
2913 件ヒット (0.025秒):

  •   今年度は開講しない No class will be held in this academic year  
      和田 萌  
      第2学期 The Second Semester  
      金曜日 3講時 Friday, The Third Period  


    This course aims to provide students with an understanding of international society and its security issues. Today, the state can no longer be considered the only actor in international society, as the increasing importance of the complex of transnational and non-state actors has profoundly affected global politics. To understand an ever more tightly connected international society, students will learn various approaches to international security, which seek to challenge the traditional state-centric understanding of security. This course mainly focuses on the theoretical evolution of studies on international security, and also explores some empirical cases related to contemporary security issues in international society, such as terrorism, migration, and religious violence.

  •   国際事情  
      勝間田 弘  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 CALL教室 M301  


    The aim of this course is to gain comprehensive knowledge of international affairs while learning presentation skills. In today's global society, a number of challenges persist. Security tensions between states are on the increase in various parts of the world, and disruptive activities of terrorists and extremists are spreading across the globe. Yet cooperative efforts are also emerging. In particular, international institutions have been established, in areas such as trade, investment, human rights, and the environment. On the basis of the presentations made by students, this course aims to promote mutual learning among them on these latest developments.

  •   政治学  
      勝間田 弘  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 マルチメディア棟M206  


    The aim of this course is to gain comprehensive knowledge of world affairs by using various theories of the social sciences. In other words, its aim is to arrive at a thorough understanding of a variety of events taking place in today's globalizing world, by applying various theories used in the fields of Political Science, Economics, and International Relations to those events. In such a world today, conflicts between nations are rampant, but institutionalized forms of cooperation between them are also emerging. This course sheds light on some new aspects of these negative and positive developments while making various social science theories at the advanced level understandable to those who are unfamiliar with such theories.

  •   SDGsにみるグローバルガバナンスと持続可能な開発  
      勝間田 弘  
      前期集中 その他 連講 川北キャンパスA403  

    この講座の目的は、社会科学のさまざまな理論を駆使して、グローバルガバナンスと持続可能な開発への理解を深めることにある。とくにSDGs(Sustainable Development Goals持続可能な開発目標)に関心を向けながら、これらへの理解を深めることにある。SDGsとは国連が掲げるグローバルな目標であり、これの中心的な要素が「グローバルガバナンス」「持続可能な開発」といったテーマにほかならない。これらのテーマは、市場経済、社会福祉、地球環境、平和・安全保障などの問題と密接に関連している。この講座では、政治学や国際関係論のコンセプトや理論をつかって、これらの問題を捉えていく。

    The aim of this course is to gain comprehensive knowledge of global governance and sustainable development by using various theories of the social sciences. In particular, the aim is to gain such knowledge while paying special attention to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — the goals for the global community set by the United Nations. The central elements of the SDGs include global governance and sustainable development, and the latter two notions are associated with issues such as the market economy, social welfare, the global environment, peace and security. This course sheds light on various aspects of these issues by utilizing analytical concepts and theories used in the fields of Political Science and International Relations.

  •   宗教学概論 / Science of Religions (General Lecture)  
      木村 敏明  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    This course will explore the various aspects of religion in modern society from the perspective of religious studies to help students understand the meanings and tasks of religion in modern world.

  •   国際法  
      後期 水曜日 4講時  


    In this course, the basic rules and principles of international law will be explained systematically and theoretically, and the actual function of international law in the global society will be examined.

  •   グローバル・ガバナンス論Ⅱ  
      松本 明日香  
      後期 火曜日 5講時  


    (1) 経済枠組み:環太平洋経済連携(CPTPP)、インド太平洋経済枠組み(IPEF)、日米FTA、地域的な経済連携(RCEP)など

    (2) 安全保障枠組みと経済の融合:インド太平洋戦略、上海協力機構、経済制裁など

    (3) 国際援助・開発枠組み:アジア開発銀行と日本の政府開発援助、アジア国際投資銀行と一帯一路など


    How should Japan and the world deal with new reality in the Eurasian continent and the Indo-Pacific? This class will examine the recent developments of global governance and regional frameworks in the following three spheres: (1) economic initiatives such as the TPP-11, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), etc.; (2) security initiatives and its fusion with the economic sphere such as the Indo-Pacific, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), etc.; and (3) international aid initiatives such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Asian International Investment Bank (AIIB) and OBOR, and NGO. We will examine these three spheres from three different approaches: (1) historical perspectives, (2) theoretical analyses, and (3) qualitative and quantitative analyses.

  •   グローバル・ガバナンス論Ⅰ  
      松本 明日香  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 CALL教室 M305  


    (1) 経済枠組み:環太平洋経済連携(CPTPP)、インド太平洋経済枠組み(IPEF)、日米FTA、地域的な経済連携(RCEP)など

    (2) 安全保障枠組みと経済の融合:インド太平洋戦略、上海協力機構、経済制裁など

    (3) 国際援助・開発枠組み:アジア開発銀行と日本の政府開発援助、アジア国際投資銀行と一帯一路など


    How should Japan and the world deal with new reality in the Eurasian continent and the Indo-Pacific? This class will examine the recent developments of global governance and regional frameworks in the following three spheres: (1) economic initiatives such as the TPP-11, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), etc.; (2) security initiatives and its fusion with the economic sphere such as the Indo-Pacific, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), etc.; and (3) international aid initiatives such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Asian International Investment Bank (AIIB) and OBOR, and NGO. We will examine these three spheres from three different approaches: (1) historical perspectives, (2) theoretical analyses, and (3) qualitative and quantitative analyses.

  •   東北アジア地域研究入門  
      高倉 浩樹、石井 弓  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC200  


    The purpose of this course is to comprehensively understand the nature, history, culture, and modern times of the Japanese archipelago and its adjoining regions of Russia, China, Mongolia, and the Korean Peninsula. There are various disciplines to approach the modern world, such as economics and political science. Area studies is one of them, and it is characterized by an empirical understanding of diversity using an interdisciplinary approach. Targeting a specific wide area, we aim to comprehend the complexity of modern politics, economy, and society based on the natural and historical and cultural background. It is necessary to acquire methodological perspectives based on existing disciplines, but on top of that, it is important to integrate more than one disciplinary knowledge. Northeast Asia is a vast area that is closely related to Japan and at the same time has vastly different characteristics. By deepening our understanding of this region, we will be able to seize clues for conflicts, conflicts, and exchanges between nations, ethnicities, and other groups not only within the region but also in today's global society.

  •   薬事関係法規2  
      平澤 典保  
      後期 火曜日 4講時 薬学部中講義室  


    In this course, students will understand several laws to be necessary when they will be active as a pharmacist in society in the future: e. g. “Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act,” “Pharmacist Act,” “Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act,” “Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act,” and other pharmaceutical related laws, medical service related laws, and social security related laws.
