
1644 件ヒット (0.018秒):

  •   運動学概論Ⅰ Introduction to exercise science 1  
      門間 陽樹  
      2024年4月9日~2024年7月23日 April 9 - July 22, 2024  
      火曜日 午前 8:30~10:00 Tuesdays 8:30 am - 10:00 pm  


    This class focuses on understanding of fundamental structure of scientific approach to exercise and sports science. How to find a research question, how to make a hypothesis, appropriate study design to examine hypothesis, why statistical evaluation is necessary, and interpretation of analyzed results, are topics to be covered. Since exercise science involves multimodal approaches from molecules to population, outlines of methodological approach will only briefly be introduced.

  •   運動学概論Ⅱ Introduction to exercise science 2  
      門間 陽樹  
      2024年10月1日~2025年1月21日 Oct 1, 2024 - Jan 21, 2025  
      火曜日 午前 8:30~10:00 Tuesdays 8:30 am - 10:00 am  


    This class focuses on understanding of fundamental structure of scientific approach to exercise and sports science. How to find a research question, how to make a hypothesis, appropriate study design to examine hypothesis, why statistical evaluation is necessary, and interpretation of analyzed results, are topics to be covered. Since exercise science involves multimodal approaches from molecules to population, outlines of methodological approach will only briefly be introduced.

  •   運動学特論Ⅱ Advanced lecture for exercise science 2  
      門間 陽樹  
      2024年10月1日~2025年1月21日 October 1, 2024 - January 21, 2025  
      火曜日 午前 10:00~12:00 Tuesdays 10:00 am - 12:00 am  


    Exercise science requires diverse approach to understand the questions arising from human activity. There are, however, common logics behind the scientific approach. I expect the participants of this class to deepen the understanding of scientific approach in exercise science. Identifying research questions through thorough search of scientific literature. The core item of science is the fact based on data obtained under the consensus of scientists; what data will be obtained from what (whom), when, where and how, and why the data is necessary to answer the question. The structure of the hypothesis needs to be as clear as possible. The aim of the class is to grow and develop understanding of the scientific approaches in exercise science.

  •   運動学特論Ⅰ Advanced lecture for exercise science 1  
      門間 陽樹  
      2024年4月9日~7月23日 April 9, - July 23, 2024  
      火曜日 午前 10:00~12:00 Tuesdays 10:00 am - 12:00 am  


    Exercise science requires diverse approach to understand the questions arising from human activity. There are, however, common logics behind the scientific approach. I expect the participants of this class to deepen the understanding of scientific approach in exercise science. Identifying research questions through thorough search of scientific literature. The core item of science is the fact based on data obtained under the consensus of scientists; what data will be obtained from what (whom), when, where and how, and why the data is necessary to answer the question. The structure of the hypothesis needs to be as clear as possible. The aim of the class is to grow and develop understanding of the scientific approaches in exercise science.

  •   運動学実習Ⅱ Exercise testing 2  
      門間 陽樹  
      2024年10月4日~2025年1月24 October 4, 2024 - January 24, 2025  
      受講者との相談(原則隔週) 2~3 時間/回 金曜日午後 Fridays (afternoon; course time and date is subject to scheduling) One session lasts 2 to 3 hours /  


    Students experience various type of exercise testings.

  •   運動処方学Ⅱ Exercise prescription 2  
      門間 陽樹  
      2024年10月1日~2025年1月21日 October 1, 2024 - January 21, 2025  
      水曜日 17:30~19:00 Wednesdays 17:30 - 19:00  


    Exercise and training may be recommended for healthy individuals and athletes to maintain and improve health and athletic performance. In such cases, exercise prescription is used to provide conditions such as the type, duration and intensity of exercise/training. In this course, students deepen their understanding of the effects expected from exercise prescription, as well as the methods of evaluating exercise, physical activity, and physical fitness that are primarily assessed in healthy individuals and athletes.

  •   行動医学実習Ⅰ,(Ⅱ) Experiment of Behavioral Medicine Ⅰ,(Ⅱ)  
      金澤 素  
      Ⅰ:2024年4月10日(水)~2024年9月25日(水) Apr 10 – Sep 25, 2024 (Ⅱ:2024年10月2日(水)~2025年2月26日(水) Oct 2, 2024 -Feb 26, 2025) (ISTU:新年度システム更新作業終了後~翌年1月末)(From the beginning of new ISTU system operation to Jan 31, 2025)  
      授業と実習の中で指定する。 To be announced by the Associate Professor /  

    行動医学は健康と疾病に関する学際的研究領域である。その目的は、行動科学、医学、生物学を発展かつ統合させ、疾病の予防、病因解明、診断、治療、機能回復を図ることにある。行動医学は心身医学とともに心理と身体の相互関係を追求する医学でもある。本授業では、信頼性とインパクトが高い背景をもとに、独創的な仮説としてあり得るものを院生と教員で討議し、それを検証する具体的な方法を実習することを目的とする。 To find the novel hypothesis in behavioral medicine.

  •   行動医学実習(Ⅰ),Ⅱ Experiment of Behavioral Medicine (Ⅰ),Ⅱ  
      金澤 素  
      (Ⅰ:2024年4月10日(水)~2024年9月25日(水) Apr 10 – Sep 25, 2024) Ⅱ:2024年10月2日(水)~2025年2月26日(水) Oct 2, 2024 -Feb 26, 2025 (ISTU:新年度システム更新作業終了後~翌年1月末)(From the beginning of new ISTU system operation to Jan 31, 2025)  
      授業と実習の中で指定する。 To be announced by the Associate Professor /  

    行動医学は健康と疾病に関する学際的研究領域である。その目的は、行動科学、医学、生物学を発展かつ統合させ、疾病の予防、病因解明、診断、治療、機能回復を図ることにある。行動医学は心身医学とともに心理と身体の相互関係を追求する医学でもある。本授業では、信頼性とインパクトが高い背景をもとに、独創的な仮説としてあり得るものを院生と教員で討議し、それを検証する具体的な方法を実習することを目的とする。 To find the novel hypothesis in behavioral medicine.

  •   医学概論II(Introduction to Medicine and History of Medicine Ⅱ)  
      海老原 覚  
      2024年10月8日(火)~2025年1月21日(火) Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - Tuesday, January 21, 2025  
      毎週火曜日(Tuesday) 13:30~16:30  

    医学系研究科に学ぶ大学院生としての医学一般の素養をつける (To learn the basis of medicine as a student of graduate school of medicine)

  •   運動学実習Ⅰ Exercise testing 1  
      門間 陽樹  
      2024年4月12日~7月21日 April 12 - July 21, 2024  
      受講者との相談(原則隔週) 3~4 時間/回 金曜日 Fridays (course time and date is subject to scheduling) One session lasts 3 to 4 hours /  


    Students experience various type of exercise testings.
