
3881 件ヒット (0.023秒):

  •   美学・西洋美術史各論 / Aesthetics and History of European Fine Arts (Special Lectur  
      足達 薫  
      後期 月曜日 4講時  


    The word "beauty" in the Japanese word "art" often makes us forget the fact that paintings and sculptures create not only beauty but also more diverse senses. However, from ancient times to the present, painting and sculpture have also produced laughter. In this class, we will look at Italian Renaissance art to understand how visual humor emerged through specific works.

  •   美学・西洋美術史特論Ⅱ / Aesthetics and History of European Fine Arts (Advanced Lecture I )  
      足達 薫  
      後期 月曜日 4講時  


    The word "beauty" in the Japanese word "art" often makes us forget the fact that paintings and sculptures create not only beauty but also more diverse senses. However, from ancient times to the present, painting and sculpture have also produced laughter. In this class, we will look at Italian Renaissance art to understand how visual humor emerged through specific works.

  •   美学・西洋美術史特論Ⅰ / Aesthetics and History of European Fine Arts (Advanced Lecture I )  
      足達 薫  
      前期 月曜日 4講時  


    In contemporary art and photography, we often refer to works of art that shake the boundaries between reality and fiction, nature and technology as "magical. However, the correlation between art and magic was already discovered in ancient times, and in the early modern period, art and magic (and science) developed as artificial arts that manipulate nature, intermingling at an essential level. In this class, we will focus on the Italian Renaissance in particular, and through the analysis of specific works and examples of artists, we will explain aspects of art that are often forgotten in the modern world.

  •   美学・西洋美術史各論 / Aesthetics and History of European Fine Arts (Special Lectur  
      足達 薫  
      前期 月曜日 4講時  


    In contemporary art and photography, we often refer to works of art that shake the boundaries between reality and fiction, nature and technology as "magical. However, the correlation between art and magic was already discovered in ancient times, and in the early modern period, art and magic (and science) developed as artificial arts that manipulate nature, intermingling at an essential level. In this class, we will focus on the Italian Renaissance in particular, and through the analysis of specific works and examples of artists, we will explain aspects of art that are often forgotten in the modern world.

  •   美学・西洋美術史概論 / Aesthetics and History of European Fine Arts (General Lecture)  
      足達 薫  
      前期 火曜日 5講時  

    中世末期から現代にかけての絵画および彫刻の発展過程を理解するためには、「アーティスト」および「アート」という概念 の形成過程を理解することが必要不可欠です。この授業では、信仰や崇拝の対象として制作されていた絵画や彫刻が、いかにして現代の私たちが知るアートへと「変容」していったかを、特に重要な役割を果たした作品および事例の分析を通じて概観します。

    In order to understand the development of painting and sculpture from the late Middle Ages to the present day, it is essential to understand how the concepts of "artist" and "art" were formed. In this course, we will look at how paintings and sculptures, which were originally created as objects of faith and worship, were "transformed" into the art that we know today through the analysis of works and examples that played a particularly important role.

  •   芸術  
      尾崎 彰宏  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC104  


    1回目のイントロダクションの授業において、講義のおおよその見取り図を示す。While surveying Western art from ancient times to modern times, I would like to explore the era in which it was produced through works of art. In general, it is often said that art is created by the times, but here I would like to speak from the standpoint that art is the most representative of the times. Students will learn how works of art influenced the formation of society and culture by the aesthetics, ideas, and religions of the time.

    In the first introductory class, a rough sketch of the lecture will be shown.

  •   美学・西洋美術史基礎講読 / History of Oriental and Japanese Fine Arts (Introductory Laboratory Work)  
      森田 優子  
      前期 木曜日 4講時  


    This course aims to improve the students' ability to read English texts in detail and their necessary knowledge for the research of art works.

  •   美学・西洋美術史基礎講読 / Aesthetics and History of European Fine Arts (Introductory Reading)  
      森田 優子  
      後期 木曜日 4講時  


    This course aims to improve the students' ability to read English texts in detail and their necessary knowledge for research of art works and to introduce the students to read the texts in other languages.

  •   美学・西洋美術史演習 / Aesthetics and History of European Fine Arts (Seminar)  
      前期 木曜日 5講時  


    In the history of Western Art and Aesthetics, in comparison to the ideals of beauty and sublime, the "comic" and laughter have received very little attention. And yet, the connection between "beauty" and "laughter" can be a surprisingly complex problem. Referring to several materials, and beginning from the daily experience of laughter of the students, we will explore the aesthetics of comic and irony.

  •   芸術  
      尾崎 彰宏  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC104  


    1回目のイントロダクションの授業において、講義のおおよその見取り図を示す。While surveying Western art from ancient times to modern times, I would like to explore the era in which it was produced through works of art. In general, it is often said that art is created by the times, but here I would like to speak from the standpoint that art is the most representative of the times. Students will learn how works of art influenced the formation of society and culture by the aesthetics, ideas, and religions of the time.

    In the first introductory class, a rough sketch of the lecture will be shown.
