
2260 件ヒット (0.012秒):

  •   実践宗教学各論 / Practical Religious Studies (Special Lecture)  
      髙橋 原  
      後期 水曜日 5講時  


    Students learn how religion has played the role of care for the people facing death.

  •   実践宗教学特論Ⅳ / Practical Religious Studies (Advanced Lecture)  
      髙橋 原  
      後期 水曜日 5講時  


    Students learn how religion has played the role of care for the people facing death.

  •   実践宗教学各論 / Practical Religious Studies (Special Lecture)  
      谷山 洋三, 文学部教官  
      後期 金曜日 4講時  


    Discussing on spiritual care in Japan and confirming its diversity and challenges; such as the background of the birth of Rinsho-shukyo-shi, or interfaith chaplain, the difference between spiritual care and religious care, and the utilization of religious resources as the commonality of both cares, The students will explore the specifics of care practice and deepen their understanding through a workshop.

  •   実践宗教学特論Ⅱ / Practical Religious Studies (Advanced Lecture)  
      文学研究科教官, 谷山 洋三  
      後期 金曜日 4講時  


    Discussing on spiritual care in Japan and confirming its diversity and challenges; such as the background of the birth of Rinsho-shukyo-shi, or interfaith chaplain, the difference between spiritual care and religious care, and the utilization of religious resources as the commonality of both cares, The students will explore the specifics of care practice and deepen their understanding through a workshop.

  •   実践宗教学各論 / Practical Religious Studies (Special Lecture)  
      谷山 洋三, 文学部教官  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


    The source of social welfare is the charity activities of various religions, including Christianity. Although these charity activities themselves are significant, they are limited by the times, and there are issues with human rights awareness and equality. By overcoming such pre-modern challenges, "social welfare" based on individual freedom developed. Based on this background, we will consider the relationship between religion and social welfare, using examples such as the history of Buddhist social welfare in Japan, Buddhists and social welfare activities in Bangladesh, the Vihara Ward of Nagaoka Nishi Hospital, and support activities for victims after the Great East Japan Earthquake, and so on. We will examine the role of religion in Japanese society, which is becoming a super-aging death-ridden society.

  •   応用死生学研究実習Ⅰ / Practical Studies on Death & Life (Advanced Field Experience)  
      谷山 洋三, 文学研究科教官, 髙橋 原  
      前期 木曜日 1講時  

    死生学的課題にとりくむ現場を参与観察するとともに、スピリチュアルケア実践の実習を行い、実習先・ケアチームの状況理 解、倫理的課題、ケア対象者のニードと対応、ケア提供者の責任と実践力を身につける。実習報告会(会話記録検討会など) では、他の履修者の実習内容から、実践の多様性とフレキシビリティを学びつつ、自己課題に向き合い、ケア提供者としての 自己の適性を明らかにする。

    Students participate and observe the clinical sites that deal with life-and-death issues and spiritual care. They improve the specific understanding of care team, ethical issues, needs and responses of the clients, responsibility and practical ability of care providers. In practice report sessions (including verbatim sesson, etc.), each student learns about the diversity and flexibility of practice from the reports of other students, faces self-goals, and clarifies their aptitude as a care provider.

  •   実践宗教学特論Ⅰ / Practical Religious Studies (Advanced Lecture)  
      谷山 洋三, 文学研究科教官  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


    The source of social welfare is the charity activities of various religions, including Christianity. Although these charity activities themselves are significant, they are limited by the times, and there are issues with human rights awareness and equality. By overcoming such pre-modern challenges, "social welfare" based on individual freedom developed. Based on this background, we will consider the relationship between religion and social welfare, using examples such as the history of Buddhist social welfare in Japan, Buddhists and social welfare activities in Bangladesh, the Vihara Ward of Nagaoka Nishi Hospital, and support activities for victims after the Great East Japan Earthquake, and so on. We will examine the role of religion in Japanese society, which is becoming a super-aging death-ridden society.

  •   応用死生学研究実習Ⅱ / Practical Studies on Death & Life (Advanced Field Experience)  
      髙橋 原, 谷山 洋三, 文学研究科教官  
      後期 木曜日 1講時  

    スピリチュアルケアが提供される現場での実習と参与観察を行い、これに基づいてケーススタディによるレポート(会話記録 など)を作成・発表し、職掌の理解、倫理的課題の把握と分析、多職種チームアプローチの方法と意義、ケア提供者の責任と 倫理について、実践的な視点から考察する。実習報告会(会話記録検討会など)では、他の履修者の実践内容に基づいて、自 己の実践性について相互評価を行う。

    Students conduct the clinical training and observe the clinical sites where spiritual care is provided. They write and present reports (such as vervatim) based on this field experience, to grasp and analyze the ethical issues, multi-disciplinary team approach, and the responsibilities of the care provider; through practical perspective. In practice report sessions (including verbatim sesson, etc.), students evaluate his/her prformance each other through the reports.

  •   実践宗教学各論 / Practical Religious Studies (Special Lecture)  
      髙橋 原  
      前期 水曜日 5講時  


    Students will read literature on the history and culture related to death and grief in Japanese cultural tradition.

  •   応用死生学研究実習Ⅳ / Practical Studies on Death & Life (Advanced Field Experience)  
      髙橋 原, 谷山 洋三, 文学研究科教官  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


    Each Student verbalizes own emotions and reflects on his/her own life history, in self-disclosure and introspection workshops. He/She reflects and evaluates his/her own care skills and listening attitudes through these group sessions, based on the field experience in Practical Studies on Death & Life II. They better improve practical skills by continuing self-evaluation and reflection.
