
1454 件ヒット (0.022秒):

  •   幾何学特殊講義FⅡ / Pluripotential theories for Kahlerian spacetime  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    The purpose of this lecture is to learn pluripotential theory of Kahlerian spacetime (Mabuchi geodesic ray theory). In the talk before the lecrture, I will explain some results on time limit behavior of geometric flows on Kahler manifold (e.g. Kahler-Rich flow on Fano manifold), which motivates the subject of this lecture.

  •   複素多様体論特選 / Pluripotential theories for Kahlerian spacetime  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    The purpose of this lecture is to learn pluripotential theory of Kahlerian spacetime (Mabuchi geodesic ray theory). In the talk before the lecrture, I will explain some results on time limit behavior of geometric flows on Kahler manifold (e.g. Kahler-Rich flow on Fano manifold), which motivates the subject of this lecture.

  •   複素多様体論特論 / Pluripotential theories for Kahlerian spacetime  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    The purpose of this lecture is to learn pluripotential theory of Kahlerian spacetime (Mabuchi geodesic ray theory). In the talk before the lecrture, I will explain some results on time limit behavior of geometric flows on Kahler manifold (e.g. Kahler-Rich flow on Fano manifold), which motivates the subject of this lecture.

  •   大域解析学特選 / Eigenvalue maximization and space realization  
      前期集中 その他 連講  



     有限グラフにおいても問題A, Bと類似の問題を定式化することができ、多様体の場合と比較検討する。

    The theme of this intensive course is the proposition that ``a metric that maximizes the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian admits a good isometric embedding into a Euclidean space.''

        On a compact manifold, we consider the problem of maximizing the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian over all Riemannian metrics of volume 1 (Problem A), and a analogous problem for a pair of Riemannian metric and volume element (smooth metric-measure structure) (Problem B). Regarding Problem A, I will overview the known results, and in particular I will explain in detail Nadirashvili's theorem, which states that a maximizing metric on a closed surface can be realized as the induced metric on a minimal surface in a round sphere. Regarding Problem B, I will explain the relationship with isometric immersions of Riemannian manifolds, and formulate and prove an analogy of Nadirashvili's theorem. This theorem asserts that if Problem B is solved, a good isometric immersion is obtained.

        It is possible to formulate problems similar to Problems A and B for finite graphs, and I will compare them with the problems on manifolds.

  •   数学総合講義J / Eigenvalue maximization and space realization  
      前期集中 その他 連講  



     有限グラフにおいても問題A, Bと類似の問題を定式化することができ、多様体の場合と比較検討する。

    The theme of this intensive course is the proposition that ``a metric that maximizes the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian admits a good isometric embedding into a Euclidean space.''

        On a compact manifold, we consider the problem of maximizing the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian over all Riemannian metrics of volume 1 (Problem A), and a analogous problem for a pair of Riemannian metric and volume element (smooth metric-measure structure) (Problem B). Regarding Problem A, I will overview the known results, and in particular I will explain in detail Nadirashvili's theorem, which states that a maximizing metric on a closed surface can be realized as the induced metric on a minimal surface in a round sphere. Regarding Problem B, I will explain the relationship with isometric immersions of Riemannian manifolds, and formulate and prove an analogy of Nadirashvili's theorem. This theorem asserts that if Problem B is solved, a good isometric immersion is obtained.

        It is possible to formulate problems similar to Problems A and B for finite graphs, and I will compare them with the problems on manifolds.

  •   幾何学特殊講義FⅠ / Eigenvalue maximization and space realization  
      前期集中 その他 連講  



     有限グラフにおいても問題A, Bと類似の問題を定式化することができ、多様体の場合と比較検討する。

    The theme of this intensive course is the proposition that ``a metric that maximizes the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian admits a good isometric embedding into a Euclidean space.''

        On a compact manifold, we consider the problem of maximizing the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian over all Riemannian metrics of volume 1 (Problem A), and a analogous problem for a pair of Riemannian metric and volume element (smooth metric-measure structure) (Problem B). Regarding Problem A, I will overview the known results, and in particular I will explain in detail Nadirashvili's theorem, which states that a maximizing metric on a closed surface can be realized as the induced metric on a minimal surface in a round sphere. Regarding Problem B, I will explain the relationship with isometric immersions of Riemannian manifolds, and formulate and prove an analogy of Nadirashvili's theorem. This theorem asserts that if Problem B is solved, a good isometric immersion is obtained.

        It is possible to formulate problems similar to Problems A and B for finite graphs, and I will compare them with the problems on manifolds.

  •   幾何学概論A2 / Geometry of Differential forms  
      髙橋 良輔  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  


    This lecture is a sequel to Geometry A1 and students continue to study of the theory of manifolds. In particular, geometry using differential forms will mainly be discussed.

  •   代数学特論C / Advanced Topics in Algebra C  
      前期 火曜日 2講時  


    This course will provide introductory lectures on algebraic geometry. We will start with basics on algebras of finite type over a field, and we will give lectures on affine algebraic varieties. Further, we will define the notion of algebraic varieties by patching. As examples of algebraic varieties, we will talk about toric varieties.

  •   展開学問論  
      赤間 陽二  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC303  

    ハンガリーの数学者パウロ・エルドスは、神が数学的定理の最も美しい証明を保持する「本」について話していました。エルドスの最高の賞賛は、誰かから定理の新しい証明を学んだとき、「それは本からのものです」でした。このセミナーでは、数論から幾何学、組合せ論、グラフ理論、そしてエルドスのお気に入りの結果のいくつかを含む、数学のエレガントな結果と証明のコレクションを調査します。また、結果の歴史の一部と関係する数学者についても議論します。セミナーのメインテキストは、アイグナーとジーグラーによる「本からの証明」です。学生は毎週短い読書や問題セットを行い、プレゼンテーションを行います。The Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdos used to talk about “The Book,” in which God keeps the most beautiful proofs for mathematical theorems. Erdos’ highest praise, upon learning from someone a new proof of a theorem, was “That’s one from the book.” In this seminar we will survey a collection of elegant results and proofs in mathematics, ranging in topic from number theory to geometry to combinatorics and graph theory, and including some of Erdos’ favorite results. We will also discuss some of the history of the results and the mathematicians involved. A main text for the seminar will be “Proofs from the Book,” by Aigner and Ziegler. Students will give presentation.

  •   代数学特殊講義EⅢ / ケーラー多様体とHodge理論 Kahler manifolds and Hodge theory  
      花村 昌樹  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  



    微分形式,Hermite計量, ベクトル束,接続,Chern形式.

    層とコホモロジー,微分形式の計量,ラプラシアン, 調和形式の理論.



    We study Kahler manifolds and Hodge theory, a

     fundamental theory for complex manifolds.

     For that we start with basics on complex manifolds such as:

    Hermitian metrics, vector bundles, connections, Chern forms;

     sheaf cohomology, metrics on differential forms, Laplacians, harmonic forms,

     and the duality theorems.

     Then we proceed to develop the Hodge theory for Kahler manifolds.
