

前期 木曜日 2講時 マルチメディア棟M206. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 勝間田 弘 所属:国際文化研究科. 対象学部/Object: 1セメ:法経医薬工(1~5、15~16組)農/3セメ:理系. 開講期/Term: 1・3セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目基盤科目-社会科学. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZFS-POL102J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

Basics of International Relations

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


The aim of this course is to gain comprehensive knowledge of world affairs by using various theories of the social sciences. In other words, its aim is to arrive at a thorough understanding of a variety of events taking place in today's globalizing world, by applying various theories used in the fields of Political Science, Economics, and International Relations to those events. In such a world today, conflicts between nations are rampant, but institutionalized forms of cooperation between them are also emerging. This course sheds light on some new aspects of these negative and positive developments while making various social science theories at the advanced level understandable to those who are unfamiliar with such theories.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

- 国際関係論の基礎となる概念や理論を学ぶこと
- 独自の視点で世界の動きについて論じられるようになること
- 複数の視点からグローバル社会を捉えるスキルを習得すること

- To gain knowledge of concepts and theories in the field of International Relations
- To become able to discuss world events from an original point of view
- To acquire the skills necessary to analyze today's globalizing world from multiple viewpoints

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

1. 理論の基礎(国際政治) ――国際関係を捉える二つの分析視点

2. 理論の基礎(国際政治経済) ――国際政治経済を捉える三つの分析視点

3. 国家主権 ――国際社会において「主権国家」とは、いかなる存在なのだろうか

4. 国際法とは何か ――個人の関係を管理する国内法と比べると、国家の関係を管理する国際法には、どのような特徴があるのだろうか

5. 国際政治におけるパワー ――「ハードパワー」「ソフトパワー」「モラルパワー」の可能性と限界

6. 安全保障体制の類型 ――国際社会の平和は、如何なる手段で達成できるのだろうか

7. 公共財と集合行為問題 ――なぜ、国家は互いに協力できないのだろうか

8. (試験)

9. 心理学の視点 ――なぜ、国際政治の世界では、適切な政策が形成されないことが多いのだろうか

10. マスメディアと国際関係 ――新聞やテレビの報道は、世論にどのような影響を与えるのだろうか

11. テロリズム ――国際的なテロに対する戦争の特徴と、途上国の若者がテロ行為に走る動機

12. 国際金融 (1) ――国際金融はどのような仕組みで動いており、何により方向性が左右されるのだろうか

13. 国際金融 (2) ――グローバル化する経済は如何に成長し、それを支える国際制度はどのように発展してきたのだろうか

14. 自由貿易 (1) ――自由貿易とは、国益を高める有意義なものなのだろうか

15. 自由貿易 (2) ――経済協力を通じて成長するアジア太平洋地域の自由貿易と、多様化する日本の国益

16. (試験)

1. Basic theories (International Relations): two different analytical perspectives to capture international relations

2. Basic theories (International Political Economy): three different analytical perspectives to capture international economic issues

3. State sovereignty: what are "sovereign states," and what are their purposes in the international society?

4. International law: what are the key characteristics of international law, and in what sense is international law different from domestic law?

5. Power in international relations: the utility and limitations of "hard power," "soft power," and "moral power"

6. Security systems: in what way can we bring about peace in the international society?

7. Public goods and the collective action problem: why is it difficult to facilitate cooperation between states?

8. Exam

9. Psychological approaches: why is it often difficult to make optimal decisions on international issues?

10. International relations and the media: to what extent are the media influential, in terms of its ability to shape public opinion?

11. International terrorism: the characteristics of the war against terrorists and the reason why the youth in developing nations become terrorists

12. International finance (1): in what way does the international financial system operate, and what are the factors which determine its operation?

13. International finance (1): in what way has the global economy grown, and in what way have the international economic institutions developed?

14. Free trade (1): is free trade significant, in terms of the maximization of national interests?

15. Free trade (2): regional free trade in the Asia-Pacific, facilitated by international economic institutions, and Japan's diverse national interests

16. Exam

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method

- 中間試験40%
- 期末試験40%
- 出席状況20%

- Mid-term exam: 40%
- Final exam: 40%
- Class attendance: 20%

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review



    Students should make use of the handout during class. They should take notes on the lecture during class, and go over the handout with notes after class. They should take detailed notes if they want to perform well on the exams.

    Students do not have to purchase any book. Several books/articles are designated as recommended readings. They are not necessarily useful for the exams because they are not the basis of the lecture, but additional materials for those who want to learn more about the lecture. To prepare for the exams, students should attend the class every week.

    実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness


    授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]

    Not necessary

    その他/In Addition

    - これは入門レベルの講座であり、専門レベルの知識を求める学生には適していない
    - 質問がある場合は事前に予約を取り、研究室を訪問すること
    - 読みたい参考文献が図書館にない場合は、教員から個別に入手するとよい

    - This is a course at a basic level, and therefore not suitable for those who seek knowledge at an advanced level.
    - Students should make an appointment and visit the course instructor's office when they have questions.
    - If reference materials are unavailable at the library, students may contact the course instructor and obtain their copies.

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