmospheric radiation, including the definitions of physics of gaseous absorption, scattering by air molecules and small particles, interaction between radiation and materials, and radiative transfer. A goal is to understand the roles of cloud and aerosol in the climate system, and another goal is to understand the theory of atmospheric radiative transfer and the principle and methods for remote sensing of the atmosphere from space or surface.


1. 大気放射の基礎的概念と放射の散乱と吸収の機構、放射伝達理論を理解する。
2. 電磁波の計測による大気リモートセンシングの手法を習得する。
3. 地球の気候形成と変化の機構を理解する。


1. To understand fundamental concepts and physical principles of atmospheric radiation including scattering and absorption, and the atmospheric radiative transfer theory.
2. To obtain the methods for atmospheric remote sensing.
3. To understand the mechanisms of climate formation and change on the Earth.


1. 放射の基礎概念と基本則
2. 気体による吸収
3. 大気微粒子による散乱
4. 大気光学
5. 平行平面大気における放射伝達
6. 三次元不均質大気における放射伝達
7. 大気のリモートセンシング
8. 放射収支と気候変動
9. 発表会

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

Lectures will be given on light scattering by molecules and particles, gaseous absorption, radiative transfer, atmospheric remote sensing, and earth radiation budget. Basically, lectures will be used to explain basic matters, and will introduce recent research as appropriate. Reports should be submitted. Practices using scattering and radiative transfer calculation codes will be made. In this way, students acquire practical skills. At the end, we will have a presentation based on the contents of the report.
1. Fundamentals and principles of radiation
2. Gaseous absorption
3. Light scattering by particles
4. Atmospheric optics
5. Radiative transfer in plane-parallel atmosphere
6. Radiative transfer in 3D inhomogeneous atmosphere
7. Remote sensing of atmosphere
8. Radiation budget and climate
9. Presentations




Grading is evaluated by reports and a presentation based on the report.


-浅野正二,2010: 大気放射学の基礎,朝倉書店
-Grant W. Petty: A First Course in Atmospheric Radiation(和訳本も有り)
-K. N. Liou: An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation(和訳本も有り)

Books required/referenced

Lecture notes will be distributed at each lecture. For self study, referenced books are as follows:
-Grant W. Petty: A First Course in Atmospheric Radiation
-K. N. Liou: An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation


参考書を読む。Grant W. PettyとK. N. Liouの本には、章末問題が設けられているので、それを解く。

Preparation and review

Read the reference books. Solve exercises in each chapter of the reference books.
Solve exercises in each chapter of the lecture note.


オフィスアワー: 金曜日9時から12時 (物理系研究棟409号室)
連絡先: 岩渕 弘信 (hiroiwa@tohoku.ac.jp)


Office hour: Friday, 0900-1200 JST, Room 409 of the Physics Building
Contact: Hironobu Iwabuchi (hiroiwa@tohoku.ac.jp)

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