

後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA306. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): ラエフスキー アレクサンドル 所属:文学研究科. 対象学部/Object: 全. 開講期/Term: 6セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目言語科目-ロシア語. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZAE-OAR803J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject


Aiming at high level of conversation in Russian language

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

本授業の目的は、ロシア語の学生のうち特に希望するものを対象に、個別化されたガイダンスとコーチングのもとで、学生それぞれの学習目的・目標、現状の能力、学習条件に合わせた形でのロシア語運用能力拡張の機会を提供することにある。ロシア語の音声・文章理解・音声・文章産出・音声でのやりとりの各技能領域についてバランスの取れた運用能力を獲得することをめざす。 また、もう一つ大事なのは、楽しくロシア語を練習するのも重要なポイントです。

The purpose of this course is to provide personalized guidance and coaching to students of Russian language who are particularly interested in learning it. The aim is to give opportunities for students to expand their Russian language proficiency. We aim to acquire a well-balanced operational ability in areas of pronunciation, sentence comprehension, speech and sentence production, and vocal interaction in Russian language. And having fun while studying is also very important!

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


The aim for students is to acquire a higher level of Russian language proficiency upon completion of this course. Acquire basic communication skills to get information necessary for daily life, to be able to use basic expressions to convey your intentions, and exchange simple opinions, and acquire reading comprehension skills. 

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class


1回 授業紹介、復習
2回 夏休みについて話しましょう
3回 ロシアの食べ物・料理について話しましょう
4回 読解・書く能力のチェック
5回 ロシアの曲を聴きながら、ロシア語を勉強しましょう
6回 読解・書く能力のチェック
7回 ロシアの地理について話しましょう
8回 ロシアの昔話を読みましょう
9回 ロシアに文化について話しましょう
10回 読解・書く能力のチェック
11回 ロシアの歴史について話しましょう
12回 ロシアの曲を聴きながら、ロシア語を勉強しましょう
13回 読解・書く能力のチェック
14回 まとめ
15回 まとめ

After clarifying each student's learning purpose/goal, current ability, and learning conditions in the first class, we will carry out learning activities individually or in groups. A considerable amount of time is required to study outside of class. In addition, each student's learning menu and learning activities will be reviewed from time to time depending on their learning situation, and will always be optimized.

Lesson 1. Introduction
Lesson 2. Talking about summer vacations
Lesson 3. Talking about Russian food
Lesson 4. Reading/writing skills check
Lesson 5. Learning Russian language by listening to Russian songs
Lesson 6. Reading/writing skills check
Lesson 7. Talking about Russian geography
Lesson 8. Reading Russian folktales
Lesson 9. Talking about Russian culture
Lesson 10. Reading/writing skills check
Lesson 11. Talking about Russian history
Lesson 12. Learning Russian language by listening to Russian songs
Lesson 13. Reading/writing skills check
Lesson 14. Conclusion
Lesson 15. Final lesson

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


Evaluations will be made taking into account the degree of improvement in Russian language proficiency based on evaluations based on CEFR, and learning efforts based on out-of-class study time and degree of participation in in-class learning activities.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


    As mentioned above, in order to take this course, students are required to spend a considerable amount of time studying outside of class, depending on their own learning objectives and goals.

    授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]

    不要  No

     これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認