
245 件ヒット (0.031秒):

  •   研究のための倫理(日本語)  
      遠藤 寿一  
      後期集中 その他 連講  

    研究不正には2つの側面がある。ひとつは、研究の科学的客観性を損なうという側面、もうひとつは被験者(調査対象者・調査協力者)の利益を損なうという側面である。本授業では、自然科学系の研究と人文社会系の研究の特性の差異を踏まえながら、これら2つの側面において研究不正を防止するために必要な基礎的知識(研究倫理の歴史、規範、課題など)の修得を目標とする。[Research misconduct has two aspects. One is the aspect of damaging the scientific objectivity of research, and the other is the aspect of harming the interests of subjects (respondents, participants). While taking account of the differences in the characteristics of research in the natural sciences and research in the humanities and social sciences, this course will provide students with the basic knowledge necessary to prevent research misconduct (history of research ethics, norms, key issues, etc.) in these two aspects. ]

  •   研究倫理特論 / Research Ethics (Advanced Lecture)  
      阿部 恒之, 小泉 政利, 辻本 昌弘, 中西 太郎, 浜田 宏, 原 塑, 坂井 信之  
      前期 水曜日 5講時  


    In this course, the theoretical basis of research ethics and integrity, as well as ethical problems typical of various research fields of humanities and social sciences are discussed.

  •   人文社会科学総合 / Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences  
      阿部 恒之, 辻本 昌弘, 原 塑, 小泉 政利, 坂井 信之, 中西 太郎, 浜田 宏  
      前期 水曜日 5講時  


    In this course, the theoretical basis of research ethics and integrity, as well as ethical problems typical of various research fields of humanities and social sciences are discussed.

  •   生命倫理学(検査)  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 保健学科大講義室  


    (1) 臨床場面において、患者の意思を尊重しながら、倫理性・社会性・科学性に基づいた合理的な意思決定が行えるように修練する。

    (2) 人間の生老病死にまつわる科学技術と医療、社会との関わりを考察することで、医療職に求められる高い水準の規範、倫理観、死生観を涵養する。

    (3) 社会の要請に対応したプロフェッショナリズムを身に付け、適切なリーダーシップや倫理・心理・社会的問題に対応できる能力を養う。

    概要 :



    (1) To be able to make rational decisions based on ethical, social, and scientific aspects while respecting patients' intentions in clinical settings.

    (2) To cultivate the high-level norms, ethics, and views of life and death required for medical profession by examining the relationship between science and technology, medical care, and society related to human aging and mortality.

    (3) To acquire professionalism that responds to the demands of society, and to develop appropriate leadership and the ability to respond to ethical, psychological and social issues.


    Lecture is a main part of this course, including occasional small group discussions.

  •   研究倫理実践論 Research Ethics and Ethics Committee  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      4月8日以降、第一学年中 After April 8th, during the first year  
      開講曜日・時期・時間は履修者と担当教員が合議の上決定する。to be determined after consulting with students  

    人を対象にした医学系研究に係る倫理的問題を包括的に教育する。また研究倫理審査委員会に陪席し倫理審査の実際を経験する。This course provides comprehensive educational program concerning research ethics with humans. Students observe research ethics reviews in Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and Tohoku University Hospital.

  •   生命倫理学(放射線)  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 保健学科大講義室  


    (1) 臨床場面において、患者の意思を尊重しながら、倫理性・社会性・科学性に基づいた合理的な意思決定が行えるように修練する。

    (2) 人間の生老病死にまつわる科学技術と医療、社会との関わりを考察することで、医療職に求められる高い水準の規範、倫理観、死生観を涵養する。

    (3) 社会の要請に対応したプロフェッショナリズムを身に付け、適切なリーダーシップや倫理・心理・社会的問題に対応できる能力を養う。

    概要 :



    (1) To be able to make rational decisions based on ethical, social, and scientific aspects while respecting patients' intentions in clinical settings.

    (2) To cultivate the high-level norms, ethics, and views of life and death required for medical profession by examining the relationship between science and technology, medical care, and society related to human aging and mortality.

    (3) To acquire professionalism that responds to the demands of society, and to develop appropriate leadership and the ability to respond to ethical, psychological and social issues.


    Lecture is a main part of this course, including occasional small group discussions.

  •   生命倫理学(看護)  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 保健学科大講義室  


    (1) 臨床場面において、患者の意思を尊重しながら、倫理性・社会性・科学性に基づいた合理的な意思決定が行えるように修練する。

    (2) 人間の生老病死にまつわる科学技術と医療、社会との関わりを考察することで、医療職に求められる高い水準の規範、倫理観、死生観を涵養する。

    (3) 社会の要請に対応したプロフェッショナリズムを身に付け、適切なリーダーシップや倫理・心理・社会的問題に対応できる能力を養う。

    概要 :



    (1) To be able to make rational decisions based on ethical, social, and scientific aspects while respecting patients' intentions in clinical settings.

    (2) To cultivate the high-level norms, ethics, and views of life and death required for medical profession by examining the relationship between science and technology, medical care, and society related to human aging and mortality.

    (3) To acquire professionalism that responds to the demands of society, and to develop appropriate leadership and the ability to respond to ethical, psychological and social issues.


    Lecture is a main part of this course, including occasional small group discussions.

  •   会計職業倫理  
      前期 木曜日 2講時  



    We study the actual condition and cause of injustice, and the necessity of Accounting Professional Ethics. And we understand the basic theory, institution, and business about the Accounting Professional Ethics.

    We will be the Accounting Professional, we maintain the strong Ethics, and we make the excellent auditors, tax accountants, consultants, accountants.

  •   医用動物学 [Laboratory Animal Science]  
      三好 一郎  
      2024年 4月16日(火)~2024年 6月11日(火)(実習希望者が多ければ6/18も実施) [4/16, 2024(Tue)~6/11 2024(Tue) (Makeup class on 6/18 when the number of applicants exceeds the quota)]  
      毎週火曜日 10:30~12:00,6/11の実習のみ 13:00~17:00(実習希望者が多ければ6/18も実施) [10:30~12:00 on Tuesday]  


     The study using laboratory animals is indispensable in biological and medical research for scientific, legal and ethical reasons. The purpose of this class is that the students who will firstly use laboratory animals learn the significance and methods of the animal experiment and a kind of laboratory animals in addition to animal welfare and research ethics. The university qualifies students who attend at least four times of the class for the requirement of EDUCATION and TRAINING provided by the Tohoku University IACUC. In addition, attendances at the first and second of the class are required for the qualification.

  •   医用動物学 [Laboratory Animal Science]  
      三好 一郎  
      2024年 4月16日(火)~2024年 6月11日(火)(実習希望者が多ければ6/18も実施) [4/16, 2024(Tue)~6/11 2024(Tue) (Makeup class on 6/18 when the number of applicants exceeds the quota)]  
      毎週火曜日 10:30~12:00,6/11の実習のみ 13:00~17:00(実習希望者が多ければ6/18も実施) [10:30~12:00 on Tuesday]  


     The study using laboratory animals is indispensable in biological and medical research for scientific, legal and ethical reasons. The purpose of this class is that the students who will firstly use laboratory animals learn the significance and methods of the animal experiment and a kind of laboratory animals in addition to animal welfare and research ethics. The university qualifies students who attend at least four times of the class for the requirement of EDUCATION and TRAINING provided by the Tohoku University IACUC. In addition, attendances at the first and second of the class are required for the qualification.
