
4634 件ヒット (0.02秒):

  •   比較文化史学研究演習Ⅱ / Comparative Studies of Cultural History(Advanced Seminar)II  
      寺山 恭輔  
      後期 金曜日 4講時  


    This course aims to improve the students' ability to read Russian and English texts about Russian and Soviet history with accuracy and rapidity and expand their vocabulary. In each class the person in charge will present the main points of the text and all of attendees will evaluate and discuss it.

    Text selection depends on the level of the students.

  •   比較文化史学研究演習Ⅰ / Comparative Studies of Cultural History(Advanced Seminar)I  
      寺山 恭輔  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


    This course aims to improve the students' ability to read Russian and English texts about Russian and Soviet history with accuracy and rapidity and expand their vocabulary. In each class the person in charge will present the main points of the text and all of attendees will evaluate and discuss it.

    Text selection depends on the level of the students.

  •   比較文化史学特論Ⅰ / Comparative Studies of Cultural History (Advanced Lecture) I  
      寺山 恭輔  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    More than 100 years have passed since the Russian October Revolution formed the USSR in 1922.The Study of Soviet history, though it progressed over the first seven decades, advanced especially after its collapse 30 years ago. This course begins with tracing the history of Soviet Studies in and out of Russia for about a century, and focuses on the Soviet far eastern region of the Stalin era.

  •   西欧経済史演習(I)a  
      YOH KAWANA  
      前期 金曜日 2講時 経済学研究科402演習室  




    In this seminar, students are expected to evaluate the differing concepts and tools used in the study of Economic History, but more importantly, to recognize the power of the historical past and how it shaped the structure of our society. Our discussion will mainly focus on the modern European economy but students are encouraged to adopt a comparative approach in order to see the differences and similarities between Asia and European economies from a wider historical perspective.

    Those who wish to participate in the seminar should contact the instructor in advance.

    For more information: http://www2.econ.tohoku.ac.jp/~kawana/indexeng.html

  •   西欧経済史演習(I)b  
      YOH KAWANA  
      後期 金曜日 2講時 経済学研究科402演習室  




    In this seminar, students are expected to evaluate the differing concepts and tools used in the study of Economic History, but more importantly, to recognize the power of the historical past and how it shaped the structure of our society. Our discussion will mainly focus on the modern European economy but students are encouraged to adopt a comparative approach in order to see the differences and similarities between Asia and European economies from a wider historical perspective.

    Those who wish to participate in the seminar should contact the instructor in advance.

    For more information: http://www2.econ.tohoku.ac.jp/~kawana/indexeng.html

  •   フランス文化学特論Ⅰ / French Culture(Advanced Lecture)I  
      前期 水曜日 4講時  

    The main aims of the course will be to :

    - deepen the method of text explanation

    - learn how to analyze a narrative work

    - analyze a writing of memory and melancholy , confronting individual and collective history

    The main aims of the course will be to :

    - deepen the method of text explanation

    - learn how to analyze a narrative work

    - analyze a writing of memory and melancholy , confronting individual and collective history

  •   英語Ⅰ-A  
      カヴァナ バリー  
      後期集中 その他 連講 オンライン  

    Students will improve their academic vocabulary and reading comprehension skills.

    The course has two objectives:

    Objective 1: Improve reading and vocabulary-building skills

    Objective 2: Recognize the text’s main idea, key information.

  •   英文学・英語学基礎講読Ⅰ / English Literature and Linguistics (Introductory Reading)I  
      前期 木曜日 3講時  

    This course will consider the period of the “Postwar” in British Literature (1945-2000s). We will read a selection of short stories and study them in the literary, historical and cultural context of literature after World War Two. Topics for study will include: the style of the short story; social class and change in post-war Britain; gender and identity; science, technology and the environment; understanding literary history and periodization of the modern. Students should improve skills for reading fiction in English and understanding comparative modern culture.


  •   実践ロシア語Ⅱ  
      ラエフスキー アレクサンドル  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA306  

    本授業の目的は、ロシア語の学生のうち特に希望するものを対象に、個別化されたガイダンスとコーチングのもとで、学生それぞれの学習目的・目標、現状の能力、学習条件に合わせた形でのロシア語運用能力拡張の機会を提供することにある。ロシア語の音声・文章理解・音声・文章産出・音声でのやりとりの各技能領域についてバランスの取れた運用能力を獲得することをめざす。 また、もう一つ大事なのは、楽しくロシア語を練習するのも重要なポイントです。

    The purpose of this course is to provide personalized guidance and coaching to students of Russian language who are particularly interested in learning it. The aim is to give opportunities for students to expand their Russian language proficiency. We aim to acquire a well-balanced operational ability in areas of pronunciation, sentence comprehension, speech and sentence production, and vocal interaction in Russian language. And having fun while studying is also very important!

  •   基礎ドイツ語Ⅱ  
      佐藤 雪野、摂津 隆信  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA103 / 後期 木曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA103  


    This course provides students basic knowledge of German grammar and also of culture and history of German speaking area.
