
178 件ヒット (0.03秒):

  •   子供の病態と治療に関する知識に基づいたアセスメント Assessment based on knowledge about child's pathophysiology and treatment  
      塩飽 仁  
      2024年10月3日(木)-2025年1月16日(木) October 3 2024 - January 16 2025  
      毎週木曜日 14:40-16:10 Thursday, 14:40-16:10  


    In this course, students will understand the children's diseases and treatment and learn about pathophysiology, examination, approach to treatment and symptom management.

  •   内科学概論 Internal Medicine  
      正宗 淳  
      ISTU視聴登録完了後~随時 ISTU.  



    Aim and outline:

    Professors of internal medicine in tohoku university hospital will give lectures regarding pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.

  •   内科学概論 Internal Medicine  
      正宗 淳  
      ISTU視聴登録完了後~随時 ISTU.  



    Aim and outline:

    Professors of internal medicine in tohoku university hospital will give lectures regarding pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.

  •   臨床医学総論Ⅰ  
      佐藤 遥, 三浦 昌人  
      前期 月曜日 3講時 保健学科第1演習室 / 後期 月曜日 4講時 保健学科第6講義室  



    In 3 semester, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatments of cardiovascular and respiratory disease are lectured. In 4 semester, pathophysiology and diagnosis of digestive disease are lectured.

  •   子供の疾病の診断および治療に関する診療トレーニングとケアの視点 Clinical training and care perspectives regarding the diagnosis and treatment of children's diseases  
      塩飽 仁  
      2024年4月9日(火)-2024年7月16日(火) April 9 2024 - July 16 2024  
      毎週火曜日 8:50-12:00 Tuesday, 8:50-12:00  


    The purpose of this class is to provide advanced and specialized nursing care for children with complex and difficult-to-solve health problems, their families, and the people surrounding them. And the aim is to learn through practical training about treatments and the perspectives of care based on them.

  •   子供と家族の理論とアセスメント Theories and assessment of advanced practical nursing for children and their families  
      塩飽 仁  
      2024年4月8日(月)-2024年8月5日(月) April 8 2024 -August 5 2024  
      毎週月曜日 8:50-10:20 Monday, 08:50-10:20  


    Students will learn about growth and development theories based on the individual characteristics of children and families, who are the targets of nursing care, and their mutual and complementary effects.

    The content of the lecture focuses on the physical, psychological, and social developmental problems that appear during school-age and adolescence, and their backgrounds.

    Students will learn about mental development, physical growth, and In addition to understanding the interrelationships between diseases and disabilities, students will learn how to comprehensively assess children and their families from physical, psychological, and social aspects.

  •   フィジカルアセスメント / Physical assessment  
      宮下 光令  
      2024年10月2日(水)~2025年1月30日(木) From Wednesday, October 2, 2024, to Thursday, January 30, 2025  
      毎週水曜日または木曜日の16:20~17:50または18:00~19:30 Every Wednesday or Thursday, From 16:20 to 17:50 or from 18:00 to 19:30  


    In this course, to perform clinical reasoning on subjects with complex health problems, students will integratedly learn physical assessment in multidisciplinary feild and aquire new knowledge and perspectives.

  •   臨床遺伝学 Ⅰ (Clinical Genetics I)  
      青木 洋子  
      金曜日 14:40~16:10 [Friday 14:40~16:10] (講師の都合により曜日変更の可能性あり)  

    ヒトの遺伝性疾患・先天異常の診断、治療・管理、遺伝カウンセリングを扱う臨床遺伝学について理解し、代表的な遺伝性疾患、すなわち周産期、小児(染色体異常、先天異常・奇形症候群)、成人(単一遺伝子病、多因子遺伝病)、神経・筋疾患、家族性腫瘍などの分子機構、症状、管理から心理社会的側面までを学ぶ.さらに、遺伝形式に応じた再発率の推定についても学習する。 [ Understand the clinical genetics involved in the diagnosis, treatment and management of human genetic disorders and birth defects, and genetic counseling. Representative genetic disorders such as perinatal, children (chromosomal abnormalities, birth defects and malformation syndrome), Students will learn from the molecular mechanisms, symptoms, management and psychosocial aspects of adults (single-gene diseases, multifactorial diseases), neuromuscular diseases, familial tumors, etc. In addition, learn how to estimate the recurrence rate according to the genetic pattern.]

  •   薬物療法学1  
      富岡 佳久, 松本 洋太郎  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 薬学部中講義室  



    Pharmacotherapy learns basic knowledge on how to use medicines and how to select medicines based on individual patient information and medicinal information based on the understanding of the pathology and symptoms of typical diseases, and from the perspective of patient QOL and proper use of medicine Understand that contributing to drug treatment from.

    Pharmacotherapy 1 learns the outline of each disease regarding blood / hematopoietic disorders, nerve and muscle diseases, mental disorders, ear and nose and throat diseases, eye diseases, infectious diseases, and malignant tumors, Estimate etiology and disease name from laboratory findings and understand how to decide therapeutic policy and prescription. Learn the points of caution in using individual drugs. Classes, along with lectures, conduct surveys, presentations and discussions by small group.

  •   寄生虫学  
      佐藤 光, 青柳 哲史  
      前期 月曜日 5講時 保健学科第1演習室  


    In the past, parasitic infections were common in Japan due to hygiene problems, but due to the rapid economic development that followed, the number of parasitic infections decreased and was gradually forgotten. However, parasitic diseases have become a clinically important problem by the recent boom in overseas travel, pet breeding, gourmet tastes, and an increase in immune-compromised hosts such as AIDS. In this lecture, learn about parasitic diseases, medical animals, and the examination methods necessary for their diagnosis.
