
241 件ヒット (0.026秒):

  •   植物生態学実習 / Laboratory Practice of Plant Ecology  
      彦坂 幸毅  
      通年集中 その他 連講  




    Here we study changes in plant distribution along altitude, population dynamics in a beech forest and plant community structure in a moorland in Hakkoda Mountain, Aomori Prefecture.

  •   森林生態論実習  
      陶山 佳久, 深澤 遊  
      前期集中 その他 その他 未設定  


    Forests are one of the ecosystems that maintain the richest biodiversity, and elucidation of mechanisms of diversity and conservation methods are being promoted globally. In this class, we will learn about species diversity and the coexistence mechanism of forest woody species, such as beech and elm, which are one of the forest vegetation representatives of the Tohoku region. At the same time, we learn the species identification method of major constituent species in the cool temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest and also learn basic skills in forest ecology.

  •   生態学実習 / Field Course of Ecology  
      彦坂 幸毅, 占部 城太郎, 川津 一隆, 近藤 倫生, 冨松 元, 牧野 渡  
      前期 月曜日 5講時前半 / 前期 火曜日 5講時前半 / 前期 水曜日 5講時前半 / 前期 木曜日 5講時前半  





    Analysis of ecological community

    This course is planned to learn the way to capture the characteristics of ecological community and analyze its structure, with several ecological dataset. Specifically, students will format 'dirty' raw data into a format easy for the ecological analysis. Then, you will extract community features, such as biomass and biodiversity, and analyze how the differences in the community structure are related to biotic/abiotic environments. Through the analysis, students will get used to the tools like a programming language R, RStudio, etc. The results will be discussed by each group and presented on the final day. Note: the course will be held with BYOD (Bring Your Own Device).

    Growth and competition of plants

    To learn the mechanisms of intraspecific competition for light among plants using a growth analysis of Xanthium canadense plants in a monoculture stand. Students also analyse the productive structure of the stand using a stratified-clipping method and learn different responses of plants depending on their light environment.

  •   水圏植物生態学  
      青木 優和  
      前期後半 火曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第7講義室 / 前期後半 火曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第7講義室  


    This course aims to understand the shifting mechanisms between marine forests and barren grounds. Strategies of herbivores for sustaining their species populations in marine forests are also studied.

  •   動物生態学 / Animal Ecology: from individuals to populations  
      後期 金曜日 4講時  


    This course reviews basic theories and applications of animal ecology, including topics in species interactions, behavior, species niches, geographic distributions, population demography, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, ecological community assembly, and present and future impacts on ecosystems from human activities.

  •   動物生態学実習 / Animal Ecology Field Course  
      通年集中 その他 連講  



    担当:キャス ジェイミイ (マクロ生態分野)、木村一貴 (生物多様性保全分野)


    担当:宇野裕美、牧野渡 (流域生態分野)

    This year we have prepared two field courses. Each runs through the summer break and has a capacity of 10 students.

    1) We will sample terrestrial communities living in moss around Aobayama (mainly insects and other soil organisms), identify taxa, and learn how to calculate metrics of biodiversity and community similarity.

    Instructors: Jamie Kass (Macroecology Lab), Kazutaka Kimura (Conservation Biology Lab)

    2) We will sample aquatic communities in Hirose River from the headwaters to downstream areas, identify taxa, and investigate the reasons behind observed differences depending on sampled locations.

    Instructors: Hiromi Uno, Wataru Makino (Watershed Ecology Lab)

  •   海洋生物学実習Ⅰ / Laboratory on Off-Campus Exercises in Marine Biology I  
      熊野 岳, 岩﨑 藍子, 美濃川 拓哉, 森田 俊平  
      通年集中 その他 連講  








    This course will be held from 21st August to 29th August at Asamushi Research Center for Marine Biology, Aomori.

    Observation of early development (Minokawa):

    In this course, students observe the early development of indirect-developing echinoid (or other indirect-developing marine invertebrate). Students also learn the basic techniques to observe animals with optical microscopes.

    “Think for yourself” (Kumano and Morita):

    In this course, using various marine invertebrates, students will design the experiments, interpret the results, generate and test their hypotheses towards to a given purpose. One objective of this course is that students learn some processes of scientific research.

    Intertidal ecology (Iwasaki)

    In this course, each student will make a hypothesis about a species distribution and the determinants, propose a study design to investigate that in the field, and conduct that. Students can empirically learn a series of flows of research: issue setting, logical thinking for the solution, field work, data analysis, and presentation, through this course.

  •   水圏植物学  
      青木 優和  
      後期前半 水曜日 1講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室 / 後期前半 水曜日 2講時 農学部青葉山コモンズ第6講義室  


    This course offers an opportunity to learn about the biological and ecological aspects of marine plants such as marine algae as essential primary producers in the rocky coastal ecosystem. First, students will study geographical and vertical distributions, phenology, population dynamics, primary production and plant-animal interactions. Applied aspects related with our life such as environmental effects, aquaculture of algae and marine pollution will also be discussed. Students can deepen their understanding of the importance of marine plant ecology linked with fishery sciences for our future.

  •   進化学実習 / Laboratory of Evolutionary Biology   
      牧野 能士, 酒井 聡樹, 牧 雅之  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 / 前期 火曜日 4講時 / 前期 水曜日 4講時 / 前期 木曜日 4講時  




    Basic data analyses by R

    plant ecology analysis

    morphological analyais

    estimation of phylogeny by morphology

    sex determination by molecular marker

    analyses for flowering strategies for plants 

  •   海洋生物学実習Ⅱ / Laboratory on Off-Campus Exercises in Marine Biology II  
      熊野 岳, 岩﨑 藍子, 美濃川 拓哉  
      通年集中 その他 連講  






    This course will be held from 6th August to 13th August at Asamushi Research Center for Marine Biology, Aomori. Students can choose a course to participate in from following two courses.

    Ecology course:

    What is biodiversity? What is the value of biodiversity?? It is not easy to answer these questions. In this course, each student will deeply think about the meaning and value of biodiversity, propose a new measurement for the biodiversity which reflect the value correctly, and try to measure that in the field. You can empirically learn a series of flows of research: issue setting, logical thinking for the solution, field work, data analysis, and presentation, through this course.

    Taxonomy course:

    How many species exist in the Ocean? Understanding species diversity of organisms is one of the most fundamental questions in marine biology. This program aims to enhance students, understanding the species richness of marine organisms by actually sampling, observing and identifying in the marine field (e.g. intertidal rocky shores, sandy beaches, seagrass beds and subtidal muddy bottoms). In the marine field, where more animal phyla can be observed than on land, students can learn about the basic body plans of the different phyla and gain a practical understanding of marine biodiversity.
